Thursday, March 6, 2008

Am I A Candidate For Lasik Surgery?

Many people have heard of the new medical procedure known as lasik surgery, which basically corrects your vision to the point that you do not need glasses or contacts any more. It is a revolutionary process in the medical field and has changed the lives of millions of people. There are a number of things that you must first consider before actually having the surgery done on your eyes and you must also make sure that you qualify for such a procedure.

Before having lasik surgery performed, you need to make sure that you are a candidate and that you meet all of the requirements. This particular article will address a few of the major requirements of being a candidate for lasik surgery.

Age And Maturity

Most eye clinics require that you are at least 18 years old and can give your own permission and signature for the surgical procedure. This age requirement also ensures that your eye has fully matured and developed to the point that lasik surgery can take place without any growth problems in the future. Age and maturity of the eye are two important criteria that each patient must meet before the surgery is performed.

Past History

In order to have the surgery performed on your eyes, you must prepare long before the actual surgery even takes place. Many doctors state that your vision has to be stable for at least one year before you consider lasik surgery. You should also make sure that your eye does not have any infections or problems for the past year before the surgery.

Understand The Risks

Even though the success rate for lasik surgery is very high, there are still a number of risks that come with the surgery and that must be clearly understood by the patient. After the surgery, the eyes may be itchy or irritating for a short period of time, but in some cases these outcomes may last for a long time. There are also risks of under correcting or over correcting your eyes to the point that they end up having the opposite problem from before.

Making sure that you understand the risks is an important part of being a candidate for lasik surgery. Once you have a clear understanding of what type of risks there will be, then you will be more capable of making an educated decision on the matter.

Doctor Evaluation

Another step that will determine if you are a candidate for lasik surgery is to consult with an official eye doctor and talk about exactly what is going to happen. He or she will clearly explain to you how the entire surgical process works and how lasik will correct the vision of your eyes. This will be an excellent time for the doctor to also take a careful examination of your eyes to see if you will qualify to have the surgery.

Lasik surgery can literally change your life, but the proper precautions must be taken in order to determine if you are a true candidate.

Author Resource:- Court has a solid amount of knowledge about colorado lasik surgery and helps people to learn about colorado lasik surgeons in the area.

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