Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lasik Laser Eye Surgery Demystified!

Over the last number of years the world has witnessed amazing advances in the field of medicine, especially with the advent of LASIK laser eye surgery. This revolutionary procedure has both given hope and excited those who experience problems with their eyesight.

But what exactly is LASIK eye surgery?

What happens during LASIK laser surgery is that the lasers correct refractive errors in the cornea. The laser perfectly controls the tearing of the corneal tissue, thereby reshaping the cornea and changing its focus. LASIK surgery follows a simple two step process:

1. A slight, thin flap of tissue is created on the outside layer of the eye or cornea. This flap encourages healing and provides comfort on the way to better vision.

2. The surgeon folds open the flap on the inner cornea to correct the eyesight. Once this is done, the flap is closed to its original position and sealed with stitches.

The word LASIK refers to Laser-Assisted In Sutu Keratomieusis, a process which is characterized by the reshaping of the cornea to refract light in the lens. While LASIK eye surgery is by no means perfect, it is a very viable and increasingly safe surgery.

Government regulations have led to improvements regarding the types of lasers to be used for LASIK laser surgery. If you or anyone you know are considering LASIK laser surgery I would advise you to carefully research the types of lasers used by your local doctors when performing LASIK.

New improvements coupled with the regulated costs of doctors mean that LASIK surgery has become more affordable, making it a possibility for some who could only dream of such improvement a few years back. Some surgeries are referred to as “bladeless” or “custom” LASIK, meaning they are more tailored towards the individual and are therefore more effective

Finally LASIK surgery is an exciting prospect to anyone who has suffered from vision problems in the past. However, just as when buying a car or house, you need to carefully consider all your options before embarking on LASIK.

The author L Jimmy Roos writes widely, offering solutions on various topics that affect the human condition. For more information on Lasik laser eye surgery and how it can help you, please visit now

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Can Anyone Have LASIK Eye Surgery?

Can everyone who has a problem with their eyesight apply to have LASIK? Clearly LASIK has got great potential and benefits but just like with any new procedure there are risks associated.

The risk of complications or impaired eyesight after LASIK vision correction can be greatly reduced if you make an effort to establish if you are a good prospect to have LASIK surgery. Not everyone who wants their vision corrected is necessarily a good candidate to have LASIK surgery. Here are a few things to consider before you decide on LASIK:

• If you are risk averse, you probably shouldn't have LASIK laser surgery. There are possible complications that can come about as a result of LASIK that you should consider before having the procedure done.

• Does your insurance cover LASIK vision correction? How would LASIK laser surgery or possible complications affect your career? If having this procedure would impact your life negatively you might consider another alternative.

• Although the cost of having LASIK done is getting cheaper, it is still quite expensive and you'll want to make sure it isn't prohibited by your employer.

• A requirement for LASIK vision correction is that you must be an adult with refractive stability. Refractive instability is common among patients who are 20 or younger with fluctuating hormones. This is caused by several conditions including diabetes, pregnancy or breastfeeding or taking medications that cause fluctuation in vision.

• People who regularly engage in contact sports or suffer from a condition or disease which may affect the healing of a wound might have to consider an alternative to the LASIK vision correction surgery.

There are a number of other situations one should discuss with your doctor prior to deciding on LASIK laser surgery. If you suffer from conditions such as herpes or shingles that affects the area around the eyes, you should disclose that information. Also, any other conditions, including glaucoma, ocular hypertension, eye diseases, eye injuries, previous eye surgeries, or keratoconus should also be discussed

Please ask your doctor to screen you for the following conditions prior to LASIK eye surgery:

• Blepharitis
• Large pupils
• Thin corneas
• Previous refractive surgeries
• Dry eyes

Only once you have considered and cleared all of the above conditions or discussed them with a LASIK surgeon, can you determine if you are an excellent candidate for LASIK laser surgery

L Jimmy Roos writes widely, offering solutions on various topics that affect the human condition. For more information on Lasik laser eye surgery and how it can help you, please visit now

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Why You Might Experience Dry Eye After Lasik Surgery

Lasik surgery can be great to correct your vision so that you no longer need contacts or glasses. However, just like with any other surgery, there are some discomforts that you might have. One of the most common discomforts that may occur is dry eye after lasik surgery.

