Thursday, July 31, 2008

Leave Your Apprehensions Behind With Lasik Eye Surgery Center

It has become easier to get treated for any disease easily these days, all thanks to the advent of information technology along with the advancement of medical science. However, getting operated for some treatment leaves people with many apprehensions, especially when the vital organs like eyes are in question. Sometimes, even looking for lasik eye surgery center becomes tough, but not any more, as you can flip through the pages of the directories or even get information through search engines.

The doctors at the lasik eye surgery center will offer you treatment for eye diseases and conditions like myopia - a condition in which things that are at quite a distance, become blurred or indistinct, but things that are approachable can be viewed easily and clearly. The other condition, hyperopia is characterized by clear vision when viewing objects in the distance but blurrs vision up close. Lasik surgery is also effective for astigmatism, which is a distortion of the image as reflected on the retina. This is caused by a misshapen cornea or lens of the eye. In fact, the combination of these conditions is common and can be cured easily at any good and reliable lasik eye surgery center.

Well informed doctors from the center will provide you with the information on the procedure of lasik surgery. In fact, if anyone who wishes to undergo the lasik surgery wears contact lenses, then it is advisable to stop wearing them before the initial check-up. The center will ask to you not to wear contact lenses for at least two weeks before surgery, as they are capable of altering the shape of the cornea. The doctors from the center can choose a treatment from a variety of procedures that suit the eye condition. However, wavefront mapping method is generally used prior to the surgery. Lasik treatment is not advisable for pregnant or nursing women or people with various conditions like corneal scratching or infection, keratonconus, herpes simplex or herpes zoster, glaucoma or high blood pressure, inflammation of the eye or eyelid and crusting of the eyelashes. In fact, a consultant from lasik eye surgery center will further inform you on the conditions that cannot be treated or are less likely to be successful.

In fact, the consultants from lasik eye surgery center will also advise you to restrain from using the cosmetics, at least a day before the surgery. This is to prevent debris from entering the eyes that can cause incorrect incisions and lead to infections. A reliable lasik eye surgery center also imparts information on the recovery period and risks involved. The vision may take three to eight weeks to stabilize. If you suffered from any visual problems before your surgery other than distance viewing conditions, it is important to remember that the surgery is not expected to correct any of those conditions that were pre-existing. While lasik eye surgery is quite safe, there is always the slight risk of complication. Hence, it is important to consider these risks before going for or deciding on the procedure. And that is what the lasik eye surgery center does, by giving you factual points involved in the lasik surgery.

Sarah Wilson is a tourism management expert with years of experience in overseas medical tourism management. If you want to know more about medical tourism, lasik eye surgery centre, gastric bypass surgery and more, you can visit

Lasik eye surgery center is the best place to get informed and cured for various eye conditions as it is well equipped with all the necessary tools.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Myth of Low Cost Lasik

LASIK, Custom Lasik and other types of LASIK Eye Surgery are procedures that are safe, effective and predictable when performed by an experienced LASIK surgeon for carefully selected and counseled patients with realistic goals One of the most important roles a LASIK surgeon and their staff must fulfill is providing a thorough examination and LASIK consultation to make certain that you are a good LASIK candidate and have clear vision correction goals. Unfortunately, low price LASIK advertising may over influence some patients and subject them to less than ideal behavior.

A common misperception is that going to a practice or center that advertises low cost LASIK or discount LASIK means that a patient will in fact get low fees. Most often low cost LASIK or discount LASIK advertisements that seem to offer a low price have neglected to disclose the terms and conditions a patient must meet to get that low price for LASIK. That is, they fail to fully disclose the true cost of LASIK by cleverly hiding certain eligibility requirements to obtain the low price, or failing to include the actual cost of the LASIK consultation, necessary follow-up care, and even enhancements. They will gladly include these services, but at an additional charge, which is only fully disclosed when you attend the consultation. Often the add on charges for the proper and necessary follow-up care, consultation and enhancements make the actual total fee equal or exceed the comprehensive fee charged by local well known and trusted LASIK surgeons.

