Sunday, March 30, 2008

Possible Effects of Laser Eye Surgery

What are the possible effects of laser eye surgery? Laser eye surgery is not as risky as it used to be but it still does have plenty of risks associated with it. Many people are choosing this type of surgical procedure to correct their vision. It is important for anyone thinking about having eye surgery to be aware of the risks and possible outcomes of the surgery. Making an informed decision starts with discussing the possible outcomes with your surgeon.

Better Vision

Of course the ideal outcome is that you will come out of the surgery with better vision than before. Although it is possible to have fully corrected vision and not need glasses at all any more, it is also possible that you will still need glasses to see at certain distances. The ideal outcome for vision correction is to have your vision fully restored and no further need of glasses or contacts.

No Change

It is also possible that despite the surgeons best efforts you will walk away from the surgery clinic with little or no change in your eyesight. Although this is very disappointing it can usually be rectified with an additional surgery. This is not very common but it is a possibility that you should be prepared for.

Worse Vision

Most people thinking of having laser surgery do not consider the possible result of having worse vision than before. Even when their surgeon clearly states this as a possible result of the surgery many patients have a difficult time actually thinking this could happen to them. Often this type of outcome can be corrected through and additional surgery but it is possible that the damage to the eyes will be permanent.

Full Vision Loss

Your ophthalmology surgeon will explain the worst possible outcome to you at your consultation appointment. Although it is extremely uncommon to have a laser surgery result in blindness, it is possible and you should be informed about this possible result of your surgery.


This is fairly uncommon but still can happen to anyone who is having corrective eye surgery. Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic or antibiotic eye drop to help prevent an infection from occurring. If an infection does occur it is important to get it treated right away to prevent damage to your eyes or your vision.

Finding out from Your Surgeon

Anyone thinking about having laser eye surgery should be aware of all the possible outcomes to their surgery. Doing your own research and educating yourself on the techniques, training, and results of laser eye surgery will be beneficial when you attend your consultation meeting with your surgeon.

At your consultation, feel free to discuss your concerns regarding the type of surgery you will be undergoing. An open discussion of the possible effects of eye surgery is the best way to gather the important information you need in order to make your decision. The Internet is another great resource tool for finding out more information on laser eye surgery.

Finding the corrective eye surgery solution that is right for you can be a challenge. For helpful and informative articles, resources, facts and tips to assist you toward better vision please visit us at:

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How Should I Prepare For Lasik Surgery

The prospect of having clear vision without spectacles or contacts can be almost irresistible. Today LASIK surgery has made this a very real possibility for millions across the world. However, if you are toying with the idea of getting this surgery done, then here are a couple of things you need to know.

Stop using contacts

You will need to be prepared to stop wearing contacts at least 1-4 weeks before the actual LASIK surgery date. Gas permeable lenses require the most time out of lenses. Extended wearing of lenses can alter the corneal shape which can impact the results of surgery.

No more makeup

Yes, you will need to stop using perfume or makeup or even cream bases the day prior to LASIK surgery. With these products debris can cause inflammation, which can lead to haze or scarring.

Other eye diseases must be evaluated

Some eye problems such as glaucoma, or diabetic eye disease can be worsened when LASIK surgery is performed. Your surgeon should perform a careful exam to look for and treat these problems.

It is probably not covered by insurance

There are VERY few insurance policies that cover LASIK surgery. Most surgeons offer financing if you prefer to make payments.

Dry eyes? It could get worse!

If you are suffering from a dry eye condition then LASIK surgery could make it worse. Ideally you will need to get the dry eye condition treated first and then go in for the surgery.

High Astigmatism or severe nearsightedness not 100% corrected

While most LASIK surgery procedures will correct astigmatism and nearsightedness, extremely high degrees of ‘refractive error’ may not be completely corrected. Other surgeries are available if LASIK will not work for you.

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Is Laser Eye Surgery Risky?

Laser eye surgery has been such an enormous boon for the "seeing-eye" world that thousands of people with defective sight problems can thank this relatively simple and quick procedure for restoring their sight to acceptable and satisfying levels. But are you aware that their are risks associated with laser eye surgery?

It's foolhardy to think that any type of surgery is risk free and laser eye surgery is no different. The question you have to ask yourself is whether the benefits of having this type of procedure outweigh the risks and in most cases patients will choose the former.

The good news is that the chances of suffering serious vision-threatening side effects from laser eye surgery are extremely low. But there are risks nevertheless and you should be aware of them.

What Are The Side Effects?

Corneal infection is always a possibility following procedures such as Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) and Lasik. However, the risk is so low that when it's presented as a possible worst case scenario to patients, they generally dismiss it as non-threatening. The percentage factor is something like 0.1 per cent which is extremely low. Those who experience it will suffer no long term effects and it usually means a slower healing process and some extra discomfort. It's hardly reason for concern considering the benefits from receiving the surgery.

Corneal infection aside, one of the more common side effects of laser eye surgery is what is termed as under or over correction. What does this mean? Simply put, it's difficult to predict exactly how a patients eyes will respond to treatment so in some cases, corrective lenses may be needed in the short term or further surgical treatment is scheduled.

Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are another side effect of laser eye surgery but again, it's not sight threatening and can be treated easily with lubricating drops. Patients are generally more worried about the inconvenience of the extra healing time which can amount to several weeks.

PRK patients in some instances will report a condition known as corneal haze. Corneal haze occurs during the recovery process and while it is not threatening in the majority of procedures, there is always the possibility that vision could be impaired somewhat if the haze becomes excessive. As a prospective patient, you should be made aware of this but again, it shouldn't affect any decision you may make in going ahead with surgery.

Lasik Risks

Flap damage is a risk for lasik patients. The worst case scenario is that the flap could be irrepairably damaged or even lost however, once again the chances of this occurring are extremely low. Another risk for lasik patients involves the possibility of suffering a distorted corneal shape which may occur during healing. If this occurs, it will have some impact on the overall quality of vision.

If you are concerned about the side effects of laser eye surgery then you need to discuss them with your surgeon. We've covered a few but there are others, including a condition known as regression. It simply means that the eye may retreat to it's former state following surgery. This could occur several months following the procedure and further surgery may need to be scheduled. The bottomline... yes, there are risks associated with surgery but in the world of "laser eye" they are extremely low.

Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Are you aware of laser eye risk? What are the advantages? Get the latest eye surgery news and reviews at:

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The Wonders of Laser Eye Surgery: How It Works

Laser technology has been one of technology's greatest products that has positively improved the way things work. It has a number of applications and benefits, including in the field of medicine. An excellent example is laser eye surgery.

Laser eye surgery has given hope to people with eye problems, be it with vision or aesthetic aspects. For most people thinking of undergoing it, the first question is of course how laser eye surgery works.

Common problems concerning poor vision can be caused by distortions on the surface of the eye and its components. Light rays may be poorly reflected resulting in poor vision. This accounts for common vision problems such as astigmatism, near sightedness and far sightedness.

Some people also find wearing eyeglasses cumbersome while some even become self-conscious of it. Some wear contact lenses but still wish to go for a more permanent solution so they wouldn't have to be so depended on it.

Laser eye surgery can be an option for this problem by helping correct the distortions and improve passing of light rays. Basically, what it does is to use laser beams to change the shape of the cornea to one that is most effective for vision.

So how does laser eye surgery work?

First, the doctor has to have a clear picture of the distortion. He uses an aberrometer. This also works by using a low- energy laser beam that is directed to the cornea, reflected and produces a 3D image on the aberrometer's screen.

The most common form of laser eye surgery is LASIK or laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis. This laser eye surgery works by making a small cut to excise the top layer of the cornea during the surgery. It is mostly recommended because of faster recovery period.

Another option is photorefractive keratectomy or PRK. In this procedure, a portion of the cornea is scraped away and then laser is used to reshape the tissue underneath it. This was developed earlier than LASIK with LASIK being usually recommended because of its very minimal discomforts.

A fusion of the wonders of LASIK and PRK is Epi-LASIK or Epithelial Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis. This laser eye surgery works by making a thin flap of corneal epithelium using a microkeratome- like instrument. The underlying corneal layer is separated from the epithelium without cutting. It does not use alcohol solution to remove the epithelial layer. After this, the underlying cornea can be re-shaped to correct the distortion by using laser beam. Afterwards, the epithelium is restored to its normal position.

As was mentioned above, this laser eye surgery technique combines the benefits of the other techniques with less complications. After the procedure, the patient will be required to wear a thin, soft contact lens that will act like a bandage until the area heals completely. Healing and recovery is also faster and may only take around 3 to 4 days.

Laser eye surgery also works for more serious eye and vision problems such as diabetic retinopathy. Edema, swelling and leaking of capillaries in the eye that may accompany this complication of diabetes can make a person a potential candidate for laser eye surgery. This is to prevent more serious and permanent damage to the eyes that can lead to blindness.

Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR) is the more serious and later stage of this disease where laser eye surgery is a more important choice of treatment. The technique for this is known as laser photocoagulation of the peripheral retina. The entire procedure may be completed in as short as 30-45 minutes per session. It may take around 3-4 sessions to fully benefit from this procedure with it being performed at the doctor's office.

Laser eye surgery also works for age-related vision problems. One such technique is Photodynamic Therapy. This makes use of a light activated dye called Visudyne. This is introduced to the patient's arm via injection. It enters the circulation and into the area beneath the retina where new blood vessels are formed. A non-thermal red laser is then used to activate Visudyne molecules. The activated molecules begin sealing holes and destroying unhealthy blood vessels.

Laser eye surgery can work miracles and provide new hope for people with vision problems of varying degrees. The key is to diagnose the condition and carefully evaluate which laser eye surgery technique will work best for the patient and you physician will do this for you.

For more information now go to: or

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Monday, March 24, 2008

What To Do With Dry Eye After Lasik

Lasik eye surgery is for people who are nearsighted or farsighted and have astigmatism. This surgery changes the curvature of the cornea, which is the outermost part of the eye. This allows the person to see without the need for glasses or contacts.

Most people have no trouble with their vision correction surgery. Less than 1% of people who have this type of surgery done actually experience any side effects. It is done on an outpatient basis and most people can return to work and to their usual activities the day after surgery. As with any surgery, there is always the risk of side effects. One of the possible Lasik complications is having chronic dry eyes after Lasik surgery. This is the most common complaint of patients who have had eye surgery. The reason for this is that vision correction surgery reduces the amount of lubrication that a patient’s eyes normally receive.

Dry eye problems can run the spectrum from less serious to more serious. A patient can experience itching, redness, and even pain after vision correction surgery. For some the problem is minor and can be solved with artificial teardrops or other types of drops or topical treatments for the eyes. Other people find that taking flax seed oil caplets helps, and that using a humidifier in their home also relieves that dry, scratchy feeling. For many patients, their eyes return to their normal or near normal lubrication levels in the weeks and months following their eye surgery.

If the dry eye problem is more serious, a tiny plug can be inserted that prevents tears from going to the nose and therefore allows for more lubrication in the eye. This plug can be removed in the future if the dry eye problem is resolved.

The best way to avoid any Lasik complications or side effects is to choose your ophthalmologist wisely. Make sure that they have the proper credentials and have done a large number of successful vision correction surgeries. Do not be swayed by discount offers on Lasik that seem too good to be true. You should always have a consultation with your surgeon prior to having any kind of surgery. A good surgeon will be able to tell you if you are a good candidate for this type of surgery, and will let you know if you would not benefit from Lasik. An experienced ophthalmologist will also be able to help you if you do experience dry eyes after Lasik surgery, they will be able to help you deal with the problem and lessen your discomfort until the problem is resolved. To get quality vision correction surgery, you need to be willing to pay a competitive price for it and do your homework when choosing a doctor.

About The Author
Bob Hett offers great tips and advice regarding all aspects of Lasik Eye Surgery. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting

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FDA Approves Lasik Eye Surgery

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new custom lasik procedure in September of 2005. This new procedure can now treat many patients who were previously ineligible for the surgery.


Nearsightedness occurs when the eye is too long and light rays focus in front of the retina, instead of focusing on the retina. Some of the symptoms of nearsightedness are blurred distant vision, eyestrain, and squinting, along with having a difficult time seeing at night.

Although nearsightedness can be easily fixed with glasses or contact lenses (when not too severe), many people don't like to hassle with either one. With this new lasik procedure, folks will now be able to have pure vision.


Astigmatism is the effect of the eye being shaped like a football, instead of round like a baseball. This deformity -- where the light rays focus on two points on the retina instead of one -- results in blurred vision, double vision, and shadows on letters when reading. Until recently, this deformity has prevented some people from even getting contact lenses. Breakthroughs in contact lenses have only helped those with slight astigmatism.

However, with this new lasik procedure, patients can now have their eyes repaired to normal, or at least be repaired enough to comfortably wear contact lenses. Either way, their vision is enhanced and many are happy just to get rid of the glasses and finally be able to wear contacts, or possibly nothing at all.


Farsightedness happens when light rays focus behind the retina instead of on the retina, resulting in blurred near vision. Some patients with severe farsightedness have to step back from what they are reading and others require magnifying glasses to see something that is right in front of them. People with farsightedness can see you 30 feet away, but when you get right up close they can't see you! This can be embarrassing and cause the afflicted person much insecurity along with the feeling that they are going blind.

Farsightedness is easily remedied by wearing glasses to read and see things up close, but it's very inconvenient to constantly be taking your glasses on and off. Not only is it inconvenient, you take the chance of leaving your glasses behind. Some patients keep their glasses on a chain so they won't lose them, but this makes them feel old. Now, lasik surgery is another option for these patients.

New Laser Technology

The FDA recently approved the new Visx STAR Excimer laser system. This fantastic breakthrough in technology allows doctors to do more than they ever could before, giving them the ability to reshape the eye to correct astigmatism, farsightedness and nearsightedness. Before this marvelous breakthrough these patients were not good candidates for lasik eye surgery. They now can join the rest of the vision impaired and have the option for lasik.

Recent FDA studies show that over 98% of all patients receiving these new procedures were seeing 20/40 or better 6 months after surgery. Over 84% were seeing much better than 20/20 after 6 months. Now that's reason to celebrate!

New breakthroughs in lasik eye surgery technology are happening all the time. Now people don't have to be inconvenienced by the hassle of glasses or contacts. All they want to do is to be able to get up in the morning and see normally. These breakthroughs in lasik technology are giving them an improved quality of life that once was unattainable.

About The Author
Ron King
Visit to learn more. Ron King is a full-time researcher, writer, and web developer with a .

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How LASIK Vision Correction Works

The sheer number of different eye corrective surgeries available can be overwhelming at times. And since the matter concerns the eyes, regarded by many as the most important of the five senses, it becomes highly essential that you carry out a basic research of the procedures available. This would certainly aid you in selecting the most feasible and effective treatment. It is also imperative that you have a grasp of how LASIK vision correction works, since LASIK is the most prevalent type of eye surgery.

It is comforting to know that LASIK eye surgery has the most advanced scientific technology at its disposal. It makes use of high-precision equipment and dedicated technicians. For instance, the surgeon employs the Excimer laser, which is an amazingly precise ultraviolet chemical laser. As an evidence of its precision, the Excimer laser is capable of removing 0.5% of a human hair’s width at a time.

At first, a thorough pre-operative examination is conducted, in order to detect astigmatism and other irregularities in the shape of the cornea. The patient is also advised to take a few precautions approximately 7 to 10 days prior to the surgery. LASIK eye surgery is performed with the patient awake and functional, however, the ophthalmologist administers a mild sedative and anesthetic eye drops. The surgeon performs the surgery with the assistance of a dedicated technician who controls the laser.

Basically, a flap is cut in the cornea using a blade (a microkeratome) or a laser. The flap is lifted up to reveal the middle section of the cornea. Then the Excimer laser is used to make the desired incisions, in order to reshape the corneal tissue. The cornea is carved in a finely controlled manner, since the Excimer laser is a cool laser and does not produce heat, which could otherwise damage the adjacent tissue. The flap is then replaced to allow for natural binding.

Reshaping of the cornea in such a manner, corrects any refractive error that the patient may have. LASIK procedure is simple and the patient may go to work the very next day – sounds like a very much doable treatment.

About The Author
Nicola Kennedy publishes articles and reports and provides news, views and information about how LASIK Eye Surgery works at Your Lasik Information.

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Why Eye Lasik Is Necessary For Athletes

Most people would have the misconception that eye lasik is a cure to short-sighted or long-sighted problems. The fact is eye lasik surgery is designed to improve the vision of the person under-going the surgery. It is not intended to give you super sharp vision or extreme clear focus. The expectation need to be correct. Many athletes with minor short-sighted eye problem would opt for eye lasik surgery. Now you might ask, why do they do so?

The number one reason is improve on their current performance with the sport they are in. Take for example Tiger Woods, the professional golfer, with severe shor-sightedness and need to wear contacts lens for each of his game. He is always concern about the weather condition like windy or rainy day which can affects his judgement.After his lasik eye surgery, he claim to experience an improvement in viewing the holes on the green. And until now he is still happy with his vision. Many golfers would agree to opt for this eye cosmetic treatment which ultimately can potentially helps in their overall scoring.

Another great benefit to the sportsman is that they not longer need to wear their contact lenses or vision aid device during their training. This would mean one less worry for them. Especially for swimmers, they no longer need to wear degree fitted googel,specticle or sunglasses. The cost in saving can be alot over a period of a few years.

An interesting finding shows that footballers, golfers, basketball players and hockey players are among the top group of people who opt to have an eye lasik surgery. This is followed by divers and swimmers.

With the in-born talent and training, athletes should be able to excel in the sports that they love. Althletes should not be put down by the problem of poor eye sight which hinder the growth of their career as a sportsman. Perhaps the biggest obsticle to the althlete is the risk involved. However, with the advancement of technology in eye lasik surgery operation, the risk factors would no longer be of concern.