You might experience dry eye after lasik surgery because your eyes are not able to produce moisture or tears any longer. When your eyes are not able to produce tears, you are likely to have some discomfort in your eyes. As a result of having dry eyes, you may also not be experiencing the quality of vision that you should be. This is because dry eyes can cause your vision to be blurry, as well as having many other vision symptoms.

Dry eye after lasik surgery can be a permanent condition that you can not get rid of. This is a risk that you take when you have lasik surgery performed on your eyes. However, dry eyes are not the only risk that is associated with the lasik procedure, but one of the more common risks.

You will know that you have dry eye after lasik surgery because your vision might be blurry, you may be experiencing itchiness and redness of the eyes, as well as having a feeling that there is something in your eye. If you are experiencing dry eyes after your lasik surgery, you may want to consider having your tear ducts blocked so that you can keep the tear film on your eye. This is also known as a punctal occlusion. The second option, is artificial tears, which will make the eye moist again, and relieve you from the feeling of dry eyes.

If you have dry eyes before lasik surgery, you may not be able to have this procedure preformed on your eyes. However, some doctors will try to treat your dry eye syndrome, before attempting surgery. The reason many doctors will not perform lasik on patients with dry is because it reduces your quality of healing after surgery.

Penni Markle has done extensive research on vision care including the development of the latest contact lenses as well as vision correction procedures. Visit to get a free newsletter on the latest vision correction and contact lens technology.

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Lasik Boston - Give You A New Vision

LASIK eye surgery has come up with the answer to all the questions of the ophthalmologist related to correction of cornea defects that results in Hyperopia, Myopia and Astigmatism. LASIK Boston also provides the right treatment to corneal flaws and does not bring any pain or side effects with it.

Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) is an eye surgery that is refractive in nature and offers reshaping of cornea to make vision better for people who wear thick glasses or corrective lenses to improve the vision. Boston patients can apply for Lasik Boston in a Lasik eye institute with proper facilities related to equipments and surgeons for proper solution.

There is Lasik Plus Vision Center in Boston that provides Laser treatment using the proficient and most advanced instruments. Surgeons in these centers are experienced, skillful. LASIK Plus Vision Center performs treatment by Excimer laser. These advanced lasers allow the surgeon to operate without the fear of any after effects or pain to the candidate.

LASIK Boston demands the candidate for LASIK surgery to be not less than 18 having no infectious disease in the corneal areas of their eyes. Surgery is executed for duration of 20 minutes (banking on the correction demanded from the corneal areas for proper vision) with a very small intra-operative pain to the patient (if any).

Post-treatment suggestions from the surgeon include rendering rest to the eyes for near to 4 hours, preventing harmful exposure to the eyes for a day and continue the medications prescribed for at least a week. Lasik-Boston might have complications that include temporary aberrations and discomfort in the eyes. Technological progression has reduced aberration and surgeons provide lubricants to trivialize the irritation in the eyes.

The cost of having a Laser surgery in Boston may rests between $1500-$2000 for an eye that can climb depending on the technology used and the correction demanded. However, a candidate has a satisfaction that its effect lasts longer than a decade and reduces spending on Lenses and Glasses that continues with life.

LASIK is performed by some of the best surgeons with enormous experience and caliber. These surgeons have given recent development in the field of LASIK eye surgery. The treatment received in Laser eye institutes of Boston is compared to Lasik surgery Los Angeles and even considered as a leading surgery available in the nation, Though a perfect vision can never be promised, but the hope to appear better with a clear vision for lengthier period appeals to candidates to overlook its complications.

LasikAide is an online information hub for those who have minor defect in vision and want liberty from lenses and glasses. Lasik Vision Correction is a surgical procedure intended to reduce a person's dependency on glasses or contact lenses. Get your eye tested by an experienced Lasik Eye Surgeon and get back your normal vision without any hassle. Check out the Lasik Boston options, known for it's safe procedures.