Some guidelines for you to use when evaluating LASIK fees include:

1. NEVER agree to give a LASIK center or practice a non-refundable "deposit" to "hold" a consultation appointment for you. This is a sales tactic to entice you to come into the center so that you can be "upsold" a higher procedure fee using high-pressure sales tactics. Patients who provide a credit card online or by phone often feel an obligation to go forward as they have already invested money just to find out what their actual fee will be. This scenario is NOT an uncommon practice. YOU should NOT have to pay a fee to find out what your procedure fee will be.

2. ALWAYS be clear that the low LASIK price advertised applies to YOUR actual prescription. Many discount LASIK centers advertise a low price that only applies to a limited mild prescription range and often does not include treatment for astigmatism unless again it is very mild. If you do not fall into the limited prescription range covered by the low price advertised, then of course they will add on additional fees. Again, this can make the actual fee you will pay approach that of local and trusted LASIK surgeons.

3. ALWAYS be clear that the low LASIK price advertised includes an accepted, medically prudent series of follow-up visits. It is inappropriate for a discount center to ONLY include 1 or 2 follow-up visits and then tell you "call us" if you have any problems. If in fact you wait to discover problems, often they have proceeded to become more severe than if you were being carefully followed and observed. It is NOT your job as the patient to diagnose and judge when you have a sensation or vision change that is "bad enough" to schedule a follow-up visit. This is especially true if there is an add on fee for this follow-up series of visits or even for an individual visit. You may be hesitant to use good judgment and go in for an extra appointment if there is an additional fee involved. For this reason it is best to have ALL of your follow-up visits included in the total fee that you are charged. Again, this can make the actual fee you will pay for your discount LASIK approach that of local and trusted LASIK surgeons.

4. ALWAYS be clear that the low LASIK price advertised includes providing medically necessary enhancements within at least the first 12 months after your treatment. Virtually all enhancements, if they are necessary at all, are performed within the first 12 months and are usually performed with the first 3-4 months after your treatment. If the low price LASIK advertised does NOT include enhancements, then of course they will add on additional fees. Again, this can make the actual fee you will pay approach that of local and trusted LASIK surgeons.

What is the Best Approach for Making LASIK affordable?

LASIK is affordable and can be readily available to almost all patients by taking advantage of extended monthly payment plans. The best approach is to choose a LASIK surgeon based on their reputation and the confidence and competence they and their staff convey to you during your consultation. You should have in mind an affordable payment that would be comfortable for you to pay each month. The Refractive Surgery Coordinator in the practice can then select an extended payment plan that fits your budgeted payment amount. Most of these plans require no money down and there are options, which are, interest free depending on what you specific situation is. The most important decision you need to make is choosing a LASIK surgeon. A trustworthy LASIK surgeon will help you select a procedure that is best for you. Then the Refractive Surgery Coordinator will discuss the fee and arrange the payment schedule that works best for you. This is the best way to get high quality care and not be subjected to "up selling" sales pressure tactics.


Dr. Herskowitz is the founding and managing member of The Medical Management Services Group, L.L.C. a physician practice management company limited to providing specialized management services to ophthalmology practices delivering refractive surgery to eye care patients.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lasik Eye Surgery - A Refractive Eye Surgical Procedure

Lasik eye surgery is a refractive surgical procedure that works wonders on the eyes of people suffering from nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia. It reduces a person's complete dependency on glasses and contact lenses. The full form of Lasik is Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis and is a procedure that involves permanently changing the shape of the cornea, the clear covering of the front of the eye using an excimer laser.

How is Lasik surgery done?

The surgery should be done with great skill as it involves the most delicate part of human body. It is done with a knife called microkeratome and is used to cut a flap in the cornea. A hinge is done at one end of this flap and then the flap is folded back revealing the stroma, which is the middle section of the cornea. Instant pulses from a computer-controlled laser vaporize a portion of the stroma and the flap can be easily replaced.

How is Lasik advantageous over other surgical procedures?

Lasik eye surgery is quite advantageous over other surgery procedures because they often involve much less pain as an aftermath. Lasik unlike other eye surgeries also promise extremely good vision that can be achieved almost immediately or at least by the next day.

What to do in Lasik eye surgery?

But before you go for the Lasik surgery, you should have a proper test done by your physician. The optician will examine your eyes to determine their health, analyze the kind of visual correction needed and determine how much Lasik ablation is required. Risks like losing vision, developing debilitating visual symptoms, severe dry eye and large refractive errors are often associated with Lasik eye surgeries. So you consult a proper eye surgeon for the best results.