About The Author
Adwin Ang is a freelance publisher based in Singapore. He publishes articles in various ezines and free downloadable eye lasik related reports and provides information on Lasik eye surgery at

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Restore Your Perfect Vision With a Lasik Surgery

Just like it is said that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, it is also true that beauty lies in the eyes. Our eyes are the mirror of our soul and no matter what a person may be speaking; it is their eyes that tell the truth. It is no wonder therefore, that we try all possible means to look after our eyes and treat them with utmost care. Beautification of the eyes is a woman’s prerogative and she leaves no stone unturned to make them look attractive. A lighthearted quote goes “boys don’t make passes at girls with glasses” and although this is not true, some people do tend to take it to heart. Undoubtedly, the best option would be to have a perfect vision and lasik surgery provides this option to people who need vision correction.

A good sight is a blessing as the very thought of wearing spectacles can be uncomfortable for many of us. Although contact lenses have taken care of this problem to quite an extent, still they come with their own set of disadvantages. A lasik surgery can allow you to see the world much more clearly once again. The surgery can be used to successfully rectify any vision defect like farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism and other eye conditions. The high success rate of a lasik surgery makes it a popular method of vision rectification procedures preferred by eye surgeons. A person needs to be eighteen years or above in order to be eligible for this surgery.

The lasik surgery consists of two different procedures, one which involves creating the corneas flap while the other involves, molding the cornea under the flap. The vision of the patient is corrected during the surgery by reshaping the cornea. The advantage of the surgery also lies in the fact that it hardly takes about 15-20 minutes and the recovery time is also very fast compared to any other kind of surgical procedure. However, this kind of a surgery can be an expensive affair and one needs to be financially prepared for this kind of expense. A proper financial planning of the costs is thoroughly recommended before opting for this kind of surgery. Advancements in the world of medicine have made another option available to the individuals’ keen of this procedure. One could look into the possibility of getting this surgery done in another country where the surgery might cost much less than in one’s home country.

It is best to review all possible options and then take a course of action, which will be the most beneficial for the patient. It is also helpful to carry out a little background research about the possible outcomes and effects of lasik surgery. Although considered a very safe process, it would be best to be well informed. Also, you should entrust your eyes only to a reputed surgeon with a successful track record. Ensure that you follow all advice of your doctor before and after the surgery, in order to guarantee a positive outcome.

About The Author
Sarah Wilson is a tourism management expert with years of experience in overseas medical tourism management. If you want to know more about medical tourism,Lasik Surgery, lasik eye surgery, gastric bypass surgery, lasik surgery and more, you can visit

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lasik: After The Surgery

If you're reading this chances are you are trying to decide if Lasik eye corrective surgery is right for you. The report will provide you with enough information to make an informed decision.

What can go Wrong?

Early Postoperative Complications

A subconjunctival hemorrhage is a common and minor post-Lasik complication. The incidence of refractive surgery patients having unresolved complications six months after surgery has been estimated from 3% to 6%. The following are some of the more frequently reported complications of Lasik:

* Dry eyes
* Overcorrection or undercorrection
* Visual acuity fluctuation
* Halos or starbursts around light sources at night
* Light sensitivity
* Ghosts or double vision
* Wrinkles in flap (striae)
* Decentered ablation
* Debris or growth under flap
* Thin or buttonhole flap
* Induced astigmatism
* Epithelium erosion
* Posterior vitreous detachment
* Macular hole

Late Postoperative Complications
The incidence of epithelial ingrowth has been estimated at 0.1%.

Glare is another commonly reportedly complication of those who have had Lasik . Halos or starbursts around bright lights at night are caused by the irregularity between the lasered part and the untouched part. It is not practical to perform the surgery so that it covers the width of the pupil at full dilation at night, and the pupil may expand so that light passes through the edge of the flap into the pupil.

In daytime, the pupil is smaller than the edge. Newer equipment is available to properly treat those with large pupils, and responsible physicians will check for them during examination.

Safety and Efficacy
The reported figures for safety and efficacy are open to interpretation. In 2003, the Medical Defence Union (MDU), the largest insurer for doctors in the United Kingdom, reported a 166% increase in claims involving laser eye surgery; however, the MDU averred that these claims resulted primarily from patients' “unrealistic expectations” of Lasik rather than “faulty surgery”.

A 2003 study reported in the medical journal Ophthalmology found that nearly 18% of treated patients and 12% of treated eyes needed retreatment. The authors concluded that “higher initial corrections, astigmatism, and older age are risk factors for Lasik retreatment.”

In 2004, the British National Health Service's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) considered a systematic review of four randomized controlled trials before issuing guidance for the use of Lasik within the NHS.

Regarding the procedure's efficacy, NICE reported, "Current evidence on Lasik for the treatment of refractive errors suggests that it is effective in selected patients with mild or moderate short-sightedness" but that "evidence is weaker for its effectiveness in severe short-sightedness and long- sightedness."

Regarding the procedure's safety, NICE reported that "there are concerns about the procedure's safety in the long term and current evidence does not appear adequate to support its use within the NHS without special arrangements for consent and for audit or research." Leading refractive surgeons in the United Kingdom and United States, including at least one author of a study cited in the report, believe NICE relied on information that is severely dated and weakly researched.

Various surveys have been performed to determine patient satisfaction with Lasik.

According to a 2005 survey, 92.2% of patients reported that they were satisfied or very satisfied with their surgery.

About the Author:
This article is Copyright © 2006, Heather Colman. Find more lasik resources at

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What Is Lasik Plus?

You have heard about Lasik surgery for several years and you know many people that have had this life changing surgery. But, what is Lasik Plus? You have never heard about this-is it better or just different? Actually, it is a special place dedicated to helping people who want to have Lasik surgical procedures done.

Lasik Plus claims that their surgeons are high skilled and certified through many different medical boards such as the AMA, ABO and NCQA. They have a dedicated medical team that has been performing these surgeries for over 15 years and they have an excellent track record in the Lasik area.

Lasik Plus patients, are treated with sophisticated FDA-approved laser technology. Their centers are outfitted with new generation laser platforms, including Bausch & Lomb, VISX, and Alcon LADARVision. They understand the importance of having different lasers that can provide you with personalized results. This gives you with the ability to be an active participant in your vision correction plan.

They will offer you a choice of both the traditional and custom Lasik platforms. No one laser is suited for every patient or all conditions. There are differences in prescription, corneal thickness, and pupil size that may make the doctors choose with one laser over another with the goal of making your surgery successful.

They know that all Lasik providers are not the same and they tell you that their medical group is setting the standard for the entire industry. They have superior results because of the advance medical laser platforms, technical skills of their staff and their progressive training programs. All procedures are performed by lasers that are computer guided and have eye-tracking technology designed for your personalized treatment.

Lasik Plus facilities charge competitive rates and have promotional financing available to help everyone who wants to have this procedure performed.

If you think you want to have lasik plus performed on your eyes, you should check into the procedure. It is not for everyone and there are risks involved. You might want to read books, magazine articles, and newspapers to see what the latest developed are in this field. Medical procedures are constantly changing and being improved. Maybe you were not a good candidate 10 years ago when you first thought about having this done. But, with the advancements in technology, you may now be a good candidate.

You have made up your mind that you want to use Lasik Plus for your eye procedure. Work with them to ensure that you have all of the information you need and want, that all of your questions have been answered, and that you are ready to move ahead.

Schedule your procedure, following all of the instructions provided by the doctors and medical staff and relax. You are in good hands and soon you will be one of the many people who is able to talk about the wonderful freedom you now have since you do not wear glasses or contact lenses. Soon, friends and associations will be asking you for advice about Lasik Plus and what you thought about it.

About the Author: brings you the latest on Lasik. Lasik is very popular, and we want to bring you the most up to date information online! Be sure to check out our latest information page on Lasik plus.

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Unsure About Lasik? Alternatives To Lasik Surgery

It’s true that LASIK is one of the most prevalent types of eye surgery. However, a few people are either not comfortable with, or not suitable for LASIK surgery due to inadequate thickness of the corneal tissue. There are several alternatives to LASIK surgery, each possessing certain characteristics that make it more appropriate in a particular situation. The procedures may be different, but the key intent is to correct the vision. The following are a few of the major alternatives to LASIK surgery.

LASEK (Laser-Assisted Sub-Epithelial Keratomiluesis) is a recent addition to the refractive surgery catalog. As noted above, the density of the corneal tissue is inadequate in some patients, and hence, LASIK is not a possible option for them. In such a scenario, procedures like LASEK or PRK (Photo-Refractive Keratectomy) can be viable alternatives. These procedures produce the same results but require less tissue removal when compared with the LASIK procedure. That is, a thinner flap is cut in the corneal tissue.