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Monday, April 21, 2008

No Touch Laser Eye Surgery

No Touch Laser eye surgery is the term coined by one clinic that refers to the procedure of photorefractive keratectomy or PRK where a laser is used to remove epithelium at the surface. PRK is a procedure that makes of use of anesthetic drops to the surface of the eye before the epithelial cells, which are the surface cells are, brushed off by a surgeon. The surgeon does this with either a brush or the excimer laser. During the procedure itself, the patient is made to stare at a fixation light. In this No Touch laser eye surgery, the laser removes tissue and molds the "stromal" layer underneath

Patients report to having blurry vision for the first three or five days because the epithelium cells were removed. A patient wears a bandage contact lens for three days until the epithelial cells cover the wound. Patients can expect recovery after a week about a week after the lens is removed. To maintain the visual recovery, steroid eye drops are used by the patient for at least three months. The No Touch procedure treats mild to moderate astigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness.

PRK is not patented. PRK is an alternative to Lasik stands for Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. Lasik is one kind of refractive laser eye surgery performed by eye doctors to treat eye conditions such as hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism. Many patients found they prefer Lasik to PRK because recovery takes less time for Lasik than for PRK and it is less painful. Many patients would rather go through this procedure than to wear contact lenses or glasses. There are some instances though, when PRK is more suitable for a patient than Lasik.

In the No Touch procedure, no cutting happens, thus the name. No instruments touch the eye. What usually happens is that the patient stays at the clinic for about an hour and a half. After a thorough reexamination and consultations with your eye specialist where every step of the procedure will be properly explain, the patient is fitted with a device that will prevent him from blinking. No other instruments are needed. Procedure takes less than 5 minutes per eye.

The No Touch procedure is just a variant of the PRK and Lasik surgery. As with any other procedure, it is essential to go over the steps with your doctor to find out as much as information as you want or as much information as you would need to put your mind at ease and help you make more informed decisions.

Dr. Frank Thomnpson would like to offer you CRITICAL information regarding:

Lasik laser eye surgery
Corrective eye surgery problems
Cons of lasik eye surgery

The above information is a MUST READ and is CRITICAL to help you make an informed decision on your surgery.

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Common Questions About Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik vision correction surgery is very beneficial to people who have moderate to low vision problems. Though Lasik is essentially a quick and painless procedure, there is a small element of risk involved in this surgery. As with any other surgery, before deciding to undergo Lasik eye surgery, you should have a thorough understanding of what the surgery entails and the before and after care involved. It is equally important to set realistic expectations if you are to undergo Lasik eye surgery.

Even after your Lasik doctor has told you everything you need to know about Lasik surgery and the pre- and post procedure, you may still have a lot of unasked questions. Here then are the most frequently asked questions regarding Lasik eye surgery.

Am I a good candidate for Lasik? During your first visit with your Lasik doctor, he will ask you a lot of questions and probe into your health history in order to assess whether you are fit for Lasik surgery. Your eye care professional will also check your eyes thoroughly and get a full history of your vision problems so he could make a complete assessment. Lasik is not recommended for anyone younger than 18 years and for people with certain health problems including diabetes or autoimmune diseases. Certain degenerative diseases of the eyes could also be a disqualifying factor. Your Lasik eye doctor will make his decision after having gathered all the facts and doing a complete eye examination. If you have any one of the disqualifying qualities, you would be considered a 'not good candidate' for Lasik eye surgery as it could have a poor outcome.

Will Lasik vision correction eliminate the need for corrective lenses? Maybe is the best answer to this question till after the surgery. There could be a chance that you may not need to wear any glasses or contacts after surgery, but if you do, it is not by any means indicative of the success of the surgery. Lasik eye surgery is performed to improve vision and does not completely correct vision problems. You should not decide to undergo Lasik eye surgery with any unrealistic expectations.