Once you are confident about undergoing the Lasik eye surgery you should follow certain rules to get quick results from the surgery.
Following is a brief history of what should be done before, during and after Lasik:

Before surgery

Author Barney Garcia is a proud contributing author and enjoys writing about many different topics. Please visit my web sites @ and
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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Features of Wavefront Lasik.

With the advancement in the medical field at an exponential rate in the past few decades, the process of surgeries has undergone a major shift. The development of Wavefront Lasik surgery is one such change that has sparked new hopes for seriously ill patients. It is an offshoot of Lasik (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis), a form of eye surgery through the use of laser beams. This operation is carried out by a trained ophthalmologist and has proved to be an effective treatment method for eye disorders like hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism.

Wavefront Lasik is a method in the above said surgery procedure which uses a spatially changing correction technique to get the most optically correct eye. It is a bit different from the usual Lasik procedures where simple correction of the cornea is done to make its focusing power better. Since the Wavefront technology uses the three dimensional scanning of the eye while the operation is being carried out, the precision of the entire process is enhanced. It is a more preferred method of eye correction process these days as the doctor can get to know about the exact point of fault in the eye of the patient. This customized treatment can go a long way in knowing the peculiarity of a case, and the right treatment can be done accordingly. One of the best things about Wavefront Lasik surgery is that it reduces numerous post-Lasik surgery side-effects like halos, glare and irregularities in night vision.

Wavefront Lasik is similar to Lasik in many ways. It uses the same excimer laser for the operation as its earlier counterpart and creates a flap in the corneal region of the eye of the patient. It also is precise like Lasik in its treatment and simply eliminates the faults in the cornea by vaporizing them. It has an edge over the traditional Lasik in a few more ways. Many HOA (High Order Aberrations) cannot be treated using the traditional Lasik method of operation. Disorders like halo formation or night vision problem can be corrected using only Wavefront Lasik as the older Lasik method is not developed to cure them.

The procedure of Wavefront Lasik surgery is simple, a beam of light is sent to the cornea of the patient which is reflected back to the computing device to create a three dimensional image. This image gives an idea of the flaws present in the eye to the doctor who then uses the data to guide the laser at the precise faulty points. This way, the disorder on the cornea of a patient can be treated effectively and in the least risky way. It is a highly customized method of treatment and every operation is unique in its own way. It is specially designed to cure the particular patient rather than giving a general treatment for a range of similar disorders. Wavefront Lasik might be the right choice for you if you have a disorder that is deteriorating the quality of your vision. It is simple, less risky and widely available at all the leading hospitals across the world.

Francisco Segura owns and operates http://www.lasikadvice.netLasik

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Lasik Laser - Get Yourself A New Vision

LASIK surgery is available today with the new technology ushering its way into the ophthalmologic industry. It can actually get you rid of those bulky glasses and uncomfortable lenses.

LASIK is a medical term used as an acronym for Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. This technology called LASIK uses laser beam known by the name of ‘excimer’ to rematerialize the eye lens and thus correcting any vision deformity. A flap is created by picking up the corneal layer and the laser beam is then focused towards the desired area. The beam’s energy evaporates particles from the affected area and thus reshapes it.

LASIK can correct refractory vision problems such as hyperopia (farsightedness), myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. But it proves fruitless in case of age related vision deformities such as presbyopia, where LASIK cannot work due to the thickening of eye lens and weakening of eye muscles.

Much new advancements are coming in the LASIK procedures, like the complete bladeless surgery, where the flap in the cornea is also created by using the LASIK laser beam. Blade tools such as microkeratome which is used in traditional LASIK laser surgery, is not used in the newer method mentioned above known as Intralase LASIK. Other technologies such as Wavefront give much better results, both in terms of vision enhancement, and healing time required. Usually not many complications are involved.

What is done actually in Wavefront procedure is that some unique waves are focused on your eye, which then gets reflected back carrying the description of your eye. They are taken in software, which then works on this information and produces a graphical representation of your eye on a computer screen, telling your surgeon exactly where the problem lies.

LASIK laser industry is fast growing through such timely advancements. There is something to fulfill every patient’s individual need. A good LASIK surgeon first spends some time understanding the patient’s requirements which are unique in every case. These pre-surgery sessions are very important which makes all the difference between surgery which gives fruitful results, and one that goes awfully incorrect. This is easy to understand, as obviously no two eyes are alike.

