Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Cosmetic Eye Surgery Primer

Cosmetic laser eye surgery, although it is not covered under most health plans, is still one of the most requested elective surgeries. LASIK cosmetic eye surgery the most common form of cosmetic eye surgery, can repair both near and farsightedness. LASIK eye surgery seldom takes more than an hour, is nearly painless and does not demand hospitalization. You should find a highly experienced LASIK surgeon to determine if you are a candidate for the procedure and follow the preoperative instructions closely. The surgery may produce some temporary side effects like impaired night vision but they are rare and seldom serious.

Understanding About Cosmetic Laser Eye Surgery

While cosmetic laser eye surgery is not covered by health insurance, cosmetic laser eye surgery has become, over the past fifteen or so years, one of the most requested of all the vision corrections options now available. The remarkable benefits of cosmetic laser eye surgery are becoming more and more publicized, and include the facts that it is a very simple procedure producing little pain, requiring no hospitalization, and has a recovery period as short as one day.

But nobody should consider having cosmetic laser eye surgery without first becoming educated in all its aspects. While it may be the ideal solution for many people suffering from defective vision, it is still a surgical procedure with attendant risks, and may not be appropriate for some individuals.

LASIK Basics

LASIK is both the best known and most widely performed of all cosmetic laser eye surgery, and is used to correct both nearsightedness and farsightedness. The surgeon performing LASIK surgery employs either a microkeratome or laser to create a flap in the top layer of the cornea, and then lifts the flap and uses the light beams from an excimer laser to reshape the corneal tissue underneath.

If you suffer from either near or farsightedness and think you would like to learn more about this sort of cosmetic laser eye surgery, you should begin your search for information by finding a well-respected LASIK surgeon. Look for a doctor who has been performing LASIK cosmetic laser eye surgery for years and has a wealth of experience in the techniques involved.

This surgeon will perform a consulting exam on your eyes, to determine whether or not this kind of cosmetic laser eye surgery is appropriate in your case. If you are a good candidate for the surgery, you will be told what you need to do prior to your operation to make sure you will get the best possible results.

While LASIK cosmetic laser eye surgery is considered a minor operation and seldom causes side effects or complications, you should never tell yourself that it is risk free, and if your doctor says it is, find a different doctor.

After Your Surgery

When you have completed your cosmetic laser eye surgery, you will be give artificial tears to help in case you develop temporary dryness in your eyes, and may also be given a prescription for a mild pain medication. But very few people ever have enough post operative pain to need medication for it.

You may, in addition to having dryness in your eyes, have temporarily impaired night vision, and slightly blurry vision while your eyes heal. But in very rare and extreme instances, people have been known to develop corneal bulging following their cosmetic laser eye surgery.

By becoming as informed as you can about the aspects of cosmetic laser eye surgery and finding the best possible surgeon to perform your procedure, you have done as much as you can to guarantee a positive result and reward yourself with the great eyesight you've wanted for so long!

You can also find more info on Beauty help and laser eye surgery. is a comprehensive resource to get help about beauty.

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