Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lasikplus: Providing The Best Lasik

Lasikplus: Providing The Best Lasik
Today, with lasik being a commonly chosen surgical procedure for the eye, there are a large number of clinics and hospitals across the country that offer this facility to patients. However, it is always better to get a specialized procedure such as lasik done by people who take that extra step in ensuring care for the well-being of your eye. It is after all one of the most important parts of your body, it helps you see, and is a delicate organ that requires careful handling. LasikPlus is a place where you can get the best lasik surgery facilities for your eye.

The LasikPlus Vision Center is one of the leading lasik facilities in the US, with a presence spanning the breadth of the country and covering 30 states. The center provides state of the art technology and boasts of service by America’s finest ophthalmologists. The company has been around for over one and a half decades, and was one of the first to provide specialized eye care in the form of lasik surgeries in the US. Today, it is counted among the top three lasik surgery providers in the US.

At LasikPlus, you can avail a variety of lasik procedures for your eye. The center provides correctional procedures for nearsightedness, farsightedness, as well as astigmatism. To make use of the services of LasikPlus, you can either visit one of their centers spread across the US. The other option is to visit their website, which offers all the information that anyone wanting to know about lasik – the procedure itself, price, location, etc.

At LasikPlus, you are guaranteed the services of some of the leading ophthalmologists in America. The team at LasikPlus is in fact one of the first to have used the lasik procedure in the US. That itself is a big plus. Besides, between them, the surgeons at the facility have a collective eat the facility have a collective experience spanning over 700,000 operations. That is a huge amount of experience. With that kind of experience, you can be sure about one thing – you are in the hands of skilled professionals who will provide their best services, using their vast experience and through cutting edge technology. The result is there for you to see.

Patients have had a lot of good things to say after using the services of LasikPlus. From the extreme competence of the surgeons, to the advanced technology they use, right to the extremely professional and friendly ambience at the clinics, patients have had mostly positives to speak of. For first timers to the procedure, it is a good idea to visit the LasikPlus website and go through the testimonials section. It will be a very reassuring experience, and will make you feel easier and relaxed about getting the procedure done for yourself.

To sum it all up, if you are thinking of getting a lasik procedure done for your eye, and are wondering where to go, look up LasikPlus Vision Center. It is one of the pioneers in America, and certainly one of the best. As the line says, "It’s not just lasik, it's LasikPlus." brings you the latest on Lasik. Lasik is very popular, and we want to bring you the most up to date information online! Be sure to check out our latest information page on the Lasik Plus.

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Searching For A Local And Reputable Lasik Eye Center

Searching For A Local And Reputable Lasik Eye Center
Lasik eye surgery is a procedure for which many of us are candidates. Using laser technology to modify the surface of our cornea allows for a great improvement in vision; and often frees us from the expense and inconvenience that comes with eyeglasses and contact lenses.

This procedure is done so frequently – and on such a wide scale – that people tend to forget that ultimately it is a surgical procedure that should be given the same consideration as any other type of surgery. So when it comes to choosing a Lasik eye center, the decision should be made with a number of different factors in mind.

Lasik surgery uses laser technology to resurface the cornea – the thin layer of transparent tissue that covers the iris and lens in our eye. The lens actually sits behind the iris – the colored part of our eye – and receives the light that we see all around us in the form of images. The lens refracts – or bends – the light to the retina – a group of cells that line the back of the eye. The retina then takes these light signals and converts them to messages that can be received by the optic nerve in our brain.

When we suffer refractive difficulties – through nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism – the light is not refracted properly and the brain receives a message of a blurry image. During refractive surgery – such as Lasik – the appropriate corrections are made in order to refract light properly.

A Lasik eye center performs Lasik surgery on a daily basis. During the procedure, the patient’s eye is numbed, held open with a speculum, and immobilized using a cornea suction ring. Once the eye is held steady, the surgeon makes a thin incision in the top layer of the cornea to create a flap. The flap is then folded back to reveal the mid-section of the cornea – known as the stroma.

This is the part that is resurfaced using laser technology. Once the resurfacing has been completed, the flap is returned over the eye and allowed to heal naturally. Most people who have Lasik report success through much improved vision. But achieving successful results relies most heavily on finding a reputable Lasik eye center.

First and foremost, no decision should be made at all about Lasik until you are absolutely certain that you are a candidate for the procedure. Only your eye doctor can make that determination so you should begin this process with a comprehensive examination by your ophthalmologist who can tell you which procedure will work best for you and what Lasik eye center to visit. If your doctor is someone whom you trust then this is the best recommendation that you can get for a Lasik eye center.

