Saturday, January 5, 2008

Lasik Utica New York

More and more people are opting for lasik to correct visual defects that cause blurred vision, such as near-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatism. By reshaping the cornea of the eye, lasik helps make vision clearer and removes the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Lasik is an outpatient surgical procedure, meaning there is minimal recovery time. A few drops of local anesthetic are used to anesthetize the surface of the eye before surgery. The eye is held open with a device called a speculum, which holds the eye open during surgery and prevents blinking. There may be transient pain, blurring of vision, dryness and a foreign body sensation in the eye after surgery.

Benefits of lasik include improved eyesight, convenience and cosmetic appearance. Vision is usually better than with eyeglasses or contact lenses. One doesn’t have to deal with cumbersome eyeglasses or contact lenses any more. However, a small percentage of people who undergo lasik report a worsening of vision, reduced night vision, light sensitivity or halos. The majority of these side effects disappear in the weeks following lasik. If they persist, the surgeon who performed the surgery should be informed for appropriate follow-up.

Eye surgery, and advanced lasik treatment in particular, needs a high level of skill and training. Patients should research all options available in their area and seek recommendations from people who have undergone the same type of procedure they are considering. While lasik surgeons located in Utica are not currently listed on the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s ‘Find an Eye M.D.’ website, local area physicians may be able to refer patients to good surgeons in the area. Other options are to look for surgeons in nearby cities. The State University of New York’s (SUNY) Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse offers lasik surgery, and may be one place to start.

New York Lasik provides detailed information on Lasik Albany New York, Lasik Rochester New York, Lasik Surgery Upstate New York, Lasik Utica New York and more. New York Lasik is affiliated with Vision Correction.

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