Thursday, September 11, 2008

Laser Eye Surgery - Lose the Glasses

Laser Eye Surgery - Lose the Glasses
Laser correction surgery is truly a modern marvel, it is the best kind of technology when it comes to correcting your eyesight. Laser technology has progressed a long way from it humble beginnings in 1960. To the modern excimer laser that uses pulses of light to remove tissue from you cornea. The lasers now are capable of accurately sculpting the cornea of the eye, and changing the ability of the eye to focus and thus correcting your eyesight.

The results from laser eye surgery can be astonishing, it is however eye surgery and there are some potential risks, so it is not a procedure you should take lightly. Laser surgery is becoming increasingly popular and there are several types of treatment available. For many people the benefits of permanent sight correction far out way any potential risk.

Laser eye surgery is not painful (the eyes are anesthetized with drops) but it is not pleasant. The patient is awake throughout the procedure, and the eye lids are artificially held open. To the patient you will need to stare into buzzing lights, which can be very disorientating and even frightening.

The introduction of IntraLase allows the doctors to use a new blade-free laser technology for performing the critical first step in the lasik procedure. This is creating the corneal flap. Prior to IntraLase, this first step was done manually by doctors using a hand-held device with an oscillating metal razor blade, called a microkeratome. IntraLase replaces the metal cutting tool with a laser-precise, laser-cutting technology.

Once the corneal flap is created, the Laser is then used to reshape the cornea. Its a bit like adjusting the focus on a camera lense. Once reshaped the cornea then focuses the light correctly improving your vision.

It is highly advisable to contact your eye clinic and discuss the options and the procedure further before making any decisions. The results of laser eye surgery can be phenomenal, being able to throw away your old glasses is truly fantastic.

To find out more about eye correction surgery go to There is lots of free information.

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