Friday, September 12, 2008

What Can You Do While You Recover From Lasik Eye Surgery?

What Can You Do While You Recover From Lasik Eye Surgery?
Once you've had your Lasik eye surgery, you probably want to resume their normal activities almost immediately, but be careful! Although Lasik surgery is not, you should still follow this approximate timetable before jumping back into their normal activities.

A few minutes after LASIK: Is someone else to drive you home. You may experience some sensitivity to light, to bring dark glasses and close the curtains, once you've reached home.

One to three days after LASIK: After you've given you a few days off to make sure there are no complications and go through the possible side effects, you are free to return to work. You will also have another doctor of his visit between the laser eye surgery and now. If you do not play contact sports, can now resume only be sensitive - skip surfing for now and stick to ping pong or yoga.

A week after LASIK: You can sleep easier, as is now allowed to stop using their protective eye goggles to sleep.

Two weeks after surgery: You can now use lotions, creams or makeup around their eyes if you wish.

Four weeks after LASIK: strenuous contact sports that has been avoided (such as soccer, boxing, karate or) can now be resumed, but use your best judgment, as it is still better to be cautious about success or beaten in their eye. Now you can also drive at night again, as it is advisable to avoid doing so for about a month after his laser eye surgery.

One or two months after laser eye surgery: You can swim and use hot tubs or whirlpools again.

Andrew Ford writes for Lasik for more articles visit at

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