Monday, September 8, 2008

Laser Eye Surgery - Post Lasik Dry Eyes

Loosing the ability to see the world clearly is a problem many people face on a daily basis, there are many reasons why a person's sight can fail such as genetics, age and specific conditions that affect the vision. Some of the conditions that affect a person's ability to see clearly are myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia.

People who would like to recover their vision can do so in a safe way by undergoing a procedure which is called LASIK surgery, this type of non-intrusive surgery deals with the retina and corrects its curvature in order to help images focus exactly at the center of the retina. The procedures used in a LASIK surgery were originally developed in two countries: Colombia and Russia. The procedures that were used in order to correct the curvature of the cornea have been perfected over time and we now know such surgery as LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis). Let's describe some of the conditions that affect vision to provide a better picture of the reasons why a person may undergo this procedure.

Myopia is a condition that is also referred to as nearsightedness, people who suffer from myopia are said to have an eye shape which is too long or the curvature of the cornea is too extreme, when any of these conditions is present, the light that goes through the cornea doesn't quite make it to the retina so the focal point forms before it reaches the center of the retina.

Hyperopia is the contrary of myopia in the sense that the shape of the eye might be too short or the curvature of the cornea may not be enough to create a good focal point. In this case the light that goes through the cornea creates a focal point that is behind the retina.

Astigmatism occurs when the cornea is not properly shaped and the light that goes through it can not focus on the retina.

People who suffer from any of these conditions may choose to have a LASIK surgery in order to correct the problem without having to use contact lenses or glasses.

The Post-LASIK Dry Eye Condition

While the entire LASIK operation is virtually painless this doesn't mean that there hasn't been any changes in the tissues inside the patient's eye, the fact is that the tissue that has been reshaped in order to focus images properly needs time to heal. A side effect of the operation may sometimes include infection and dry eyes; infectious can be prevented in a very easy way by just taking antibiotics but the most common side effect is the condition known as dry eyes.

The normal function of the glands that secrete tears is partially interrupted because of the surgery, this makes patients feel as though as if they had sand inside their eyes, while this is not a serious case it can be quite annoying. In order to solve this problem, ophthalmologists often recommend artificial tears, special eye-drops and moisturizers that will help ease the discomfort while the patient tear glands heal.

After undergoing this painless operation a patient may suffer from dry eye for a period of up to six months. offers expert information about Laser Eye Surgery and how to deal with Lasik Dry Eyes after you have undergone such procedure. Visit our website to find out more.

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