It is also advisable to speak with other patients who have undergone Lasik eye surgery. Not only will you learn about their experience with a particular Lasik eye center but you will learn what to expect from the procedure in general. Do not underestimate the power of your peers. Listen to what they have to say about their doctors, how they were treated, the professionalism of the Lasik eye center staff, their comfort during the procedure itself, their recovery time and experience, and, finally, their results. brings you the latest on Lasik. Lasik is very popular, and we want to bring you the most up to date information online! Be sure to check out our latest information page on Lasik eye surgery.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dry Eye After Lasik

Dry Eye After Lasik
You've heard there are risks. This is, after all, a surgery. One shouldn't expect it to be risk free. With lasik eye surgery, one of those risks is dry eye.

What's the big deal? So what if the eyes are a little dry?

Before you pay your hard earned money...

before you place your eyes under a super powerful laser...

...just know that one potential side effect is discomfort from dry eye. Sometimes, it's not just temporary.

Usually after the surgery, the symptom is pretty uncomfortable. Now, you have to remember, you can't rub or scratch your eyes. Doctors orders. In some cases it can be pretty intense.

They may feel dry, scratchy, irritating - it might not even be easy to concentrate on what you're doing.

In that healing time you'll very likely be using a special type of eye drop to ease the dryness and lubricate the eye. You'll also be wearing special goggles during sleeping.

Getting water anywhere near the eyes is a no-no. That alone changes a lot of things. Some activities that will be affected include showering, bathing, washing dishes, drinking liquids, etc.

How you do these things will all be altered so that they're done differently. Imagine sleeping with goggles on for several nights - you might not get much rest. How about showering or bathing? The details of that are probably best left to the individual. This is all a part of the sacrifice involved in getting your eyes to heal well.

Just the sitting around might be uncomfortable as well. You're not really able to do much...but rest your eyes. This can very likely cause anyone to feel powerless and become very restless. Sitting around. Sitting around. Sitting around. If you do any activities, they might be limited, however.

In many cases it gets better after that initial period of one week to one month. After using the eye drops during that time frame, one will notice that they might not be necessary as time goes on. The goggles get to go away. Now, you can resume your normal life with the exception that this time you'll be able to have better use of your vision. Many people mention that this alone is well worth the risk and the sacrifice.

It's a good idea to know what to expect.

Lasik Option Guide is a web site offering answers to questions about the lasik eye surgery. More information about the risks of lasik can be found here:

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Find The Best Lasik Eye Center

Find The Best Lasik Eye Center
Are you considering Lasik eye surgery? Then you want to select a Lasik eye center that offers the best of care. Lasik is so popular today that many Lasik eye centers have sprung up to meet the need, but when it comes to your health and vision, you understandably want to find a Lasik eye center that can give you the best treatment and care available.

In order to find a reputable Lasik eye center, you will need to do a little research. Check the credentials of the doctors who will be doing your procedure. Have they had enough experience? Are they well skilled?

Do not choose your Lasik surgeon based on price alone. A lower price may mean a less skilled eye surgeon, or one who does not have the same training and precision equipment as a more expensive Lasik eye center might have.

Also be wary of the discount Lasik eye center which relies heavily on radio and other advertising to get customers in the door. Know too that choosing the most expensive surgeon does not necessarily mean you will get the best one either.

When comparing prices from one Lasik eye center to another, be sure you are comparing similar packages. Most Lasik eye centers will quote a price which includes the surgery along with a vision correction package, and pre and post operative care. Some may quote the price of the surgery alone which makes it look like a better deal than it actually is after you add in the rest of the necessary expenses.

You will probably only have one opportunity for Lasik surgery so you want to make sure it is done right. That’s why it is so important to seek referrals and recommendations from previous patients who underwent the surgery at the particular Lasik eye center you are considering.

Lasik eye surgery is not cheap and it most likely will not be covered by your insurance since it is an elective surgery. Therefore, you may wish to look for a Lasik eye center which will allow you to make payments on the procedure. Be sure to discuss the costs and payment options with your doctor. The Lasik eye center may have arrangements with a bank to provide financing, or they may do their own in house arrangement that will allow you to pay in installments.

Anne Morris writes articles about surgery. Discover more information about surgery at and

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Eye Makeup After Lasik!

Eye Makeup After Lasik!
LASIK, or "laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis," is the most common refractive surgery procedure. Refractive surgeries, including LASIK, reshape the cornea to correct distorted vision often eliminating the need for glasses or contacts.