Intraocular Lens Implant – In essence, this surgery is the same as cataract extraction with placement of a clear intraocular lens. The natural lens, the one having a refractive error, is extracted and replaced with a clear lens that provides clearer vision. This procedure is especially beneficial if the patient is suffering from hypermetropia (farsightedness) and that too with a high refractive error.

Spectacles or Contact Lenses – Glasses and contact lenses have been a popular choice for many years now. They are an affordable alternative to LASIK surgery. Spectacles or contact lenses are certainly a much safer proposition, since any sort of surgery has a potential for side effects and complications. There can be nothing as simple as wearing spectacles or contact lenses. With an elaborate series of new designs and makes, your spectacles can be strong fashion statement as well.

Don’t hastily jump on a conclusion. It is advised that you carefully examine all the above alternatives prior to going in for a surgery. Do your best to avoid any surgical treatment. If you suffer from a minor refractive error, one that can be easily corrected by wearing glasses or contact lenses, there is no point going in for a LASIK surgery.

About the Author:
Nicola Kennedy publishes articles and reports and provides news, information and views about Lasik eye surgery at Your Lasik Information. Copyright All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included.

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Many Patients Choose The Lasik Vision Institute For Their Lasik Procedure

Lasik vision correction has become one of the most popular elective surgical procedures performed in the United States. With over one million people having undergone the procedure in the U.S. alone, laser eye surgery centers continue to crop up in order to keep pace with the demand. Patients who opt to have Lasik most often have very successful outcomes – with only 3-6% reporting mild to moderate complications following surgery.

But savvy patients know that in order to maximize their chance for success it is imperative to choose a Lasik surgery center that has experience and a stellar reputation in the industry. One such center that has parlayed its experience in Lasik surgery into a nationwide chain of quality centers is the Lasik Vision Institute.

With surgery centers in 30 states nationwide, the Lasik Vision Institute was founded in 1999 with a commitment to providing a consistent level of service to every patient who walked through their doors. This continuum of care is evidenced in every center throughout the country; what you experience in Florida will be what you experience in Pennsylvania and so forth.

The company prides itself on utilizing the most state-of-the-art technology available on the market, along with a stable of professional and experienced Lasik eye surgeons, medical support staff, and office staff. The company has continued to gain popularity over the years as Lasik patients recognize the consistent service provided by the centers around the country. To date, the Lasik Vision Institute has performed over half a million Lasik procedures.

Refractive procedures – such as Lasik – work to correct refractive conditions such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. These conditions – and others like them – affect how the lens of our eye refracts light to the retina. The retina – whose job it is to convert the light it receives to messages that can be seen by the optic nerve in the brain – is most affected by refractive conditions.

If the light is not refracted properly the message that the retina sends to the brain is seen as a blurry image. The Lasik procedure works to correct this problem by resurfacing the cornea – the transparent layer that covers the lens of the eye – allowing it to refract light properly. This resurfacing is done with the use of a laser.

The surgeons of the Lasik Vision Institute are required to be enormously experienced in laser refractive procedures. The fact that the Institute focuses solely on Lasik brings its patients significant comfort in knowing that they are dealing with a surgical center that is so committed to providing comprehensive care and quality procedures. It is for this reason that the Lasik Vision Institute has become a reputable authority in the world of Lasik procedures.

In addition to superlative patient care, the Lasik Vision Institute is able to perform procedures in a way that is affordable for its patients. Because the Institute has centers across the country, it is able to buy its equipment as a whole thus reducing overhead and passing these savings on to their patients.

About the Author: brings you the latest on Lasik. Lasik is very popular, and we want to bring you the most up to date information online! Be sure to check out our latest information page on Lasik Vision Institute.

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Lasik FAQ: Answers To Common Questions About Lasik Eye Surgery

* What is lasik surgery?

LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. This is a refractive surgical procedure which is performed by an ophthalmologist. This surgical procedure is done in order to correct the vision of the patient, thus lessening his or her dependence on any corrective devices such as contact lenses or eyeglasses.

* How risky is lasik eye surgery and what exactly are the risks?

Some patients are happy with the result of LASIK surgery. But, like other surgical procedures, risks are inevitable. This is why it is necessary that you know your limitations and the possible complications of the surgery.

The risks of LASIK eye surgery include:

Patients might lose their vision.

Patients may develop unbearable visual symptoms.

The surgery may either be undertreated or overtreated.

Patients might develop serious dry eye conditions.

* How much does lasik eye surgery cost?

If you opt for the traditional LASIK, the surgery can cost from 1,600 to 2,000 dollars per eye, but if it is customized LASIK that you want, it will cost you around 2,000 to 2,500 dollars per eye. The prices for LASIK surgery differ depending on your chosen LASIK surgeon.

* Does insurance cover Lasik surgery?

Although LASIK surgery is not a cosmetic surgical procedure, it is still considered elective surgery. Such surgeries are covered mostly in Asian and European countries, but most insurance policies in the United States, Canada and Latin America do not cover it. Furthermore, not even Medicare will cover it.

However, it is probable that the rate for LASIK is deductible on U.S. federal taxes. Therefore, before having the surgery, check to see if it can be considered a deductible health care expense.

* Is the Lasik procedure painful?

Patients do not experience any discomfort during the LASIK procedure itself, because the eye is given an eye drop anesthetic before the procedure takes place. If the patient suffers much discomfort after the procedure, he or she can take Ibuprofen or Tylenol during the first two days after surgery.

* How long has Lasik technology been around?

LASIK technology has been around for more than 10 years now. The first time it was performed in some clinics in the U.S was during the early 1990s. From that time, more than a million procedures of LASIK were performed. Recently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has endorsed it as the newest eye remedy technology.

* What procedures can a laser perform?

There are three types of procedures that a laser can perform. The most popular of the three is the LASIK. In this procedure, a thin coating of the cornea is removed to make a flap. This allows the laser to take tissue from underneath the flap. After the flap is replaced, eyesight is restored in an instant.

Another procedure is the LASEK or EPIFLAP surgery. This includes the incomplete removal of the outer layer of eye cells and the epithelium, which show the cornea. The cornea is flattened or otherwise reshaped using a laser, then the outer cells are repositioned and after several days, the eye will heal.

The third one is the PRK. This procedure includes the full removal of the epithelium or outer cells of the eye.

About the Author:
Lanny Frankel is editor of Lasik FAQ, the online Lasik guide. He also writes Lasik FAQ's for

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Lasik Eye Surgery - Why You Are Not Guaranteed To Qualify For It!

Lasik eye surgery is still relatively new and while thousands of people have enjoyed the benefits from this type of surgery, it still remains a mystery to many. Questions such as how do I qualify? Is it safe; and what techniques are employed are often asked.

This article will provide a brief overview of what lasik eye surgery technique is and what you need to do to qualify for it. It's not just a matter of presenting yourself to a surgeon and saying..."I want lasik!" While lasik is an extremely safe procedure, it is surgery nevertheless and your surgeon will need to determine several things about you and your eyes before accepting you as patient.

The Qualification Process

First of all, you will need to consult your doctor. Discuss with him/her your situation and the problems you are experiencing and an analysis will be made of your situation. Remember, not everyone will be suitable for lasik eye surgery. some of the reasons you may be rejected include:

- being under the age of 18.
- being pregnant
- eyes must be in a healthy condition

At a young age, peoples eyes are still in the evolving stage and any complications which may exist could improve over time. Young people are encouraged to give it a little extra time before considering lasik treatment.

With pregnancy, lasik is discouraged because of the refraction or bending of light due to hormonal changes. Surgery response may be a little skewed for pregnant woman and this also applies to women during the nursing stage.

If you have been having ongoing problems with your eyes and they are not in a healthy or stable condition then lasik may not be an option for you. Your doctor will determine this and be extremely forthright about it. Rejection in this instance is usually a precautionary measure.

Lasik Eye Surgery Techniques

Lasik eye surgery is a relatively safe and painless procedure. Lasik surgery techniques are such that the procedure is quick and is usually performed within 10-20 minutes. Local anaesthethic is used.

It involves a laser cut flap on the eye cornea and lifting it and is then followed by a laser re-shaping of the tissue underneath it. When completed the flap is then replaced. No stitching is required and the healing process begins. Protection is placed over the eye so the cornea isn't subject to outside damage.

The healing process is usually very quick, in fact, in some cases, people have been able to resume work duties the following day however, most patients are advised to take a few days off. Side effects aren't immediately noticeable although some mild irritation may be felt in the form of slight burning or itching. Depending on the level of discomfort, medication may be prescribed.

Lasik surgery techniques are amazingly effective and once you qualify, the decision will be yours on whether to have the surgery. The success rate is extremely high and the benefits certainly outweigh the negatives. Ultimately, it will be your decision on whether it is worth the slight risk involved.

About the Author
Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Do you qualify for lasik eye surgery? Read this report on lasik eye surgery technique to find out. Plus, read latest eye surgery news and reviews at:

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What To Expect From A Lasik Clinic

If you said that you were going to a lasik clinic twenty years ago, you would have gotten some strange looks. When the basic lasik procedure first became available in the early 1990's it was only available at a few prominent medical centers. The equipment necessary to perform the corrective laser eye surgery had not yet been developed on a mass scale and was not available, or affordable, for many eye surgeons. The popularity of the procedure has given birth to a completely new genre of medical clinics though. Now, there is a lasik clinic in every major town, and the number just keeps growing.