Are there risks of having the Lasik procedure? Yes, as with any other surgery, but the risk level is very low. Most people benefit from Lasik eye surgery without any problems. One of the most common side effects emerging from this procedure is decreased low light vision, which causes glowing at night and other low-light conditions and forms a halo around lighted up objects. With time this side effect lessens and eventually disappears. The long-term complications of Lasik eye surgery are rare, and there is just the smallest chance that a person's eyesight could be worse post Lasik surgery.

Does the procedure hurt? Lasik eye surgery is quick and painless and you could walk right out of the surgery center upon completion of the procedure. Sedation is not necessary unless the patient is nervous and uncomfortable at the thought of surgery. Drops are put into the eyes to numb them and the surgery, which takes about a minute or two for each eye, is performed while the patient is awake. Will I need to take time off of work after the procedure? Yes, you do though the amount of time depends on the kind of job. For a sedentary job, 2-3 days off should suffice, but jobs that are computer intensive would require a longer rest period for the eyes.

How much does the procedure cost? A ballpark figure would be about $2000 for Lasik eye surgery, but this depends on which technique needs to be used, the condition of the eyes and also the city you live in. Does insurance cover Lasik? Lasik vision correction is considered elective surgery, so most insurance plans do not cover it. You could scout around for an insurance plan that could help defray the costs of surgery with their extended eye care plans. Also check with your employer, they may favor certain clinics, which would give you a special rate for your surgery.

Going for any LASIK Eye Surgery? Need more help? Now get more FREE information about LASIK Surgery today by visiting our website at and learn more about LASIK Eye Surgery and find about LASIK Vision Correction.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Cosmetic Eye Surgery Primer

Cosmetic laser eye surgery, although it is not covered under most health plans, is still one of the most requested elective surgeries. LASIK cosmetic eye surgery the most common form of cosmetic eye surgery, can repair both near and farsightedness. LASIK eye surgery seldom takes more than an hour, is nearly painless and does not demand hospitalization. You should find a highly experienced LASIK surgeon to determine if you are a candidate for the procedure and follow the preoperative instructions closely. The surgery may produce some temporary side effects like impaired night vision but they are rare and seldom serious.

Understanding About Cosmetic Laser Eye Surgery

While cosmetic laser eye surgery is not covered by health insurance, cosmetic laser eye surgery has become, over the past fifteen or so years, one of the most requested of all the vision corrections options now available. The remarkable benefits of cosmetic laser eye surgery are becoming more and more publicized, and include the facts that it is a very simple procedure producing little pain, requiring no hospitalization, and has a recovery period as short as one day.

But nobody should consider having cosmetic laser eye surgery without first becoming educated in all its aspects. While it may be the ideal solution for many people suffering from defective vision, it is still a surgical procedure with attendant risks, and may not be appropriate for some individuals.

LASIK Basics

LASIK is both the best known and most widely performed of all cosmetic laser eye surgery, and is used to correct both nearsightedness and farsightedness. The surgeon performing LASIK surgery employs either a microkeratome or laser to create a flap in the top layer of the cornea, and then lifts the flap and uses the light beams from an excimer laser to reshape the corneal tissue underneath.

If you suffer from either near or farsightedness and think you would like to learn more about this sort of cosmetic laser eye surgery, you should begin your search for information by finding a well-respected LASIK surgeon. Look for a doctor who has been performing LASIK cosmetic laser eye surgery for years and has a wealth of experience in the techniques involved.

This surgeon will perform a consulting exam on your eyes, to determine whether or not this kind of cosmetic laser eye surgery is appropriate in your case. If you are a good candidate for the surgery, you will be told what you need to do prior to your operation to make sure you will get the best possible results.

While LASIK cosmetic laser eye surgery is considered a minor operation and seldom causes side effects or complications, you should never tell yourself that it is risk free, and if your doctor says it is, find a different doctor.

After Your Surgery

When you have completed your cosmetic laser eye surgery, you will be give artificial tears to help in case you develop temporary dryness in your eyes, and may also be given a prescription for a mild pain medication. But very few people ever have enough post operative pain to need medication for it.