Higher-order aberrations are visual problems not captured in a traditional eye exam. In a young healthy eye, the level of higher-order aberrations are typically low and insignificant. Concern has long plagued the tendency of refractive surgeries to induce higher-order aberration not correctible by traditional contacts or glasses. The advancement of lasik technique and technologies has helped eliminate the risk of clinically significant visual impairment after the surgery.

The following are some of the more frequently reported complications of LASIK:

1. Dry eyes
2. Overcorrection or undercorrection
3. Visual acuity fluctuation
4. Halos or starbursts around light sources at night
5. Light sensitivity
6. Ghosts or double vision
7. Wrinkles in flap (striae)
8. Decentered ablation

How Soon Can I Use Eye Makeup?
You may resume wearing eye makeup starting 1-2 weeks after your treatment. We strongly recommend that you purchase new eye makeup, specifically mascara, to avoid potential infection following your treatment.

The most important thing for anyone considering LASIK surgery is to determine if they are a good candidate. Finding a surgeon who will honestly assess compatibility is extremely important, and vastly preferable to a provider who does not do a careful examination, and thus risks serious side effects.

LASIK is an outpatient surgical procedure and will take 10 to 15 minutes for each eye.

The only anesthetic used is an eye drop that numbs the surface of the eye. The procedure is done with the person awake. LASIK may be done on one or both eyes during the same session.

During LASIK, a special knife (a microkeratome) is used to cut a hinged flap of corneal tissue off the outer layer of the eyeball. The flap is lifted out of the way and a special laser is used to reshape the underlying corneal tissue.

LASIK is the most commonly performed refractive Eye Surgery procedure. Find out more about LASIK Eye Surgery at

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Finding A Lasik Center That Works For Your Needs

Finding A Lasik Center That Works For Your Needs
Lasik is a procedure performed thousands of times a day all over the world. Just as contact lenses slowly replaced eyeglasses as the vision correction of choice, Lasik has become the new way in which to correct vision and avoid the cost and inconvenience associated with glasses and contacts.

Of course, deciding on Lasik means weighing the advantages and disadvantages, as well as consulting with your physician and eye doctor to ensure that you are both an appropriate candidate for Lasik and in good enough health to undergo a procedure of this kind. And, finally, you must choose the Lasik center that will meet your needs effectively and affordably.

As with any sort of surgical procedure there is much to consider before embarking on the journey. Not only do you want to consider those centers that are close to home and logistically convenient, but you want to find a Lasik center that has a vast amount of experience under its belt when it comes to performing Lasik and can answer your questions and concerns in an informative, respectful, and professional manner.

First and foremost, think of the pre-procedure process as an interview of sorts. Visit the Lasik center in which you are interested and get a feel for its policies and procedures. It is important to ensure that you are dealing with a center that is committed to patient care, as well as being clean, organized, secure, and professionally staffed.

Speaking of staff – it is important to get to know the people with whom you will be working through this process. Thoroughly research the surgeons who will be performing the procedure; find out where they were educated, how much experience they have, and their reputation in the industry. But don’t stop there when it comes to getting to know the staff; the front office staff and medical support staff are just as important as you will be dealing with them for billing and follow-up. You are looking for organization, helpfulness, and professionalism.

The next best resource for research purposes is the Internet - allowing you to quickly and easily find exactly what you are looking for, thus narrowing and speeding your search significantly. Conduct a specific search for a Lasik center nearest your home and began your research from there.

Finally, ask for references. A Lasik center should have a comprehensive list at their disposal of patients who are willing to speak on their behalf. Or ask around to family and friends; no one is in a better position to tell you about the experience of Lasik – and a particular Lasik center – than someone who has recently had the procedure performed.

This process may seem long and a bit frustrating, but remember that the effort is well worth it. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that you are in the best hands possible and that your comfort and results are paramount. In this way, you can ensure that your procedure is successful – not just for now but for a lifetime. brings you the latest on Lasik. Lasik is very popular, and we want to bring you the most up to date information online! Be sure to check out our latest information page on Lasik plus.

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Interested In Getting Eye Surgery?

Interested In Getting Eye Surgery?
As with any type of surgery there have been documented results that are not complimentary, but having said that, the laser eye surgery procedure these days is fairly commonplace and has come a long way since it's beginning.

If you find a doctor you are not completely satisfied with the first doctor you see there are plenty of other doctors to choose from.

Get the full names, not just the company name, because there are often improved models developed and you wouldn't want a surgeon who is still using old equipment when precision is the name of the game in eye surgery.

One of the first things you should research about this form of laser eye surgery is what constitutes an ideal patient. Some surgeons use this type of eye surgery for a small number of people with a disorder called mild myopia.