Different combinations of the technologies can be configured to choose one that is best suited for you. Intralase LASIK laser surgery combined with the Wavefront technology has produced some of the most wonderful results for so many eyes. This surely has made it one of the most popular options amongst the surgeons and patients alike. The most vital thing, you should be careful about is to choose the best lasik surgeon.

LasikAide is an online information hub for those who have minor defect in vision and want liberty from lenses and glasses. Lasik Eye Surgery has been designed to change the shape of cornea to correct the defect. Know more about Lasik Laser.

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Am I A Good Lasik Candidate?

LASIK is a surgical procedure intended to reduce a person's dependency on glasses or contact lenses. The goal of this Web site is to provide objective information to the public about LASIK surgery.

Eye Examination

A complete eye examination will be done before surgery to make sure your eyes are healthy. Once this is determined, the doctor will measure the curve of the cornea and the size and position of the pupils, the shape of the eyes (making sure there are no irregularities that would prevent LASIK as an option), and the thickness of the cornea (making sure there will be enough tissue left, once the cornea is cut and reshaped).

A signed informed consent form is needed before the procedure, confirming knowledge of the risks, benefits, alternative options, and possible complications.

Am I a Good Lasik Candidate?

A large percentage of nearsighted, farsighted, and astigmatic patients are potential candidates for LASIK. Patients who are 18 years of age or older, have healthy eyes that are free from retinal problems, corneal scars, and any eye disease are suitable. Along with being medically suitable, the best candidates are people with a lifestyle or occupation in which they are dissatisfied with their contact lenses or glasses. By having an evaluation, examination, and consultation with you, the doctor will be able to determine if you are a good lasik candidate.

Only after a comprehensive examination and consultation can you really be sure you are a good candidate for LASIK Laser Eye Surgery or Custom LASIK Eye Surgery.

How Soon After LASIK Can I Exercise?

Non-contact sports can be resumed as soon as you feel capable. Eye protection is always recommended for racquet sports or rough sports where there is a risk of being hit in the eye.

We urge you to find out more about Lasik Eye surgery and find out how it can benefit you today!
About the Author
LASIK is the most commonly performed refractive Eye Surgery procedure. Find out more about Eye Surgery at

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Which LASIK Surgeon Is Right For You?

Have you determined if you are the right candidate for LASIK laser surgery by considering all the things that can go wrong, and looking at all the available options? If you have, and you still think it is the right thing to do, then the next logical step is to start looking for a LASIK surgeon.

Even though the risks associated with LASIK are relatively smaller than other conventional types of surgery, you should still take researching a LASIK surgeon seriously. Do your homework by compiling a set of criteria and evaluating each surgeon against this set of criteria.

Carefully consider what each LASIK surgeon regard as their procedure of choice. Do they use the traditional LASIK that uses a blade to make the incision or do they prefer "bladeless" InterLase lasers to make all the cuts. Ask them as to what they regard as the most reliable and what they mostly use.

Don't limit your criteria to cost or experience alone, but look at what you feel most comfortable with. This decision will affect you for the rest of your life, so don't do something to please anyone.

Be skeptical about claims such as "20/20 vision" or "your money back guarantees." Once you vision is messed up, no amount of money may be able to restore it. Go as far as checking these doctors against the consumer affairs office or better business bureau to verify that they are in good standing. Know and understand your rights as it relates to surgery and LASIK in general.

Appreciate what can happen during the surgery and ask your potential LASIK surgeon how he/she would deal with a situation that could potentially end a procedure. Mistakes can happen which can lead to your eyes damaged permanently without even a chance to have corrective surgery.

Also ask your LASIK surgeon how he/she would handle the following situations that may come up after surgery. For example:

-the migration of the flap,

-the inflammation or infection,

-intensive eye drop treatments, or

-additional procedures that may be necessary after
the initial surgery.

There is a FDA standard that all LASIK surgeons are held to, which relates to the type of laser used during the surgery. Find out what type of laser your potential LASIK surgeon uses and compare it to the FDA's approved list.
About the Author
For more info on Lasik laser eye surgery and how it can help you, please visit LASIK EYE ADVICE now.

