Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hassled By Glasses? Lasik Eye Surgery May Be The Answer

If you have worn glasses for at least a year, you no doubt have had times where you grew tired of carrying them everywhere with you or where you got headaches from squinting because you went somewhere and forgot to take them. You're probably sick of your frames bending, your nose pieces popping off, and your lenses falling out. You're probably even more sick of having to pay for completely new glasses periodically. In addition to this, you may even feel that your glasses make you unattractive or vulnerable.

All of these experiences are common to those of us who wear eyeglasses; however, the choice between contact lenses which are just as annoying in many ways and glasses is no longer the extent of our choices. We can now opt to get Lasik eye surgery, which many surgeons claim can improve your eye sight permanently.

Before you consider Lasik eye surgery, however, it is important to determine whether or not you are as a possible candidate, since not everyone is. The US Federal Government cautions a number of groups of people to reconsider whether or not Lasik eye surgery is for them:

1. Those who are risk adverse. While Lasik eye surgery has had spectacular short term results, it hasn't been around long enough to determine how it will affect eyesight (positively or negatively) in the long run. Additionally, some people although a very small amount do end up with permanent damage from surgery, rather than fixed eyesight.

2. Those who work for the military. You cannot hold some positions in the military if you have received certain types of eye surgery. You will want to talk to your superior or supervisor to determine whether or not this would affect you personally and also if it could affect potential future positions.

3. Those who have certain diseases, such as diabetes, or are pregnant. Two things seriously affect the outcome of Lasik eye surgery AFTER it is performed: hormonal levels and ability to heal. If you have a serious health issue that may prevent you from healing, Lasik eye surgery is almost always a bad choice. If, on the other hand, you have unstable hormonal levels that affect your sight, you might not be able to accurately determine the type and level of surgery needed, which means you should wait and come back at another time.

Additionally, if you wear contact lenses, you will want to consider ahead of time how long you will need before surgery. Since contact lenses actually change the shape of the cornea, you will have to take a rest period of up to 3 to 4 weeks without them before you can even qualify for Lasik eye surgery.

About the Author
Are you hiding behind your glasses? Let your best feature shine, your eyes. Why wait to learn the truth about LASIK? Now there is a gallery of powerful information yours for the taking. Decide to improve the quality of your life. Click Here:

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