Therefore, if the doctor acts hurried or seems distracted during your initial meeting, you may take this as an indication of the attitude you will find during and after the laser eye surgery itself.

Those being used in laser eye surgery may not be applicable to those who will need it to treat cancer types. Although the actual laser eye surgery will be uncomfortable from the point of view of having something actually manipulating and interfering with the eye, the surgery does not actually take very long to perform and is carried out under a local anaesthetic.

It is a refractive laser eye surgery performed by ophthalmologists and is considered an ideal alternative to PRK, or Photorefractive Keratectomy.

The easiest way to find a good LASIK surgeon is to find patients who underwent the same eye surgery and have successful results - able to see within hours or a few days.

Advantages of LASIK eye surgery most physicians agree that this kind of eye surgery is very appropriate for correcting very severe vision problems. But you should look for a surgeon who has several years of experience, make sure, though, if the surgeon has been doing corrective eye surgery for 10 years or more that he's up to date on all the latest procedures.

LASIK eye surgery is basically for people who are nearsighted or farsighted and have astigmatism. Laser eye surgery has given hope to people with eye problems, be it with vision or aesthetic aspects. Laser eye surgery is a procedure that has been used to correct vision over the past 15 years.

Anyone who is thinking about getting laser eye surgery is worried that his or her surgery will be the one that the surgeon messes up on.

However, the benefits most patients have experienced through this type of procedure during the past ten years has been remarkable and remember, if you are deemed an eligible candidate for eye surgery, the final decision is always in your lap to make.

Also, you will be counselled not to drive until your vision has improved, and to forgo swimming pools and hot tubs for 10-14 days after eye surgery.

Facelifts are generally combined with other operations like eye surgery (blepharoplasty) and skin tissue resurfacing with lasers.

This is why younger people cannot go for laser eye surgery. And there are some doctors who reject the need for LASIK eye surgery, claiming that your eyes are still healthy even with nearsightedness or farsightedness.

So what does lasek laser eye surgery entail? Average eye surgery costs laser eye surgery cost has raised steadily during the past four years.

Uchenna Ani-Okoye is an internet marketing advisor and co founder of Free Affiliate Programs For more information and resource links on eye surgery visit: New Eye Surgery Allegra

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What Does Eye Surgery Entail?

What Does Eye Surgery Entail?
Amore permanent solution for many individuals exists with a laser eye surgery procedure such as LASIK. In Synergetic, a company that sells ophthalmic equipment used in eye surgery sued two former employees for trade secret misappropriation.

But you should look for a surgeon who has several years of experience - make sure, though, if the surgeon has been doing corrective eye surgery for 10 years or more that he's up to date on all the latest procedures.

The Next Step Since I gave up playing lacrosse long ago and my prejudice against glasses has worn off, some may say that it's time I take the next logical step in my eye care progression and get laser eye surgery. Less pain seems to be experienced along with more rapid healing that LASEK eye surgery.

However, if you are comfortable wearing glasses or contact lenses, you don't really have to have any kind of laser eye surgery.

If you are looking into laser eye surgery for yourself, this is a factor that you should consider. Postoperative swelling after laser surgery is less compared to the swelling that occurs with conventional eye surgery.

As with any type of surgery there have been documented results that are not complimentary, but having said that, the laser eye surgery procedure these days is fairly commonplace and has come a long way since it's beginning.

Myopia (nearsightedness), Hyperopia (farsightedness), and Astigmatism can all be solved through lasik eye surgery. In contrast, other physicians and surgeons consider LASIK laser eye surgery as the best option whatsoever. Laser eye surgery will not help people with age-related vision problems, such as presbyopia.

If your expectations are too high and unrealistic and you are not a risk taker, you will be rejected by your doctor for LASIK eye surgery. Even though laser eye surgery is extremely common practice you should still take the time to investigate if the surgery is right for you. However, with today's technology, laser eye surgery is now a reality.

Laser eye surgery is for the most part a simple procedure that millions of people have recovered from with great success. To correct poor vision Lasik eye surgery has become the popular choice. They will also tell you if you even are a person that can consider having lasik eye surgery at all.

A quality eye surgeon is vital to achieving excellent results from any laser eye surgery. Laser eye surgery can be an option for this problem by helping correct the distortions and improve passing of light rays. Surgeons often tend to specialise in a particular type of eye surgery so ask them how much experience they have in performing the particular procedure you require.

Although Laser eye surgery is a very safe and highly effective treatment, it still needs an experience & trained personnel. Nevertheless, there are some things that you can count on experiencing before you can have your laser eye surgery. Lasik eye surgery can be performed for $1500 at a reasonable eye clinic.