For those choosing to have corrective eye surgery, unique surgical opportunities are provided by a specialized lasik clinic. Patients will receive specialized care in these clinics, dedicated exclusively to corrective laser eye surgery. Comprehensive training in this special optic medical branch is required for staff, as the facilities are devoted to and specifically designed for lasik procedures. As laser eye surgery techniques and types increase, consumers will be able to shop around. This in turn, will compel the lasik clinics to keep moving forward in order to stay on the cutting edge of this medical branch.

Choosing a lasik clinic may seem complicated due to the numerous choices available. A bit of study and investigation should be performed, as with any high-dollar expense. You can find most medical clinics on the internet. Visiting their web site and reading customer reviews is well worth the time spent. Recommendations are also available on medical discussion boards. Your insurance carrier may provide a service that can give recommendations. If you are looking for a doctor to perform your lasik eye surgery, consider speaking with a friend that has been through the process with good results. Their good experience may bode well for you also.

Feel free to visit a lasik clinic and get a feel for the practice before you make the decision to use them. Most eye surgeons will require a consultative visit before performing the corrective laser eye surgery anyway, so you can feel free to keep shopping around if you are not comfortable with your initial visit. Sometimes doctors forget that people are their customers, and you should never commit yourself to a lasik surgeon who doesn't seem to have your best interests at heart. Remember, you are paying them to make you happy.

With new clinics opening up everyday, you should be able to combine your observations to make a good decision concerning which lasik clinic you want to use. Process your own personal experience with the information that you find from others to find the place that best suits you. In some cases, your insurance provider may tell you which eye surgeons you have to pick from, but in the majority of cases, it is entirely up to you.

About the Author
Heather Gurzell is a nurse in California. Like many she got tired of dealing with glasses and did her homework for the best Lasik Sacramento clinic. She highly recommends the Pacific Laser Eye Center with five convenient Northern California area locations such as their

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The Laser Lasik Mystery

Laser Lasik eye surgery is among the most popular procedures in the world today and is quickly advancing through the medical field. Many people consider Lasik eye surgery to be the mysterious antidote to all of their problems in terms of vision and love what it is doing for the world of optics. Others consider Lasik to be a long time coming and wonder why we are only just now using this technology to give people better sight. Regardless of the position of the critics, the laser Lasik mystery is something that has seemingly finally been solved and is now becoming a class of medicine all its own that is providing people with real, tangible results to improve their vision difficulties.

A lot of people are getting laser Lasik done on weekends and on their days off of work, then having someone drive them home as they recover. It is simple; it is a short procedure that really only takes a few minutes and is completely painless. The only drawback is that it takes some time for the eye to adjust. After the adjustment period is over, a staggering amount of patients report having almost perfect sight because of the procedure and report to being as good as new. With this type of result, people often head into a laser Lasik procedure and expect a miraculous outcome. The truth is that there are still a few variables involved that make Lasik a procedure that is not necessarily foolproof.

Variables And Drawbacks

As with anything in life, there are drawbacks and negative aspects to consider in terms of the general success of something. There will always be an upside and a downside to things that we find important, so we must consider these before we make a final decision. With laser Lasik surgery, there are possible complications that can inhibit your chances of having success at the procedure and embarking on a path to full recovery. For starters, full recovery is never a guarantee and often does not take place in patients that are too old to heal properly. If you have healing difficulties, you should be careful when you consider Lasik surgery.

There is also a small group of patients that will find that their conditions, after laser Lasik, have actually worsened. This is because of some complications within the procedure itself that may be representative of a misshapen eye or some other interior reactions to the laser itself. Regardless, the complications that result can not always be predicted.

About the Author
Scott Fromherz owns and operates multiple websites. For more information about laser lasik go to or

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Laser Eye Surgery Provides Freedom from Glasses and Contacts

There are many renowned as well as diverse laser eye surgery clinics that offer the best available treatments at the most affordable prices and also achieve high quality clinical excellence. Laser eye surgery could cost approximately $1000 and the quick and simple procedure offers freedom from blurred and incorrect vision and provides an alternative to wearing glasses as well as contact lenses.

Laser eye surgery is not like other operations in that it is only performed on people with healthy eyes in order to cure eye diseases. There are different laser eye surgeries such as lasik, epi-lasik, wavefront lasik/epi-lasik, and femtosecond lasik or the new state of the art all laser lasik.

Lasik, Epi-lasik, and Wavefront Surgeries

Lasik is used in correcting a broad spectrum of prescriptions and is most suited for the correction of mild to severe short sight, mild and long sight as well as astigmatism where the patient would generally recover in a day's time. Epi-lasik is not as invasive as lasik and can be used to correct mild to moderate short sight as well as astigmatism.

Wavefront lasik/epi-lasik is a treatment that can be customized and is designed to correct unusually shaped eyes as well as cases of unsatisfactory results from using lasik or epi-lasik treatments and is greatly instrumental in improving night vision. When the patient is undergoing laser eye surgery the surgeon most often uses a device known as the Excimer Laser which helps to shape the patient's cornea forever.

In PRK, the surgeon utilizes a laser beam that is guided with the help of a computer to vaporize small amounts of tissue that is present on the surface of the cornea. Using PRK helps in removing the right amount of tissue and reforms the cornea to enable corrected vision and the healing process may last a week or so.

Laser eye surgery is usually performed by very experienced as well as highly trained specialists and the results vary from satisfactory to excellent. In many cases the patient finds his or her life vastly improved as a result of such treatment since they may not have to use prescription glasses or contact lenses after the surgery. However, the patient should have realistic expectations before the eye surgery is performed and for those who are above 40, they should know that it may still be necessary for them to use reading glasses, even after the surgery.

About the Author
Scott Fromherz owns and operates multiple websites. For more information about laser eye surgery go to or

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What You Need To Know About EPI-LASIK

Epi-LASIK is a type of refractive surgery, which is designed to reduce a person’s dependency on contact lenses and eyeglasses. The technique was invented by Dr. Ioannis Pallikaris, and it attempts to merge the desirable features of other major refractive surgery techniques, such as PRK, LASIK and LASEK. Epi-LASIK is believed to avoid risks associated with LASIK and offers improved postoperative recovery relative to PRK. In essence, Epi-LASIK is described as ‘an advanced type of corneal surface ablation’ employed to correct myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism.

Epi-LASIK differs from conventional LASIK. LASIK involves cutting a flap in the cornea with a microkeratome or laser to reveal the stroma (the middle layer of the cornea). On the other hand, Epi-LASIK entails the creation of a thin flap of corneal epithelium. The epithelium is gently separated from the underlying corneal layer without cutting – quite the same procedure as what is followed during LASEK. However, as opposed to LASEK, Epi-LASIK does not make use of any alcohol solution to loosen and remove the surface of the epithelium.

Like LASEK, Epi-LASIK is more appropriate for patients who have thin corneas and are therefore not viable candidates for conventional LASIK. Once the epithelial layer is removed, the excimer laser reshapes the cornea in the desired manner so as to correct any refractive anomalies. Upon successful ablation, the epithelial flap is repositioned on the cornea. A thin soft bandage contact lens is then placed over the flap. This must be worn for several days after the Epi-LASIK surgery, in order to minimize discomfort and aid in the healing process.

Epi-LASIK holds a significant advantage over conventional LASIK in that it avoids any of the potential flap complications associated with LASIK. That is, there is no such risk as dislocated flap, folds in flap, epithelial in-growth etc. In addition, Epi-LASIK allows a more rapid visual recovery relative to PRK and LASEK.

In summary, Epi-LASIK is a technologically advanced surgical procedure, which might be useful if you have a thin cornea or some other visual anomaly that rules out conventional refractive surgery. However, it is advised that you acquire the assistance of an expert eye surgeon instead of hastily jumping on a conclusion.

The LASIK Surgeons Directory - find a LASIK surgery. Nicola Kennedy publishes articles and reports and provides news, views and information about Epi-LASIK at Your Lasik Information.

This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact. All rights reserved. Copyright

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Monday, March 10, 2008

PRK Laser Eye Surgery - Photorefractive Keratectomy

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) was the forerunner of Lasek laser eye surgery. It has been around for over 12 years and is therefore considered a safe procedure as to date there has been no evidence to suggest that PRK causes harm to eyes and vision in the long term. However, it is now much less commonly used than Lasek treatment and Lasik, which at present is the most popular form of laser eye surgery.

The most frequent reason for a laser eye surgery practitioner to recommend PRK over the other forms of treatment is that the patient has an unusually thin cornea or a large pupil. In these in instances, PRK is the safer option as Lasik works through a flap being created in the cornea and Lasek treatment is enabled by softening the cornea with an alcoholic solution. Both of these forms of treatment become much more complex if the cornea is too thin.