You may, in addition to having dryness in your eyes, have temporarily impaired night vision, and slightly blurry vision while your eyes heal. But in very rare and extreme instances, people have been known to develop corneal bulging following their cosmetic laser eye surgery.

By becoming as informed as you can about the aspects of cosmetic laser eye surgery and finding the best possible surgeon to perform your procedure, you have done as much as you can to guarantee a positive result and reward yourself with the great eyesight you've wanted for so long!

You can also find more info on Beauty help and laser eye surgery. is a comprehensive resource to get help about beauty.

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How to Find the Best Lasik Eye Centers

How to find a Good, reasonable priced LASIK surgery center near you?

Are planning to do a LASIK surgery and are confused in choosing which center to opt? Confused whether the doctors are skilled and experienced enough to work on your eyes without many complications? If these are your worries then just stop asking and find out yourself! How? Read below:

The best way to start clearing your doubts is by arranging an appointment with the doctors from any laser eye surgery center. Believe me most professionals at your local laser eye surgery centers are there to serve you, their valued patient, with both care and compassion. They know exactly what you are looking for and the procedure that will be both quick and will take little discomfort. So start discussing your questions about laser eye surgery with them! You can easily find contact of hospitals from local directory services like yellow pages.

Ways to look for reasonable priced LASIK Surgery center

If you are looking for an economical but at the same time credible LASIK surgery center then you can find this by looking for past patients who have had a laser eye surgery. Ask them which centers they have been engaged with and how were the services provided by them. And ask them about any cheap and good laser surgery centers they know or their friends know. You won't believe at the amount of response that you will get. So find a cheap LASIK surgery center around your locality and get those spectacles removed and live your life freely!

LASIK surgery is a boon for people. The benefits include enhanced visual liveliness, freedom from dependency on spectacles and possibly new career opportunity. Patients are free to play any sports, swim and participate in various activities without the restrictions that glasses and contacts bring. LASIK eye surgery is a safe and effective treatment that has enabled many people to live relish their lives but still there are some risks attached with it.

One to five percent of patients experience LASIK eye surgery complications. It includes dry eyes, halos or starbursts around light sources at night, light sensitivity, double vision, induced astigmatism, over correction or under correction, wrinkles in flap. Luckily, breakthrough in LASIK technology have dramatically reduced ramification with add-on treatments.

To locate a lasik surgery center near you go to:

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Laser Eye Surgery Complication - 6 Dangers Of Eye Surgery

The incidence of laser eye surgery complication is minimal however, if you're considering the procedure then you need to be aware of what they are as part of your preparation process.

The percentage of people who suffer corneal infection following surgery is less than one per cent. Delayed healing will be a hindrance to recovering patients but the long term effects with proper post operative treatment are almost negligible.

In this article, we'll highlight some of the most common laser eye surgery complications.

- Under or over correction probably heads the list of complications. This simply means a surgeon can't predict accurately the response of your eyes to treatment and you will be required to continue wearing protective eye wear following the procedure. In more severe cases, further surgery could be required.

- Corneal haze is common and related to PRK(Photorefractive Keratectomy). It's considered a common aspect of the recovery process and shouldn't effect one's vision after complete recovery. Corneal haze risk is not as common with patients who undergo lasik treatment.

- An annoying complication revolves around a condition known as regression. Simply put, despite the procedure, the eye returns to it's pre-operative state and depending on the patients risk factor, may require another operation.

- The halo effect is another annoying aspect of both PRK and lasik procedures yet it can be serious in some circumstances. A halo effect is a worrying complication for patients especially for those driving at night.

- Lasik patients could be prone to a laser eye surgery complication known as flap damage. In other words, a supposed hinged flap created on the center of the cornea could unexpectedly be dis-lodged. This will present problems if it's damaged and while it can be replaced following the treatment, this is not always 100% certain.

- The flap could also become distorted to the extent it could affect to some degree a patient's best corrected vision.

While risks are always present with any type of surgical procedure, the chances of suffering any major laser eye surgery complication are extremely low.

Surgeons may be reluctant to operate on patients who are considered a risk in the pre-operative stage. While this may sound harsh it's simple logic and the patients well-being is not going to be compromised.