That's why it's important to understand as much as you can about the procedure via Lasik eye surgery reviews. Laser eye surgery weakens the cornea, so persons with thin corneas are not good candidates. Laser eye surgery is one of the most advanced, and is used especially for the correction of problems like myopia (near sightedness), hyperopia (far sightedness), and astigmatism (distorted vision).

With an 'autoimmune disease' like rheumatoid arthritis, or an 'immunodeficiency disease' such as HIV, the risk of infection and other complications following laser eye surgery is greater.

Uchenna Ani-Okoye is an internet marketing advisor and co founder of Free Affiliate Programs For more information and resource links on eye surgery visit: New Eye Surgery Allegra

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Monday, August 11, 2008

How To Avoid Complications With LASIK Surgery

How To Avoid Complications With LASIK Surgery
As with any surgery, LASIK has a few complications. Scientific studies conducted in the late 1990s depicted that a meager 5% of LASIK eye surgeries resulted in some sort of complication. However, expert eye surgeons claim that the complication rate drops well below 1% if the patient is thoroughly examined prior to the surgery, so as to ensure that the procedure is feasible and beneficial.

Though quite rare, complications due to LASIK do occur. The following are some of the frequently reported complications of LASIK eye surgery.

- Dry eye syndrome
- Light sensitivity
- Halos or glare around light sources at night
- Over/under-correction
- Ghosts/double vision
- Induced astigmatism

LASIK eye surgery involves the cutting of a flap in the cornea, which is lifted for laser re-shaping of the eye. The flap is then replaced to form a type of natural bandage. Complications may arise if the flap is not cut correctly, which may result in an uneven eye surface and a vision defect called irregular astigmatism.

The above stipulated complications may give an impression that LASIK is a risk-prone surgery. However, much to the patient’s relief, LASIK complications can be rectified through laser re-treatments or enhancements of the eye. Furthermore, it is very much a rare exception that a LASIK surgery would cause significant vision deterioration. That is, there have been only a scant few cases that the corrected vision was actually worse than it was before surgery. Such rare cases can be attributed to the eye surgeon’s inexperience and the lack of a through pre-operative examination.

Though LASIK does have potential side effects, all such complications can be averted by opting for an experienced eye surgeon who takes that extra precaution while performing the surgery. The truth is that LASIK is by far the most efficient procedure when it comes to corrective eye surgery. With a minimal complication rate, LASIK is a near risk-free proposition.

Nicola Kennedy publishes articles and reports and provides news, information and views about laser eye surgery at Your Lasik Information.

Copyright All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

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Vitrectomy Recovery - The Aftermath of Eye Surgery

Vitrectomy Recovery - The Aftermath of Eye Surgery
They eyes are very sensitive. I cannot imagine anyone not cringing at the thought of eye surgery. Anyone who has experienced a vitrectomy will have experienced what it is like to have partial sight. So, vitrectomy recovery is something which needs your very careful attention, if you want to achieve the best possible results from your eye surgery.

A vitrectomy is a procedure to remove the vitreous from the eye. The vitreous is a colourless gel-like substance which fills the space behind the len of the eye, and is attached on all sides to the wall of the eye, the lens and the retina.

The vitreous must remain clear to maintain a clarity of vision, and if anything causes the vitreous to lose clarity, then a vitrectomy can be performed to remedy the situation and to try and improve the quality of vision for the patient.

A vitrectomy can also be performed if any damage occurs to the retina, such as a detachment or a tear. In such cases it is common for a gas bubble to be inserted into the eye. The gas bubble will, over time, be absorbed into the eye, but during the period of recovery from eye surgery, it will, with correct head placement, act to press the retina back against the eye wall. This is a critical part of vitrectomy recovery.

Many hospitals will provide a special head rest that allows the patient to rest in a chair with the eyes pointing directly down. The benefit of this is that the gas bubble floats upwards and presses against the retina, ensuring that gentle pressure is applied to the retina to aid recovery. The same head rest can be adapted for use at night so that the patient can sleep face down, ensuring that the gas bubble is pressed against the retina overnight.

This technique of head rest is known as 'posturing'. The duration of this technique depends on the advice of the surgeon, but could be anything between five and fourteen days. After my surgery, I was told that I had to adopt this posturing position all day every day, with only 10 minutes in each hour to stretch my legs etc. I was able to get by by listening to music and listening to talking books during the day, but it was most problematical for me, at nighttime.

Sleeping on one's front may not pose problems for everyone, especially with a head rest to keep your head in the appropriate position. I however, suffer from discomfort in the small of my back, and lying in this position became excruciating after an hour or so.