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Lasik Corrective Eye Surgery - Adjust You High Expectations of Lasik

Lasik surgery is a surgical technical aiming at correcting vision of people who are nearsighted, farsighted or have astigmatism. There are divergent points of view on the matter. Patients needing LASIK surgery often think that they will never eye glass or contact one day. It is obvious that more than the majority of patients undergoing LASIK surgery do present an improvement of their vision after the surgery unfortunately other patients are not that happy. Therefore some patients may still need eyeglasses or contact after the surgery. Some patients even revealed a worse vision after undergoing the surgery than before. As a rule of thumb, you should always not have high expectations of LASIK.

It is believed that Lasik will be of great help to many patients. Indeed, patients undergoing Lasik encountered an improvement factor of a minimum of 20/40 in their vision. Unfortunately, this figure is not always true as there are some cases where patients should be wary of. Therefore, before deciding to undergo LASIK surgery, you should always do a lot of research background on the subject in order to make sure that you fully understand what you are heading to.

There are some positive statistics about Lasik surgery though. A survey revealed that up to 94 percent of all Lasik patients are happy with the results and present an improvement factor of at least 20/20 after the surgery. According to the same survey, nearly all patients were suggested to undergo Lasik by their friends. The same survey shows that 25 percent of patients with problems experience during the surgery could have been sorted out with a good warming-up before the surgery actually takes place. Lasik is also believed not to vision of farsighted or nearsighted patients if they are more than forty. Twenty five percent of patients were reported to have night vision problems after the surgery. These were sorted out within a few months.

Although Lasik is one of the easiest surgeries in medicine, patients should be aware of its expectations before undergoing the surgery. For instance, it is common to see patients undergoing the surgery with no knowledge of the recovery time. The healing time, on the other hand, is quite fast, but you should not fasten your seat belt before two hours. Your doctor is very likely to advise you not to drive by a week after undergoing the surgery. Another recommendation is the inability to go to work by four days after the surgery. Although Lasik is generally a harmless surgery, some patients encounter a pain on their eye shortly after the surgery.

Furthermore, patients undergoing Lasik should look after themselves after the surgery. Meeting your doctor frequently in order to monitor the progress is an essential part of the process. Always make sure that you keep taking any drugs that were giving to you by the doctor in order to get the best result from the surgery. Your doctor should be able to give you specific advice about any drug that was recommended to you. You should also note that there may be a break in sport activities following the Lasik surgery.

Should you not fully understand risks of the Lasik surgery and have realistic expectations of it, please do not undergo the surgery. Before deciding to undergo the surgery make sure it is the right option available to you. Many patients showing poor results after the surgery were not prone to the Lasik surgery. You should discuss in depth the matter with your doctor. Do not hide any details about your eye condition over the past because these can be crucial.

Before deciding to undergo the surgery you should ask yourself this question: am I a good candidate for the Lasik procedure?

Qualifications of a good candidate for Lasik include the following:

- Women who are not pregnant due to the high number of hormone variations during pregnancy

- Significant health or eye problems. These include diabetes, hepatitis.

Briefly speaking, many patients can benefits from Lasik surgery provided they do not have high expectations beforehand. They should understand that it is not a miracle surgery and is therefore prone to some drawbacks. Lasik can help people with poor vision. Remember to double check with your doctor if you are a good candidate for Lasik before heading to the operation room.
About the Author
Learn more about the the history of lasik surgery as well as determining the cost of lasik surgery surgery when you visit

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Improve Your Life Through Lasik Surgery

Sight is a God-given gift and thus should be regarded specially. Blind people would assure you that they enjoy life even if they are visually impaired, but the truth is, they really do not. For a person with blurry eyesight, waking up in the morning is a bore. There is no surprise because all you can see until you put your glasses or contact lenses on is a haze.

Those with vision problems have no choice but to depend on their glasses and contact lenses to perform well. Without their glasses, they cannot function as well as they do with them. It is a very inconvenient situation to be in.

Thus, activities for those who have poor visions are limited.

It is because of this that those with impaired eyesights also have virtually impaired lifestyles. You will not be able to navigate a car without your glasses on; or like in the case of the legendary character Mr. Magoo, you might have to improve your car's windshield (but that would be stretching it). You can't go swimming with them, which will indicate that you are definitely not going to enjoy the beach. And it's also not likely that you'd try to call out someone's name in a crowd or you could end up embarrassing yourself.