Want to know how to avoid unnecessary laser eye surgery cost? Save yourself unnecessary stress! Plus, get the latest laser eye surgery tips and information.

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Dangers of Laser Eye Surgery - Yes There Are Some

Laser eye surgery is growing in popularity and among many people is the first choice to correct poor vision. But although it generally has a high success rate the outcome is occasionally not as the patient intended and problems can arise. This is not always the fault of the surgeon or LASIK specialist. It's common knowledge that any medical procedure carries a certain degree of risk and before embarking on any treatment you should always research it thoroughly and ask your doctor about the possible risks as well as the likely benefits of any surgery. Although the positive side of laser eye surgery is very well publicized, not everybody is aware of the possible, albeit unlikely complications that do occasionally occur when LASIK doesn't fully correct the patients vision problems. Despite the fact that a large number of people have had successful treatments you should be aware of the dangers of laser eye surgery so that you can make an informed decision as to whether it is the right treatment for you.

Although you do hear stories through the media of people who have had disastrous experiences with laser treatments, they are in fact, few and far between. However, this does not mean that you should ignore the dangers of laser eye surgery, merely that you should seek out some more information so you can decide whether you think the benefits of laser vision surgery outweigh the risks. For instance, you may experience minor difficulties if you get an epithelial ingrowth. Normally this complication usually will heal itself although occasionally some minor treatment is needed. But if you get a more serious problem such as a dislocated corneal cap (highly irregular and usually very rare) it may require stitches to heal properly.

One of the main dangers of laser eye surgery is that the patient will have unrealistic expectations of what can be achieved. If the patient is middle-aged it is still possible, if not likely, that they would still require the use of reading glasses even after vision correction. This is not the fault of the treatment more just that the person is middle-aged and their eyes naturally require more help with seeing objects that are close at hand.

Although you should be aware of the dangers of laser eye surgery it is important to stress that most vision correction surgeries go very smoothly and the patient is very happy with the results of their improved vision. As a reminder it is important to discuss all aspects of your treatment before you decide so be sure to ask your surgeon about the possible complications as well as the benefits of laser eye surgery.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more eye surgery solutions, LASIK information and details on the dangers of laser eye surgery that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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What To Expect After Having Lasik Surgery

The post-Lasik period is just as important as the surgery itself. The cornea has to completely heal. This takes time and requires a lot of after care, which should be done meticulously.

Lasik surgery involves creating a corneal flap, which allows the laser to get access and reshape the inner corneal surface. This flap then needs to heal and re-bond to the outer surface of the cornea. The eye has great healing powers and it would be of great comfort to know that all corneal procedures, even complete transplants, do heal ultimately.

The average healing period after you've had Lasik surgery is approximately six months. During this period any vision problems that you may have been experiencing should have completely disappeared or at least considerably lessened. Complete healing of the corneal flap could take a bit longer, sometimes up to two years. But this should not give you any cause for discomfort or concern. Healing of the cornea is an ongoing process that does not or should not interfere with your vision or your daily life.

Minimum five follow-up visits are scheduled for most patients, post Lasik surgery. The first visit will most likely be within 24 hours of the surgery. It is of utmost importance to keep all of these visits so that the doctor can keep track of the ongoing healing process and rectify any problems that may arise as you go along.

After Lasik surgery it is natural to expect a little discomfort in your eyes, though you should not feel any pain. Part of the aftercare involves using eye drops to help alleviate this discomfort. This will have to be done for a minimum period of two to four weeks after the surgery.

Other common reactions that are common after undergoing Lasik eye surgery are slightly blurred vision, feeling of dryness in the eyes, minor swelling and redness of the eye, sensitivity to bright light and watery eyes accompanied by a runny nose.

Here are a few other post-op tips that you may need to make this period more comfortable for yourself:

To get over any minor discomfort you can take any over the counter pain medication like Advil or Tylenol that does not contain aspirin.

Give your eyes sufficient protection against sunlight or any bright light by wearing sunglasses when going out in the day.