During preparation for surgery, the eye area will be cleaned thoroughly and the eyelid held in place with a metal ring. Anesthetic drops are administered t numb the eyes to prevent discomfort during the use of the laser. Unlike other types of laser eye treatment, where the shape of the eye is reformed underneath the surface of the cornea, PRK works by reshaping the cornea by eliminating a thin layer of cells from the surface of the eye with an excimer laser. The epithelium will grow back naturally and no undue side effects should result from its temporary removal.

Although PRK is a safe procedure its downside, in comparison to newer forms of laser eye surgery, is that recovery time can take longer and PRK patients generally experience greater pain and discomfort. Vision may remain hazy or slightly blurred for up to two months, when the final effects of laser eye treatment should become noticeable. Dry eyes are a common side effect and eye drops should be used to keep the eyes lubricated and free from infection.

As with all forms of laser eye surgery, PRK carries certain risks. For instance, while daytime vision may be improved sufficiently for the patient to go about their daily routine without glasses or contact lenses, dark conditions can be a problem. Night vision may be even poorer than it was pre-surgery and it is very common for patients to see a glare or ‘halo’ around lights. This can make driving at night inadvisable, at least of the first few months, and after this time glasses may be required for driving after dark.

Although laser eye surgery is permanent, patients need to remember that their vision can still deteriorate as part of the ageing process and that, at some point in the future, they may once again have to wear glasses or contact lenses. Your chances of attaining good results from laser eye treatment will be greatly increased if you suffer from only mild to moderate near or long sightedness and the longevity of the results can be extended if your prescription has remained stable for several years.

Despite the popularity of newer treatments such as Lasik, PRK can still be a viable option with a number of advantages, in particular its reputation as a safe procedure. Only a qualified ophthalmologist can advise you which type of laser eye surgery is most suitable for your needs.

Leanne has had several articles published on the subject of laser eye treatment.

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Around 5% of Patients Feel the Side Effects of Lasik Surgery

Let us assume that one has had lasik procedure and thanks to the numbing drops used in the surgery, the lasik eye surgery was absolutely painless. The only problem that may occur is when the effect of the drops wears off and there is some amount of discomfort or dryness that lasts a few hours though possibly there would not be any severe pain.

Like others, every patient would be looking forward to a new life after lasik eye surgery and so may want to know more about side effects of lasik surgery. There are some side effects of lasik surgery that includes blurred vision, light sensitivity or some dryness in the eyes. These side effects of lasik surgery may not last long and may soon disappear and the eyes will start to heal once again.

Infections, Under and Over-Correction

Some amount of risk of complications as well as side effects following a laser vision correction is to be expected and these include infections, under-correction, over-correction, night glare, regression as well as corneal haze. There may also be other side effects of lasik surgery such as free flap with lasik and epithelial in growth after lasik. The biggest risk after lasik surgery would surely be infection and this requires a post surgery activity schedule that needs to be followed. The chances of developing eye infection are very low though it may still occur and in case of eye infection, the healing process would often be very slow.

It is believed that as many as five percent of patients that have had lasik surgery would experience some form of side effects of lasik surgery. However, much more common is that the surgery has led to under-correction and this may require a touch up that may be performed within 90 days. Even after lasik surgery, a doctor may need to prescribe the patient to use corrective lenses to be able to see clearly once again. This may be due to either under-correction or over-connection. Flap loss with lasik implies that a flap of tissue is made above the cornea and this flap may come off due to the patient injuring him or her or through direct contact with the eye within 24 hours of surgery.

There are also side effects of lasik surgery that involve dry eyes and this condition causes the eye to be unable to produce tears that would enable the eye to stay clean as well as moist. The patient with a dry eye would feel a burning sensation or irregular blurring of the affected eye and this needs intensive drop therapy to treat it.

About the Author
For more information about side effects of lasik surgery go to or

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Lasik Surgery - Seeing The World Like You Once Did

More and more people with vision problems are turning to LASIK to correct their vision. LASIK, which stands for Laser In Situ Keratomileusis is generally a safe, reliable and painless way to improve vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses. Thanks to new advances in laser technology, LASIK is the most commonly performed refractive surgery procedure that is used to correct refractive errors in the eye, such as moderate to high degrees of myopia or nearsightedness, hyperopia or farsightedness, and astigmatism or distorted vision.

LASIK helps change the shape of the cornea with the use of excimer laser. The knife that is used in the operation to remove a flap in the cornea is called microkeratome. There are several techniques that are employed to reshape the cornea. After the laser has reshaped the cornea, the flap is repositioned over the treatment area by the surgeon.

There are several advantages to this procedure:
* LASIK is considered as one of the greatest ophthalmologic breakthroughs in recent times. Many eye surgeons believe that even the most complicated refractive errors can be treated with the help of LASIK. This is a relatively simple procedure that allows a patient to go home right away after the operation and ensures a renewed vision within a week.

* LASIK is an almost painless procedure with the use of anesthesia to the eye and the cornea. A very small number of patients have complained of little discomfort during surgery, much like a "scratchy feeling." After the effect of anesthetic wears off, there is a varying degree of discomfort among the patients. But even if there is any irritation, it is usually minor and does not last beyond a few hours. However your eyes may be very sensitive to light for a few days.

* As LASIK is a relatively simple procedure, it can be performed at the clinic, instead of at a hospital. Most laser treatments do not take more than 15 to 40 seconds, depending on the degree of correction required. Recovery time is also minimal, and most patients are able to go back home after 30 minutes. Within 3 to 5 days following LASIK treatment, you will notice a dramatic improvement in your vision.

* LASIK treatment of your vision is more or less permanent. With age however some degree of re-treatment may become necessary.

Thus LASIK is a safe way of correcting your vision. So take advantage of this advancement in ophthalmology and start seeing the world like you once did with your new vision.

About the Author
Sick of using glasses or contact lenses? Then get more info on LASIK at and

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The Lasik Procedure

LASIK has become the procedure of choice for most patients because they recover quickly and have fewer side effects and complications than with other methods of vision correction. In fact, most LASIK patients notice a significant improvement in their vision soon after surgery. LASIK removes tissue within the cornea to treat low to high levels of nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

LASIK Surgery - Kleiman Evangelista TXLASIK combines the precision of the Excimer laser with the flap technique that characterizes ALK procedures. First, no removal of the corneal surface tissue is necessary and therefore, postoperative pain is substantially reduced compared to PRK. Second, postoperative visual acuity is restored within a few days rather than weeks. Finally, there is less corneal scarring in the long-term, less change due to healing (regression) and thus greater stability of the correction.

LASIK improves the uncorrected vision for distance - one's visual capacity while not wearing corrective lenses - in most patients who have the procedure. Nearly all patients can expect to achieve 20/40 vision, which most states consider good enough to drive without having to wear contacts or glasses, and many can expect to achieve 20/20 vision or better. However, there are no guarantees that you will have perfect vision. People who are most satisfied with the results of laser correction clearly understand the potential risks and complications and possess realistic expectations of what their vision will be like after surgery.

Using LASIK To Treat You

To treat nearsightedness, the steep cornea is made flatter by removing tissue from the center of the cornea. This moves the point of focus from in front of the retina to directly on the retina.

To treat farsightedness, the flat cornea is made steeper by removing tissue outside the central optical zone of the cornea. This moves the point of focus from behind the retina to directly on the retina.

To treat astigmatism, the cornea is made more spherical - like a basketball instead of a football. This eliminates multiple focusing points within the eye and creates one point of focus on the retina. Astigmatism can be treated at the same time as nearsightedness and farsightedness.

The effects of LASIK are permanent. The effects of LASIK do not wear off. But, it is important to realize that a person's eye can still change internally. That is why many surgeons recommend having the procedure done after the major eye changes have occurred in one's life. For instance, LASIK is not recommended on children because their eyes change a great deal. They would need the vision fine-tuned in a few years. If the procedure is performed after the age of 18, the chance of long-term stable correction is more likely. Even the eyes of patients over the age of 18 can still be changing. Therefore, we recommend a good conversation with your surgeon so they can review the changes you have had and help you make a decision whether or not you should wait until the changes have slowed down. Patients should also note that while results are usually stable, they can be modified by enhancement procedures - procedures performed after the initial one - if necessary.

You can resume most normal activities immediately after surgery. You should wear safety glasses while playing contact sports whether or not you have had surgery. But, if you do not routinely wear safety glasses, your surgeon may recommend wearing them for at least one month after LASIK. You will also need to avoid such activities as contact sports and swimming for several weeks. It is important to talk specifically with your doctor about limitations on activities after LASIK.

Fast visual recovery characterizes this operation. Most patients achieve good vision the day after surgery and find that their eyes feel fairly normal within a day. However, vision can continue to improve, and best vision can still take two to three months to occur. Most patients who have LASIK do not wear glasses for their daily activities. However, patients may need to wear reading glasses if they are over the age of 40. This is caused by the normal aging of the eye known as presbyopia. This condition occurs with or without LASIK. Some patients may need a minimal prescription for some activities such as night driving.

