Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lasik Corrective Eye Surgery - How Lasik Surgery Can Improve Your Sight

Previous patients have to rely on using eyeglasses or contacts anytime and anywhere they are. These tools are very annoying sometimes. With the Lasik surgery, it is now possible to forget about these old days. The majority of people who have undergone the surgery have seen their vision improved and therefore can forget about their glasses or contacts.

As the technology is growing, several technologies can now be applied to the surgery in order to making it perfect. For instance the Wavefront technology is nowadays accessible and commonly used in the Lasik surgery. Other technologies include the diagnostic workstation and the Orbscan Technology.

Lasik surgery is designed to improve patients’ vision and its outcome is instantaneous. A special knife called microkeratome is used a thin, circular flap in the cornea. A good alternative involves using an excimer laser. The latter possibility is more accurate and therefore presents better outcomes.

Having cut the flap on the cornea, the Lasik surgeon folds it away from the path and removes additional cornea tissue. This is achieved by an excimer laser which makes uses of cool ultraviolet light beams to get rid of small pieces of additional tissue. Having removed it, the cornea is reformed resulting on a better focus light into the eye and onto the retina. As a result, patients’ vision is immediately improved. The flap is therefore restored to cover the missing area of the tissue.

The surgery is generally a quick and pain-free surgery for most patients. Throughout the surgery, patients are conscious and awake and can even walk after the surgery is done. The use of eye drops to anesthetize the eyes before the process is another reason why the surgery is pain-free. If patients feel uncomfortable before the surgery, they may take some mild sedative to feel better.

Before the surgery starts, patients are lied down and the surgeon will put a dedicated equipment to hold the eyelids throughout the surgery. As soon as the surgery commences, it only lasts about a minute to setup everything.

Should your surgeon makes use of a laser throughout the surgery, the computer is properly set so that the laser will get rid of the accurate quantity of corneal tissue. During the surgery you may hear a clicking sound from the laser as well as an acidic smell caused by the removal of the tissue. The surgeon controls the laser and therefore can stop it any time throughout the process. If the operation is supposed to take place on both eyes, the surgeon may decide to give a short break between these two operations. You may wish to have the second eye examined as soon as possible following the first operation. This period is usually a week or a fortnight.

The Wavefront technology is definitely the most successful technology used in this surgery. Its popularity can be explained by its ability to be customized to cure your eyes. This brings about much better results. Statistics show that results in the order of 20/15 are encountered after Wavefront Lasik surgery. A recent survey comparing Wavefront to conventional Lasik clearly reveals that more than the majority of patients recorded at least 20/20 vision following the surgery. Because of the small possibility of abnormalities such as haloes and night glare, many Lasik practitioners nowadays prefer using Wavefront.

Talking about the diagnostic workstation, it also has some good advantages especially the fact that it can cover more space. The Orbscan Technology on the other hand also has its own benefits because it can be used to reveal if you are allowed to undergo the Lasik surgery.

Discover tips on what can monovision do for lasik candidates as well as detailed guide on lasik profiling the cornea when you visit internet number 1 resources for lasik corrective eye surgery at

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Lasik Surgery - Advancement in Medicinal Science

Lasik Surgery - Advancement in Medicinal Science

In today's hi-tech times, science has advanced considerably and has proved to be a boon. This is because many diseases are easily treated through using scientific methods and techniques. Nowadays lasik surgery is widely used across the world and patients that undertake this surgery really enjoy freedom from different eye problems.

Lasik surgery is a type of surgical treatment where laser beams are used for the correction of problems such as farsightedness, nearsightedness as well as astigmatism among others. In lasik surgery, a very thin flap is created inside the cornea of eyes with the help of femtosecond laser or microkeratome blade. The laser surgeon afterwards folds back this flap in order to remove some of the corneal tissues underneath by using the excimer laser techniques.

People having the problem of nearsightedness are provided relief by flattening their highly steep cornea. On the other hand, people with problem of farsightedness are treated by providing steeper cornea. Lasik surgeries are also available for rectification of astigmatism as irregular cornea is given the normal shape.

Steps For Undertaking Lasik Surgery
In case you are looking forward to undertaking lasik surgery, following are presented some of the vital steps to be undertaken for your betterment:

- The first and foremost step to be considered is about selecting a reliable surgeon who has mastery over lasik surgery. The fact of the matter is that eyes are highly sensitive parts of body. So, it is always wise to make sure that you are imposing the responsibility in right and appropriate hands. Also these lasik surgeons give appropriate advice whether to go for lasik treatments or not.