Give your eyes as much rest as possible by getting some extra shut -eye for at least two to three days post surgery.

The eye mask that was given to you needs to be worn immediately after the surgery for a minimum two to three hours and then during the nest three to four days it should be worn while sleeping.

During the first two weeks all water sports as well as all water related activities such as whirlpools or hot tubs should be avoided. Scuba diving should be avoided for a minimum of six weeks.

Your risk factor and possible need for post surgery rectifications is dependant on various factors, the most important one being the condition of your vision pre-surgery. If your vision had deteriorated to a great extent, there are higher chances that there will be some degree of complication in your surgery and you would be dissatisfied with the outcome. Also, if a small degree of astigmatism was present, the results could turn out to be unsatisfactory. Touch-up surgery is fairly common and is normally covered by the initial cost, but the additional surgery is still an unpleasant thought.

As with any other surgery there are no absolute guarantees with Lasik eye surgery too. Complete success is determined by many factors acting together, most important of which is each individuals healing powers.

There are a few factors that act as a deterrent to anyone considering Lasik eye surgery. Anyone between 19 to 24 years of age is considered an unsuitable candidate for this procedure. As also anyone suffering from condition such as diabetes, HIV or herpes or pregnant and breast-feeding women. Lasik surgery is also not recommended if your eyes have been found to have refractive instability, thin corneas or large pupils.

Going for any LASIK Eye Surgery ? Need more help? Now get more FREE information about LASIK Surgery today by visiting our website at and learn more about LASIK Eye Surgery and find about LASIK Vision Correction.

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Saturday, April 5, 2008

How Laser Eye Surgery Works

All those considering laser eye surgery would be wondering how laser eye surgery works and what its benefits are. Laser surgery is the most exciting procedure in ophthalmology - the branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, and treatment of the eye, among others. Laser eye surgery is a refractive surgery, a procedure that corrects refractive errors, such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism (distorted vision).

There are several different surgical techniques performed to correct refractive errors, and according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the laser eye surgery is the most technologically advanced procedure today, for the simple reason that it allows the highest degree of precision.

The first laser approved for eye surgery was the excimer laser, used for correcting mild to moderate myopia. Today, the excimer laser has been approved to be used in two laser eye surgery procedures - Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) and Laser in situ Keratomileusis (LASIK).

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)

Before the laser eye surgery, the patient’s eye is mapped and measured. After determining the degree of problem, the corneal change is measured and fed into the laser’s computer. The PRK refractive surgery procedure is done with local anesthetic eye drops. It reshapes the cornea by removing microscopic amounts of tissue from the outer surface. The ultra violet beam of light can precisely cut notches in a strand of human hair and each pulse can remove about a 39 millionth of an inch of cornel tissue in 12 billionths of a second.

Studies show that about 5 percent of those who underwent PRK procedure had to use glasses for their myopic condition and about 15 percent occasionally, while driving.

Laser in situ Keratomileusis (LASIK)

This procedure is more complex than the PRK procedure. LASIK is performed on all types of myopic conditions. In it, a device known as a Microkeratome is used to cut a flap of corneal tissue, remove the targeted tissue beneath it with the laser, and then replace the flap. In this procedure, the skill of the surgeon matters as he/she is the one making an incision, as compared to PRK where the machine does most of the work.

During laser eye surgery, there is a very little discomfort, and the minor irritation, if any, goes away after a short time. Generally, people can return to their normal routines between one to three days. The only side effects may be glare at night. Normally the laser eye surgeries are permanent, but with age, the eyes change and one may require re-surgery.

Check out this link for laser eye treatment near you. With simple research you can find affordable laser eye surgery here. Also discover how much does laser eye surgery cost you?

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Lasik Surgery Los Angeles - Read What Is Written Here, It Would Surely Not Hurt Your Eyes

Lasik is the new name in the medical world to get from the ugly spectacles. Basically it is a medical term which stands for Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. As the name itself suggests, it uses an excimer laser beam to be focused in your eye area, which then corrects vision problems by reshaping your corneal tissue. The word excimer actually is an alliance of two words, which are 'excited' and 'dimer'. Dimer is a type of molecule which gets formed when certain inert and reactive gases are artificially electrified. LASIK eye institutes employ this technology to treat vision problems such as hyperopia (farsightedness), myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism.