Most people in their 40s or older will need reading glasses if their eyes are corrected for distance because the eye's lens loses flexibility as we age. Some patients in this age group select monovision, such as is done with contact lenses. This option allows patients to use one of their eyes for distance and the other to see up close. Although monovision proves to be satisfactory for some patients, many are not comfortable with this arrangement. We will be happy to discuss this with you to meet your individual needs.

Read More About "Over 40 Vision"

Is LASIK for You?

* Do you want to reduce or eliminate the dependence on glasses or contacts?

* Are you at least 18 years of age?

* Have you had a stable eye prescription for at least one year?

* Do you have no health issues affecting your eyes?

* Do you have no signs of glaucoma or cataracts?

Your LASIK Provider Checklist

* How experienced in LASIK surgery is your doctor?

* Will the surgeons meet with you during pre-op, surgery and post-op?

* How long will each visit take?

* Does the center have an FDA-approved laser to correct Myopia (nearsightedness), Hyperopia (farsightedness) and Astigmatism?

* Is the LASIK surgery area medically clean with a climate-controlled atmosphere?

* Have the surgeons/doctors/staffs had the LASIK procedure?

* What does the LASIK cost include?

* Are there additional fees for future enhancements, if needed?

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Lasik Eye Surgery Centers - Research Carefully

Vision correction surgery has come a long way since the early onset of radial keratotomy (RK) where the eye was actually cut with a scalpel like spokes on a wheel. These days we have LASIK surgery which is much less invasive to the eye. Still, you want to take utmost care when searching for quality LASIK eye surgery centers.They are not all created equal. It's important to your vision that the facilty you choose has all the latest advances in technology that can be found. The facility should also have a superb repuation for patient care before, during and most especially after the LASIK procedure.

Your search can begin on the internet - look for local Lasik centers with good reviews. Seek out any formaer patients that you may contact to find out how their surgery went. You may be able to find out how they were treated, what their success rate was, and how much the surgery cost them. Most importantly, find out if they liked and trusted their LASIK surgeon..

Of course LASIK surgery cost is an important thing to consider, but do not choose your LASIK surgeon based on cost alone. You must choose an eye surgeon that is experienced in eye surgery and reliable. The most important thing to remember is that a good LASIK surgeon will respond and not leave you when the surgery does not go well. He or she should be very communicative and may want to explain clearly and answer all your questions about LASIK surgery

The cost of the LASIK procedure is an important consideration, but do not base your decision solely on price alone. Make your choice according to the skill and trustworthiness of the eye surgeon. Make sure they will not you high and dry if there is a complication after your procedure and that they will be able to correct any problems efficiently and safely. Also be sure you totally understand what the surgeon is explaining to you about the LASIK procedure.

Lasik surgery is serious business, it's your eyes for the rest of your life. LASIK is a wonderful new technique, just do your due diligence when searching for LASIK eye surgery centers.

For more extensive information regarding LASIK eye surgery visit, a website that specializes in laser eye surgery information and helpful information on finding lasik eye surgery centers.

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Just Imagine Near Perfect Vision Without Glasses. Time For Lasik

If you are one of those people who want to achieve better vision, eyeglasses and contact lenses are not the only solutions because lasik surgery can solve your vision problems without any hassles.

Lasik surgery is one of the most popular and commonly performed operations to restore your vision without any pain and results can be achieved on the day of the operation or the next day. If you have decided to undergo lasik surgery, there are several steps that you have to take to ensure the success of your operation.

Before the lasik surgery or even considering lasik surgery there are things to consider so that you will be prepared and have proper knowledge since lasik surgery is still a surgery.

1. Select a lasik surgeon who will perform the operation. It is very important that you use reliable sources in choosing your lasik surgeon.

* Advertisements and academic medical centers can be consulted to find a surgeon. Ads often lure people with price but it should not be the only consideration because there are misleading ads. Ask first if the lasik surgeon on the ad is affiliated with any academic medical center such as a teaching hospital especially those who are prominent for advanced technology.
* Get referrals from your ophthalmologist or optometrist. They most likely know good lasik surgeons to check out.
* Call refractive surgery centers in your area. Most have websites you can visit that includes listings of doctors. Browse through their specialties and credentials.

2. Make an appointment and consult your chosen surgeon. Prior to the appointment, write down all questions that you want to ask the surgeon. If you are not satisfied with the answers to your questions about the surgery consult another lasik surgeon.

3. Ask for second opinion. There is no harm in asking for another surgeons opinion. It is a common practice and your chosen lasik surgeon will also suggest it.

4. Before the lasik surgery is performed, your lasik surgeon will first perform an examination to your eyes. This will ensure if lasik surgery is the most appropriate solution to your vision problems. In this examination, the lasik surgeon will also determine the health of your eyes, vision correction and how much laser ablation is needed.

5. If the doctor finds a dry eye disease, it should be treated first before any lasik surgery can be done.

6. Health problems and medications that you are taking will also be asked by the doctor since there are some conditions that can disqualify a person from having lasik surgery.

Once a schedule for the surgery had been set the things to be expected on that day are the following.

1. The surgery will only take a few minutes and a mild oral sedative might be used. The eyes will be anesthetized with special drops.
2. You will be asked to lie down and the eye will be positioned under the laser. The procedure will then be performed.
3. After the operation, you can rest for a while especially if both eyes will undergo lasik surgery. Some people prefer having the second eye surgery after a week.

After the operation, you still have to take care of your eyes. Expect the following after your lasik surgery.

1. Most people experience improvement right away but some gradually improves vision after several days or weeks.
2. Not all people who have undergone the surgery will have 20/20 vision. Some would still need to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses but their prescription will be much lower than they have beforehand.

Lasik surgery can improve your vision but being armed with information will not hurt since it is your eyes that you will be putting on the line.

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Now there is a gallery of powerful information yours for the taking. Decide now to improve your appearance, self esteem and impove the quality of your life. Click here:

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How To Determine The Average Cost Of Lasik Eye Surgery

Establishing an average cost for lasik eye surgery can be a little misleading particularly if you are being bombarded by advertising suggesting the cost can be as low as $500 per eye.

Keep in mind that just because lasik is being advertised so cheaply means you will actually qualify at the price promoted. There is some fine print you need to check before getting excited.

In most cases, only a few people will actually be eligible for lasik at this price. The truth is, the cost of lasik eye surgery is priced per eye and you could expect to pay from $1500-$2000. These prices have risen steadily over the past five years although they seemed to stabilize during the last 12 months.

Cost Per Eye

The reason the cost of lasik eye surgery cannot be quoted as a one price fits all is because of the increase in the number of procedures being introduced. For example, new wavefront tecnology is much more expensive than the bladed microkeratome procedure.

Wavefront lasik includes the intralase which basically means the flap is created via a laser instead of a blade. Intralase is reproted to be safer as a surgical procedure. This new technology can set a patient back a minimum of $2000 per eye but in most cases, it's much more.

Bladed microkeratome procedures are still the more affordable at between $1500-$2000 per eye. Which way you decide to go will depend on your pre-consultation with your surgeon and obviously your budget.


To avoid any shocks cost wise, it's important you completely understand what's involved with your procedure. One question you should ask is how is the price arrived at?

In other words, are you being quoted one price from the very beginning or will there be variables involved meaning, will further costs be added from your initial consultation right through until you have been cleared to go home.

The average cost of lasik eye surgery depends on many factors but for better peace of mind, getting a quote which includes everything from start to end at the initial consultation makes good sense if you are working on a strict budget.

Want to know how to avoid unnecessary laser eye surgery cost? Save yourself unnecessary stress! Plus, get the latest laser eye surgery tips and information.

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LASIK Surgery - The Path To Better Vision

If you have been wearing spectacles or contact lenses for a long time, and dream of clear vision, then LASIK surgery could well be your answer. Today an increasing number of people with poor eyesight are turning to this surgery to correct their vision.

What is LASIK?

LASIK is an acronym for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. The goal of the surgery is to alter shape of the cornea, which is the transparent covering on the eye. The process involves the use of a cool "excimer" laser. An instrument called a microkeratome is used to create a flap on the front surface of the cornea to reveal the stroma. This mid-section of the cornea is the portion of the eye which is reshaped with the excimer laser. This cool laser painlessly fixes the nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism that causes poor vision.

The potential risks involved

As part of a LASIK evaluation by your surgeon, you will learn about the risks of surgery. Severe risks that can damage your vision are very rare. By far, the most common problem is under- or over-correction, both of which are almost always correctable with more surgery.

Is it right for you?

Not every patient is a candidate for this procedure. The health of the eye is of crucial importance, and surgery should not be performed on eyes that have underlying disease. The minimum age limit for this surgery is 18 years of age, and your vision must be stable for at least one year. Pregnant women are advised not to have LASIK surgery, as hormonal changes can interfere with the results. If you have high myopia levels, excessive removal of corneal tissue could make the procedure unsafe.