- It is highly recommended to disclose about all your previous health problems in case you have any, in order to give eye practitioner full scope to take right decision about the kind of lasik surgery required for your eyes.

- It is always wise to ask for the costs to be incurred on these processes. This will give you room to decide whether you can afford the fees of the surgeons. It is always better to go for expert practitioner's services, although they may not suit your pockets well.

Once you have selected the lasik surgeon, it is incumbent upon this expert to take good care of all the things. They generally use computers and adjust the laser beams as per the prescribed treatment. Then the patient is asked to focus vision on a particular target light for a short span of time so that laser beams can send pulses of the light.

The biggest advantage of this light pulses is that they help in reshaping the cornea without any pain. The added advantage is that this whole procedure takes less than 5 minutes. In other words, within five minutes you get free from all your eye problems.

So, avail these lasik treatments and get free from all kinds of eye troubles for lifetime.

Please visit

Lasik Surgery and Laser Surgery for more information.

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Monday, October 6, 2008

Lasik Surgery Information - A Full Review of the Lasik’s Brand New Wavefront Technology

Lasik Surgery Information - A Full Review of the Lasik’s Brand New Wavefront Technology

The Lasik surgery is designed to correct the vision of its patients. The most vital part of the surgery is the correlation between the information related to the patients’ visual system and the Lasik laser. The flap modeling by cutting patients’ cornea is designed to meet patients’ needs. This brand new technology is the best technique to gather all this crucial information.

Introducing the Wavefront Technology

Wavefront is a technology aiming at providing a good measure of refraction at various spots belonging to our eyes as a light source is traversing it. The process outputs a map of artifacts which acts as a fingerprint of patients’ eye due to the uniqueness to the patients.

Refraction can be affected by some conditions related to the cornea. For instance high-order aberrations have always been related to astigmatism. A correction of these aberrations will definitely improve the outcome of the surgery. Results such as an improvement factor of 20/20 can then be achieved. Wavelength technology reduces the possibility of losing best-corrected vision or visual quality as well as night vision. Indeed, clinical surveys clearly revealed that about 80% of Lasik patients recorded a 20/20 vision.

Moreover, Wavefront technology can be used to reveal good candidates of Lasik surgery. For bad Lasik candidates, the surgery can decrease existing visual problems.

Wavefront Technology Applications

There are two types of corneal abnormalities: cylindrical and spherical. Astigmatism is caused by a cylindrical abnormality whereas nearsightedness (also called myopia) and farsightedness (also hyperopia) are both caused by spherical abnormality.

Wavefront Technology when properly used can reveal an infinite many abnormalities. This is done by making use of a fixed objective along with an input laser beam. This beam creates light, which in turn is a wavefront sensor aiming at working out the slope of the wavefront as it quits. The dedicated software then works out the excimer ablation’s properties.

The visual fixed objective is then used to aid the patient keep the correct view while the measurement is being computed. The laser beam will sparkle into the patient’s eye when she fixates.

When the laser beam goes into the eye, it generates a wave front having a planar surface. With a flawless eye, an undistorted wave front will reflect back. In practice, this beam of light will travel through an imperfect crystalline lens. The light then traverses a distorted cornea as well as other sections of the eye. The combination of all these will allow the wave front to get distorted bringing about substantial amount of data to find out the exact form of the cornea. The wave front is used to detect any abnormalities related to the eye in order to transform the cornea.

At the beginning of Wavefront Technology

The Wavefront Technology was created very long time ago and is used nowadays to help correct the human vision. Astronomers were the pioneers in using this technology especially for enhancing the vision in their telescope devices for similar purposes. As soon as the mirror responsible of reflecting gets distorted, it can be tweaked with available data. These data sets are also used to get rid of abnormalities such as our atmosphere. There is analogy between this process and the one related to our eyes.

The different options of the Wavefront technology

In the US, there are basically 3 wavefront vendors namely CustomVue (Visx S4 laser), CustomCornea (Alcon LADARVision laser), and Zyoptix (Bausch & Lomb Technolas 217z laser). Any vendor can make a suitable prescription for a given patient.

The Wavefront technology is a brand new technology aiming at creating precise and unique prescriptions for patients undergoing the Lasik surgery. With this Technology, Lasik patients are more likely to experience a successful surgery.

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