LASIK surgery Los Angeles caters to these needs. But it doesn't come in handy to treat age related vision abnormalities such as in case of presbyopia, which is caused due to stiffening of eye lens and weakening of eye muscles. Any reputable LASIK eye surgeon would not recommend its use for correcting presbyopia. LASIK surgery Los Angeles is done on an entirely out- patient basis. The patient needs to reach the clinic at least one hour prior to the surgery to be prepared for it both physically and psychologically.

LASIK surgery Los Angeles comes with a variety of alternatives, all of which are considered by your ophthalmologist in detail before recommending the one that is best suited for your individual needs. Traditional Laser and Intralase Laser are themselves different procedures. In traditional procedure, a tool called microkeratome is used to create a flap which it does by lifting a thin corneal layer. On the other hand in a newer version, no blade is used and instead, a laser beam is utilized for serving this purpose.

Intralase Laser treatment is more popular because of better results that it gives. Not only the vision is better corrected, other complications such as Dry eye symptoms are also minimal. Those who get Intralase LASIK done in one eye and Traditional Laser in another, rate their vision results as three times better in case of the former. Intralase combined with Custom Wave front LASIK, also available in Lasik Orange County has produced some of the best and safest results ever in the history of eye correction surgeries which have been done all over the world. Wave front technology provides a 3- dimensional picture of your eye on a computer screen which tells exactly where the problem lies.

LasikAide is an online information hub for those who have minor defect in vision and want liberty from lenses and glasses. Lasik Vision Correction is a surgical procedure intended to reduce a person's dependency on glasses or contact lenses. Get your eye tested by an experienced Lasik Eye Surgeon and get back your normal vision without any hassle. Check out the Lasik Surgery Los Angeles options, known for its safe procedures.

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Go For Lasik Surgery Chicago - Break Free From Glasses

Laser surgery is a common medical procedure these days. More than millions of people in the US alone have undergone the operation. With a success rate between 92% and 95%, it is great way to correct common problems related to vision. In Laser operation mild laser rays are used to correct problems like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. The process is simple, requires less time and involves negligible risk. With least hassles you can permanently get rid of wearing those glasses and contact lenses that are costly and inconvenient as well. For that all you need to do is select a Lasik eye institute in your locality. So, if you are living in around Chicago all you need is a Lasik surgery Chicago clinic to go for the Laser eye treatment.

Lasik that stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, is a refractory laser eye surgery that correct the common disorders of vision. This is a FDA approved procedure to cure the problems of vision. In Laser operation the eyes are numbed, held with a speculum and then immobilized with a corneal suction ring. The surgeon cuts a small incision of the top layer of the cornea making a flap. The flap is then folded and the surgeon uses a low power laser to resurface the stroma so that light is refracted correctly within the eye, while going forward. Though the process is simple and takes very little time, it requires an experienced surgeon to perform the operation to ensure the success of the procedure. So, whether you are looking for a Lasik surgery Chicago clinic or Lasik California surgeon, you need to do your research well to benefit from the Laser operation.

As we have already mentioned, Laser is a fairly common eye surgery now with more and more people opting for the surgery. So, it is never hard to find out a good Lasik San Francisco clinic or a Lasik surgery Chicago centre as these cities have large population and fairly advanced medical facilities. But to make sure that you get the best possible care have to select the right Laser eye clinic for you.

Now it is no big task to find out a good Laser surgery Chicago clinic. There are so many ways to do that. You can search for Laser clinics at the classified advertisements, yellow pages or depend on the internet to find out one.

LasikAide is an online information hub for those who have minor defect in vision and want liberty from lenses and glasses. Lasik Vision Correction is a surgical procedure intended to reduce a person's dependency on glasses or contact lenses. Check out the Lasik Surgery Chicago options.

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