A complete eye exam should be performed by your LASIK surgeon to ensure that you are a candidate for surgery. If you are not a candidate for LASIK, then alternatives such as the Implantable Contact Lens may be discussed.

If you want to get rid of your spectacles or contact lens, then please visit us at

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Experiencing Complications From Lasik Surgery

There are complications as a possibility in any form of surgery, but some of the complications from Lasik surgery can be alarming for the patients. The truth, however, about complications from Lasik surgery is a little different than a lot of people would have you believe. First of all, less than one percent of Lasik patients have experienced a consequence from Lasik that would be considered serious. This complication is often also solved with a quick retouch surgery or administering some medication to assist with the problem. The reality of the complications is that the chance of experiencing them remains to be quite small.

The rarity of the complications from Lasik surgery makes it among the safest in surgical procedures to have in the US. There is an extremely small possibility, around one percent or less, that you will experience significant or total vision loss as a result of Lasik eye surgery complications. Many, as mentioned, of these complications can be repaired with a simple retouching surgical procedure or a medical assessment that results in treatment of another kind. Selecting competent staff and a goal-oriented surgeon to perform your surgery is the best way to prevent any problems that may result from your procedure.

The Reality of Complications

If you are not qualified for Lasik eye surgery, you may qualify for a number of other procedures that could also help you. The qualifying procedure is very important because it establishes the workability of the procedure on your eyes and on your person. If you do not qualify for this procedure, do not attempt to find a way around it or visit a less reputed surgeon to do the procedure anyway. You will be denied qualification for a proper medical reason and you should not toy with this reasoning because it is in place for your own protection. Without the qualification procedure, the risk factor increases by a significant degree.

If you qualify for Lasik eye surgery, your doctor will make you aware of some of the Lasik eye surgery complications that resonate with your case. From there, with the knowledge of the Lasik eye surgery complications in your mind, you can make a final decision on the procedure and elect to have or negate the procedure. If you decide on Lasik eye surgery and the procedure is a great success, you have the process to thank for the safety of yourself throughout the procedure and the success of the procedure as a whole.

About the Author
Scott Fromherz owns and operates multiple websites. For more information about lasik surgery go to or

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Laser Surgery: Night Vision Problems?

A good Houston lasik Surgeon will make sure his or her patient knows that complications associated with refractive surgery are minimal. The physician will also be upfront about risks.

As with any procedure, lasik surgery in Houston, Texas is not without potential complications and you can experience post-op problems.

When seeking laser lasik, patients should ask informed questions, which any qualified lasik surgeon will answer. Caring lasik doctors understand the apprehension about operating on something as valuable as ones eyesight.

Be wary of any lasik surgeon who makes you feel as if you don't have a right to ask voice your concerns.


First off, let me reiterate that most lasik surgery in Houston Texas goes off without a hitch. This is because it has been perfected over time and many of the early issues have been resolved.

However, for that person in a thousand who is having issues, the statistics are of little comfort.

The good news:

Some of the problems a laser lasik patient may experience will go away on its own over time, with little to no intervention.

The most common issues patients face after lasik surgery in Houston Texas are dry eyes or infection. Drops to supply moisture and oral antibiotics usually correct this issue. Another problem is inflammation, which is generally associated with the dryness and/or infection. This too usually recedes with treatment.

Under or over correction is a minor complication that can be resolved with an enhancement procedure, the cost of which is sometimes included in the original fee. These tweaks and adjustments, often performed by your lasik surgeon, will have risks as well. If you can see pretty well, it is best to steer clear of them.

The more inconvenient or downright frightening side effects of lasik surgery can be Night Glare that produces rings and Halos. While this may be a normal side effect it can be problematic in regards to night driving.

Ghosts, halos, even irregular corneas can be corrected. Many Houston lasik surgeons utilize the FDA approved wavefront treatment to tweak eyes having issues.

After laser lasik, patients need to be aware of what to look out for, and what their options are in the areas of post-operative correction. Most won't have any complications, and will enjoy their new eyes, giving thanks to the healing hands of their lasik surgeon!

The good news about lasik eye surgery, Houston Texas inhabitants may be interested to hear, is that, in most cases, vision correction is permanent, but this can depend, as with all things, on genetics. If your eyeglass or contact lens prescription was stable, i.e. , hadn't altered in years, chances are the correction will last. If however, you eye sight was degenerative, there will be little a lasik surgeon can do to make the change stick.

About the Author:

At the International EyeCare Laser Center, our doctors practice LASIK only - we are specialists. Dr. Charles Moore is instrumental in the design and development of LASIK diagnostic and surgical equipment. For more information visit our site:

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Refractive Eye Surgery is a Permanent Vision Correction Surgery

Lasik surgery is the most popular eye corrective surgery in the U.S. Advances in Lasik eye surgery provides patients with the most precision surgery available. Wavelight Allegretto Excimer Laser System is the fastest most precision laser eye surgery. The surgical procedure takes approximately 30 minutes and is done as outpatient surgery.

The procedure is done by a trained ophthalmologist or eye surgeon. Lasik surgery is refractive surgery to correct vision and eliminate the need for glasses and contact lenses. The results are for many patients are dramatic with 20/20 vision or better after surgery. Most patients are extremely pleased with the refractive surgery treatment.

Ask your ophthalmologist about this surgical procedure. If you are having laser refractive surgery it is imperative that you find a qualified ophthalmologist or Lasik eye surgeon to do the procedure. Refractive surgery is a permanent vision correction surgery. You will need a complete eye exam prior to surgery to determine if you are a candidate and if you have any risk factors.

You will need to be out of your contact lenses for a period of time up sometimes one month depending on the type of contact lenses. You will need to discuss any medications that you are taking either prescription or over the counter. The doctor will record any allergies you have as well. If you are a candidate and you have weighed all risks involved with the surgery your eye doctor will review the surgical procedure.

You will have time to think about your decision to have the laser surgery before meeting and talking with the surgeon. The day you are scheduled you will need to have someone drive you. The total surgery will take less than 30 minutes. During the procedure a mecokeratome is used for accuracy to create a corneal flap with precision measurements. The corneal flap is laid back in its original positions and an eye shield is placed over the eye.

Surgery may be done on the second eye at another scheduled surgery. Complete recovery of your vision will take three to six month. But vision will stabilize within the first week or two.

Check with your area ophthalmologist for information on this refractive surgery procedure to see if you are a candidate or call your area eye doctor or ophthalmologist for Lasik surgery in Houston Texas as well as Dallas, Austin, San Antonio.

About the Author:

At the International EyeCare Laser Center, our doctors practice LASIK only - we are specialists. Dr. Charles Moore is instrumental in the design and development of LASIK diagnostic and surgical equipment. For more information visit our site:

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Recovery Time with Lasik Laser Eye Surgery is Minimal

Each eye is complex and unique and has its own shape. Small imperfections in the eye scatters light waves which cause vision impairment. The procedure is done by a qualified and skilled surgeon.

Lasik laser refractive surgery has become an extremely effective treatment in eye correction. The surgery is done as an outpatient procedure and takes about five minutes per eye. The results are dramatic. It is a refractive surgery to correct errors and reshapes the cornea of the eye. It is an effective treatment and enhances the ability to focus. Lasik eye surgery is the most common type of laser vision correction. The procedure is done by a qualified and skilled surgeon. The recovery is minimal and most patients are able to see without vision correction the next day.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 45% of adults over 50 have never had a dilated eye exam. 1 out of every 3 adults over 40 has a vision problem. A growing problem is the lack of concern to seek out preventative eye care. With that serious problems with the eyes can go undetected and cause permanent damage. Some threatening eye problems include: cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and presbyopia.

Lasik surgery is refractive surgery to correct vision and eliminate the need for glasses and contact lenses. An initial baseline eye examination is needed with your eye doctor to see if you are a good candidate for Lasik eye surgery. If you wear contact lenses you should stop wearing them for several weeks before Lasik eye surgery since contacts change the shape of the cornea.

Lasik laser eye surgery correct most patient's common vision problems as with Myopia or nearsightedness; Hyperopia or farsightedness and Astigmatism or distorted vision.

The total procedure takes less than 30 minutes. The laser system includes a large machine with a microscope and an attached computer screen. The laser is used to remove corneal tissue based on measurements taken at your initial evaluation. After the procedure your vision may be hazy or blurry.

This will improve considerably within the first few days. Plan on taking a few days from work until symptoms are gone. A follow up visit is scheduled within the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery to test your vision and examine your eye and regular scheduled interval check ups for at least six months.

Call your eye doctor or Houston Lasik surgeon for more information. Lasik laser surgery is available across America and in Texas in cities as Houston, Dallas, Austin and San Antonio.

About the Author:

At the International EyeCare Laser Center, our doctors practice LASIK only - we are specialists. Dr. Charles Moore is instrumental in the design and development of LASIK diagnostic and surgical equipment. For more information visit our site:

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