Monday, February 11, 2008

Preparing for Eye Surgery

It is hard to imagine someone who has decided to undertake Lasik Eye surgery not being nervous beforehand about the procedure. But you can allay your fears by following the advice from your ophthalmologist about preparing for eye surgery. This way you have more chance that it will be fast and as painless as possible. LASIK eye surgery isn't a lengthy operation and is usually carried out in a doctor's consulting rooms or a day surgery facility. However, the speed of the procedure is no indication of the amount of preparation you need to do to be completely ready.

One of the most important things is to make sure that you have care organized for the period after the procedure. This includes how you will make your way home following the procedure as well as arranging for someone to be with you for 2-3 days after.

On the day make sure that you don't wear any make-up and better still don't wear it for 24 hours before. Unseen grit from make-up can drop into your eyes and lead to infection.

It is better not to drink alcohol for 2-3 days prior to your procedure. The same goes for products like perfume and lotion that contain alcohol.

You would do best to wear loose clothing that doesn't produce static or lint.

Make sure your surgeon has been told about any medications that you are taking and has approved their continued use. If that is the case then its OK to take them the day of the procedure together with a light meal.

Stop wearing hard contact lenses for 4 weeks and gas permeable lenses 3 weeks before your Lasik procedure. The reason for this is that your eye needs to be in a natural state and not have its shape distorted from wearing lenses. People who wear soft contact lenses need to discontinue wearing them three to five days prior to surgery.

So, once the ophthalmologist has ascertained that a person is a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery it's important to understand the steps needed to get ready for the big day. Most of preparing for eye surgery is simple, straightforward and much like preparing for any other medical procedure. There are some moments during the eye surgery though which may be disconcerting; however, if a person has discussed the procedure with his/her doctor and knows what to expect these moments will pass quickly.

About the Author
J Brennan's laser eye surgery information site provides advice on lasik surgery and vision correction news so that you can make an informed choice about whether laser eye surgery is right for you:

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