The advice I received was to take pain killers, so that the posture could be held for as long as was necessary to maintain the correct recovery position.

I overcame the problem largely through the use of large numbers of pillows under my chest and midriff which had the effect of alleviating the pressure in the small of my back.

The article was written by Charlie Cory, who is the owner of FX Eyes, a website dedicated to providing advice about buying special effects contact lenses and eye care online.

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Give your eyesight the gift of a lasik eye surgery

Give your eyesight the gift of a lasik eye surgery
If there is some method of communicating without speaking a word, it is through our eyes. The eyes are really the mirror to one's soul and it is easy to judge a person's intention by simply judging the look in their eyes. Besides being the gateway to our soul our eyes are also, one of the primary connection to the outside world. We get to know the people around us, the colors, and the objects and in fact our whole surrounding as we perceive it is based on our senses, out of which our eyesight plays a key role. Now, if your eyesight were to get affected and your vision became less than perfect, your world would get blurred too.

Defective vision poses many problems, especially when you are leading an active life outside the four walls of your home. You need good vision to apply for some jobs, to read the number of a bus, to be able to read the blackboard in classroom, read a book and for any other minor activity that you perform on a daily basis. It is therefore important that if you are facing any difficulty with your eyesight then an immediate visit to the optician is a necessity and you need to take precautions like wearing spectacles, contact lenses or maybe even opting for a lasik eye surgery.

Lasik eye surgery is a modern form of treatment to correct your eyesight so that you need not use spectacles or contact lenses to see the world. Many people who wear spectacles or use contact lenses face a daily discomfort of either, having to carry a foreign object on their nose during the day or going through the ordeal of wearing and taking off the lenses each day of the week by following a routine procedure. A lasik eye surgery would not only rectify their vision within a short span of time but also provide them freedom from such discomfiture forever. It is a simple procedure that only takes a short time to perform; however, it requires the skilled expertise of a competent surgeon to have the desired results without any side effects.

If you have decided that you are tired of going about your life with an impaired vision and would like to rectify your eyesight for once and for all, then it is strongly recommended that you opt for the highly successful procedure of a Lasik eye surgery. The first step towards achieving this agenda, however, is to locate an eye surgeon who is skilled and experienced enough to handle the task of operating on a delicate and precious organ such as an eye. The yellow pages or the internet would be the best and most reliable source of information to help you in your search for the right surgeon or else you could simply get the reference of someone who has already undergone this procedure and vastly benefited from it.

Once the surgeon has been decided, it is just a matter of putting your faith on his professional skills and opting for the corrective lasik eye surgery as soon as possible. However, do make sure that you have a thorough knowledge about all that the procedure will involve possible side effects and precautionary measures to be followed before and after the surgery, before you finally agree to be operated upon. Once you have rectified your vision through the surgery, it can change your life in many positive ways and then you are sure to see the world with new, appreciating eyes.

Sarah Wilson is a tourism management expert with years of experience in overseas medical tourism management. If you want to know more about medical tourism,Lasik eye surgery, gastric bypass surgery, you can visit

Sarah Wilson is a tourism management expert with years of experience in overseas medical
tourism management. If you want to know more about medical tourism, lasik eye surgery,
gastric bypass surgery and more, you can visit

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Clear Natural Vision Is Just One Of The Possible Benefits of LASIK Eye Surgery

Clear Natural Vision Is Just One Of The Possible Benefits of LASIK Eye Surgery
There are several LASIK benefits, which can be easily realized by going in for an experienced eye surgeon. It is necessary that you weigh the pros and cons before going in for an eye surgery. And much to your relief, as far as LASIK is concerned, the benefits far outweigh whatever minimal risk is involved. LASIK is by far the most preferred procedure when it comes to eye corrective surgery. LASIK benefits typically include:

- Clear natural vision
- Need for glasses or contact lenses is eliminated
- It simply widens the horizon for recreational opportunities
- Quality of vision is better than that with glasses or contact lenses
- Greater self-confidence
- More career opportunities
- Enhanced natural appearance – in many cases
- No risk of infection or inflammation generally associated with contact lens overuse

The above are only a few major positives that come out of the LASIK procedure. LASIK has superlative scientific technology at its disposal. High-precision lasers, computer-controlled tracking devices, all enable the surgeon to perform the operation with ease and finesse. Furthermore, complication rates of a meager 1% to 5% strengthen the belief that LASIK is a completely safe procedure.