Having said these, the best way to stop your dependence on contact lenses and glasses is by going through LASIK surgery. In the time today, since many can buy the services offered by the latest technology, LASIK surgery can be within easy reach too. Eye expert Dr. Robert Selkin of the Selkin Laser Center in Nashville has state-of-the-art equipment aimed at correcting vision defects and helping you achieve that perfect eyesight you've always been dreaming of.

What is LASIK surgery and how can you benefit from it? LASIK is a recently innovated surgery that intervenes with the cornea for restoring unfortunate eyesight. You might get thrown back with the word "surgery" but rest assured that it's only a simple and painless process that would take at most twenty minutes to complete. In fact, shortly after the surgery, you will be able to resume to your normal activities already. You do not even have to phone your office telling them that you are sick.

Its price is something that can make your eyes pop out of your eyelids. But in truth, the price is just a small price to pay for the benefits it provides. Some clinics actually approve of term payments since it is a newly developed concept. The expense is not likely to stay high, however, because as the procedures increase and the demand increases, the prices will expectedly deppreciate.

Thus, if you're in the Dallas, Nashville, or Greensboro area, and would basically want to experience a life enhanced by perfect vision, the Selkin Laser Center is the path to do it. You will be in the best hands with Selkin Centers since the best experts and technologies are housed there. Dr. Selkin has offered treatment to the eyes of 55,000 patients.

Visit now and learn about the 0 percent downpayment and 0 percent interest for twelve months and a free, no obligation consultation from the Selkin Laser Center.

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Friday, July 4, 2008

Lasik Eye Correction Surgery - What is it All About?

Lasik eye surgery is a surgical procedure that can correct a person's vision. When an individual has Lasik surgery they will no longer have to depend on glasses or contact lenses.

The cornea of the eye is responsible for projecting light onto the retina to produce an image. When the cornea of the eye is not shaped perfectly, then distortion of the image will occur. This is called a refractive error. Lasik eye surgery can correct a refractive error.

There are three primary types of refractive errors. Myopia is a refractive error in which a person has trouble seeing things at a distance but they can see things close up. Hyperopia is when a person will be able to see things clearly at a distance but cannot see things that are close to them. Astigmatism is a distortion of an image that is caused by irregularities in the cornea or lens of the eye.

Lasik eye surgery is also called refractive surgery because it will reshape the shape of the cornea, therefore improving the focusing power. But keep in mind that not everyone is a good candidate for Lasik eye surgery.

To be a good candidate for Lasik eye surgery, you have to be willing to accepts the risks that go along with this type of surgery. Your eyesight should be stable, meaning your eyeglass prescription has not changed much over the past several years. You should not have any health conditions that would put you a risk if you have Lasik eye surgery.

Lasik eye surgery does carry some risks. One of the risks of this type of eye surgery is loss of vision. In rare cases, the patient may lose vision due to equipment malfunction, scarring or flap related complications.

Another risk of Lasik eye surgery is that any dry eye condition that is experienced right after surgery may become worse. This can be accompanied by burning, redness and decreased vision. If this dry eye condition persists, you may have to use medication to improve tear duct function.

If you wear contact lenses, whether they are soft contacts or rigid contacts, you should stop wearing your contacts at least three weeks before your initial evaluation by the doctor. The day before surgery, you should not wear creams, makeup, perfumes or any type of lotion.

Make sure that someone goes with you on the day of surgery. You will need someone to drive you home because before the surgery the doctor will give you medicine to relax you and your vision may be a little blurry right after surgery.

Lasik eye surgery is relatively safe and it can free you from glasses and contacts. Before you commit to Lasik surgery, make sure that you weigh all the pros and cons of having the surgery. Ask your doctor plenty of questions and then make an informed decision about Lasik eye surgery.

To find out more helpful tips and information with Eye and Vision Care, be sure to visit the Eyesight Correction and Vision Conditions website.

Dr Carlo Rinaudo, Chiropractor, is a specialist in providing his patients and the general public with the very best and up-to-date information on all health related matters. Be sure to visit his central website Good Health Doctor, for a comprehensive collection on health related topics. There you will find information about diagnosis, treatment, causes and helpful articles and products.

Yours In Good Health

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