Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dry Eye After Lasik

Dry Eye After Lasik
You've heard there are risks. This is, after all, a surgery. One shouldn't expect it to be risk free. With lasik eye surgery, one of those risks is dry eye.

What's the big deal? So what if the eyes are a little dry?

Before you pay your hard earned money...

before you place your eyes under a super powerful laser...

...just know that one potential side effect is discomfort from dry eye. Sometimes, it's not just temporary.

Usually after the surgery, the symptom is pretty uncomfortable. Now, you have to remember, you can't rub or scratch your eyes. Doctors orders. In some cases it can be pretty intense.

They may feel dry, scratchy, irritating - it might not even be easy to concentrate on what you're doing.

In that healing time you'll very likely be using a special type of eye drop to ease the dryness and lubricate the eye. You'll also be wearing special goggles during sleeping.

Getting water anywhere near the eyes is a no-no. That alone changes a lot of things. Some activities that will be affected include showering, bathing, washing dishes, drinking liquids, etc.

How you do these things will all be altered so that they're done differently. Imagine sleeping with goggles on for several nights - you might not get much rest. How about showering or bathing? The details of that are probably best left to the individual. This is all a part of the sacrifice involved in getting your eyes to heal well.

Just the sitting around might be uncomfortable as well. You're not really able to do much...but rest your eyes. This can very likely cause anyone to feel powerless and become very restless. Sitting around. Sitting around. Sitting around. If you do any activities, they might be limited, however.

In many cases it gets better after that initial period of one week to one month. After using the eye drops during that time frame, one will notice that they might not be necessary as time goes on. The goggles get to go away. Now, you can resume your normal life with the exception that this time you'll be able to have better use of your vision. Many people mention that this alone is well worth the risk and the sacrifice.

It's a good idea to know what to expect.

Lasik Option Guide is a web site offering answers to questions about the lasik eye surgery. More information about the risks of lasik can be found here:

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