LASIK does not require the removal of the corneal surface tissue, and this substantially reduces the post-operative pain. In general, the visual acuity is restored within a day or two. Other procedures like PRK may require a week or so for sharpness of vision to be restored. LASIK surgery also possesses a greater stability. That is, the corrected vision lasts permanently, provided a complication does not arise during the procedure. Moreover, most patients are able to pass the driver’s license test without the aid of glasses or contact lenses.

If you are in quest for a corrective eye surgery, LASIK is sure to satisfy your needs. All you need to do is look for an eye surgeon who is highly skillful and qualified.

Nicola Kennedy has become an expert in celebrating St Valentine's Day frugally. And her husband appreciates it! Visit her site for more ideas on how to make Valentines 2006 a special one.

Copyright All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Lasik Eye Surgery Helps You See the World in a New Light

A Lasik Eye Surgery Helps You See the World in a New Light
The world would have been completely bland and colorless for all of us had it not been for our eyes. Much before our mind learns to differentiate the different colors around us, it is our eyes that do this differentiation for us. Imagine a world without sight and you would be horrified. Therefore when you first begin to feel the symptoms of things not seeming as clear as they used to be, you feel a tinge of apprehension. Eye tests confirm a weak eyesight and spectacles or contact lenses with power are recommended by the ophthalmologist. The thick glasses of the spectacles are believed to hide the beauty of one’s eyes to a certain extent and many people would shy away from wearing one. Contact lenses have overcome this handicap but nothing compares to natural sight.

A lasik eye surgery may be the apt solution for people who are averse to wearing spectacles or contact lenses to rectify the vision. A simple lasik eye surgery could do away with the need to use any such sight enhancing methods and restore normal vision to a patient. However, most of us would be having some doubts and apprehensions before we opt for any kind of surgery and a lasik eye surgery is no different. It is therefore crucial that you clarify all doubts before you actually decide on having the surgery. The basic questions to be asked to your doctor would be regarding the cost, the treatment to be used, follow up procedures and obviously if you fulfill the criteria required to undergo such surgery.

The age of the patient is also very important when considering a lasik eye surgery. If you are under forty years of age, you should clarify if the effects of a lasik eye surgery will last even when you cross on to the fifties. Also, many unscrupulous doctors or clinics could charge you an exorbitant amount for a procedure that has already become obsolete. Therefore, complete awareness regarding the procedure to be used and its relevancy in today’s time and age is must. A clear idea regarding the follow up treatment also becomes necessary so that you are aware of all the effects and side effects of the lasik eye surgery as well as the further costs which you might have to incur.

A strong recommendation about a clinic or a doctor from a person who has already undergone a lasik eye surgery should be the first consideration on a patient’s part. Nowadays the advancements made in the field of medical science have resulted in the surgery taking much less time than before. The post operative recuperation time has also been drastically reduced and just after a few days of surgery the patient can resume his normal activities without any discomfort. The lasik eye surgery ahs now become a common procedure with many people opting to undergo the operation to rectify their myopic or hyperopic vision. Also after the surgery there is no need for the patient to continue regular check ups by ophthalmologist. Hence if you considering rectifying your vision, a lasik eye surgery may be just the solution for you.

Sarah Wilson is a tourism management expert with years of experience in overseas medical
tourism management. If you want to know more about medical tourism, lasik eye surgery,
gastric bypass surgery and more, you can visit

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Monday, August 4, 2008

LASIK Surgery - How The Excimer Laser Works

LASIK Surgery - How The Excimer Laser Works
The Excimer laser is a form of ultraviolet chemical laser, and is the key element that has made laser eye surgery possible. Though Excimer laser was originally used in semiconductor manufacturing in the 1970s, its use in eye surgery is now fairly widespread. While working at the IBM research laboratories in 1982, Dr. Rangaswamy Srinivasin and his research team discovered the potential of the Excimer laser in interacting with biological tissue. An ophthalmologist, Dr. Steven Trokel, explained its connection with the corneal tissue. And this was how LASIK eye surgery came into existence.

There are several types of lasers, but excimer is the preferred choice when it comes to corrective eye surgery. This is due to the fact that excimer is the most technologically advanced laser type. The excimer laser is, literally, a cool laser. That is, it precisely removes the desired part of the corneal tissue, without heating up or damaging the adjacent tissue. Quite amazingly, the excimer laser is so precise that it is capable of removing 0.5% of a human hair’s width at a time. That fact itself is enough for patients to believe that excimer-assisted eye surgery is not a gimmick, but a true technology leveraged procedure.

With the computer technology at its disposal and the precision offered by the laser, LASIK surgery has emerged as the number one choice for patients with refractive error. Since the excimer laser emits cool, minute beams that make precise incisions on the surface of the cornea, a dedicated technician operates the machine while the ophthalmologist performs the surgery.

Your eyes are your window to the world and your sight is the most important of the five senses. Hence, it is all the more imperative that, if need be, you go for an eye surgery that is reliable and has minimal side effects. With the high-precision technology of the excimer laser and the overall reliability of the procedure, LASIK is the most prevalent of corrective eye surgeries.

Nicola Kennedy has become an expert in celebrating St Valentine's Day frugally. And her husband appreciates it! Visit her site for more ideas on how to make Valentines 2006 a special one.

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How Does LASIK Eye Surgery Work? Keratomileusis - The Carving Of The Cornea

At present, LASIK or “Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis” is the only commonly performed keratomileusis procedure. Keratomileusis involves an altering of the shape of the corneal tissue with the aid of an excimer laser, which is a powerful ultraviolet laser. This laser eye surgery is performed by ophthalmologists in order to correct different types of vision impairment. LASIK is the preferred treatment for patients with refractive error, since the procedure entails rapid recovery and minimal pain overall.

LASIK surgery leverages technology to its fullest. For instance, a computer system tracks the patient’s eye position 4,000 times per second, while the lasers make the desired incisions. It might sound like a dangerous procedure, but it’s time to debunk this myth. LASIK surgery is a completely safe procedure performed with high precision. That is, the laser carves the corneal tissue in a finely controlled manner. LASIK surgery is not that cumbersome when compared with other types of eye surgery, and has a relatively low frequency of complications.

Though LASIK surgery is performed with the patient awake and functional, the eye surgeon typically administers a mild sedative and anesthetic eye drops. No matter what the type of vision impairment, altering the shape of the cornea is a viable solution. In general, the procedure has very few side effects and offers instant results. However, a few complications may arise depending on the extent of the patient’s refractive error and other irregularities in the corneal tissue.

LASIK eye surgery, with excellent technology at its disposal, is improving at a rapid rate. However, there is no conclusive evidence as to the chances of long-term complications owing to the surgery. Although relatively uncommon, a few complications may arise, namely corneal infection, slipped flap, haziness, halo or glare. An important point to note is that this laser-assisted procedure is irreversible.

LASIK has gained popularity due its efficacy and improved precision. The procedure also boasts of the smallest complication statistics relative to other eye surgeries. With only a 5% complication rate, LASIK sounds like a safe enough procedure to rectify your vision impairment.

Nicola Kennedy has become an expert in celebrating St Valentine's Day frugally. And her husband appreciates it! Visit her site for more ideas on how to make Valentines 2006 a special one.

Copyright All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Educate Yourself - LASIK Eye Surgery Could Be For You

It might be the case that you are tired of wearing glasses, or you believe that it cramps your style. You also don’t want to use contact lenses, in order to avoid infection or inflammation due to overuse. In such a scenario, you are likely to consider LASIK eye surgery, which is one of the most prevalent vision correction procedures. And therefore, you require some basic LASIK education, in order to get a clear picture of what you can expect from LASIK if you want to know whether you should do eye laser surgery.

If the light rays don't focus on the retina (light-sensing cells), the image you see is blurry. This is termed as refractive error, and may be caused due to an irregularly shaped cornea. LASIK surgery involves carving of the cornea in order to give it the perfect shape, thereby making light rays focus on the retina. LASIK surgery employs a high-precision laser, named Excimer, which is an ultraviolet chemical laser.

Scads of people have undergone LASIK, and most procedures have been successful. But as with any surgery, LASIK has associated risks and complications. However, LASIK has a relatively low complication rate, between 1% and 5%, which is among the lowest in the eye surgery field. Another trivia from the chapter on LASIK education is that LASIK may not result in perfect vision. That is, not all patients achieve a 20/20 vision.

If you suffered from myopia and have undergone LASIK as a corrective procedure, you would still require reading glasses (for near vision) in your late 40s. LASIK is an irreversible procedure, and most insurance companies do not cover LASIK surgery. Therefore, make sure that your surgery is performed by an experienced ophthalmologist. Also note that only eye MDs (ophthalmologists) are permitted to perform LASIK surgery.

Now that you are aware of the ins and outs of LASIK surgery, decision making is much easier. Have a discussion with an experienced ophthalmologist. It might be the case that you could very well forego the surgery. But if need be, LASIK is a superlative option to correct your vision.

Nicola Kennedy has become an expert in celebrating St Valentine's Day frugally. And her husband appreciates it! Visit her site for more ideas on how to make Valentines 2006 a special one.

Copyright All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

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