Saturday, June 28, 2008

Treatment for Pterygium at Freedom LASIK (press release), MA

According to the vision care experts at Freedom LASIK, this growth is called a Pterygium, pronounced tur-ij-ee-um. A Pterygium is usually light pink in ...


Source: Google News

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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tips For Fast Recovery After Lasik Eye Surgery

In this day and age of high-tech solutions to just about everytips for fast recovery after lasik situation, it should be no surprise that there is a high-tech solution to vision problems through Lasik laser eye surgery. This procedure has become quite popular and for a number of good reasons..

There is a fast recovery time, the vision improvement is virtually immediate and the risk of complications is super low. But, to be sure that the best results are achieved and to further minimize potential problems, there are a few things patients need to do after Lasik eye surgery.

One of the first things that people want to know when they are considering corrective eye surgery is how long it will take, after the surgery, before they are able to return to their normal daily activities. The good news is that recovery from this type of laser eye surgery is quite rapid and within a couple days after the procedure, most people can get back to life as normal, except without the hassle of needing their eyeglasses or their contact lenses.

Immediately after Lasik eye surgery, it is strongly advised to carefully avoid any kind of activity that might result in something touching, rubbing or poking the eyes. For the first few hours after the laser eye surgery in the clinic, the patient is advised to rest and keep their eyes closed as much as possible.

Once these few hours have passed after surgery, the patient is then able to get back to their routine activities, either at home or at work. Still, rubbing the eyes should be avoided for a few days and if dryness or itchiness occurs, then the patient should used lubricating eye-drops to help alleviate the irritation and to sooth the eyes. Most Lasik eye center facilities will provide the patient with drops for their eyes for this very purpose.

After corrective eye surgery, it is also recommended that patients wear a soft protective eye-mask at night so that the affected eyes are buffered and protected from any inadvertent bumps, scraping or rubbing. This also helps to make sure that no foreign objects enter the eyes during this brief period of recovery from the Lasik vision surgery.

While there is historically very little occurrence of infections with laser eye surgery in general, some surgeons will prescribe antibiotics as a precaution. If antibiotics, or any other medications, have been prescribed, it is important to take these medications exactly as prescribed by the Lasik eye doctor. Also, most doctors will recommend that you drink plenty of water in order to be sure the eyes are properly hydrated during the healing process.

After Lasik eye surgery, it is also a good idea to avoid showering in order to keep soap and water out of the eyes. The patient can quickly return to normal reading, watching TV and working at the computer screen as long as they remember to keep their eyes well lubricated with artificial tears. With these few precautions, soon the patient will simply be enjoying better vision.

A free report awaits you at our laser eye surgery portal site, where you can enrich your knowldege further about recovery after lasik eye surgery. Your comment is much appreciated at our laser vision correction blog.

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

What You Need To Know About LASIK Eye Surgery

LASIK eye surgery is growing more popular on a daily basis as the cost for improving your eyesight through laser vision correction surgery continues to drop. After this surgery and seeing the results (no pun intended) you will feel very comfortable with paying the fees associated with laser eye surgery. Just imagine not having to hassle with glasses or contact lenses anymore, but actually being able to see the end of the bed when you wake up in the morning.

LASIK eye surgery, also known as refractive surgery, detects any aberrations by directing a weak laser source into the eye, and by sampling and processing the reflection off the retina. You may have heard or read the horror stories associated with LASIK eye surgery but the truth is that the vast majority of people have a successful laser eye surgery and enjoy a pleasant experience before, during and after surgery. One of the most recognized suggestions by all doctors performing laser eye surgery is to bring a friend or relative with you to the clinic where the eye surgery will be performed.

The cornea and the crystalline lens are not perfect, and light rays passing through the eye are subject to being distorted due to these imperfections. LASIK is a refractive surgery technique that involves reshaping of the cornea via precise ablation. Night vision problems are known to be caused by the irregularity between the untouched part of the cornea and the reshaped part.

Problems with the cornea can be related to many vision troubles like hyperopia (far-sightedness) and myopia (near-sightedness). During your examination prior to surgery, standard eye tests and computer images of the cornea will be obtained to build up a picture of the eye and determine what corrections need should made. The goal of LASIK is to reshape the cornea in order to allow for accurate refraction, which results in the light rays falling exactly on the retina of the eye to provide you with a clear picture. The shape of the cornea is changed permanently once this surgery is performed.

Many people find that after they reach the age of approximately 40, they need reading glasses to read things up close such as a book, magazine or newspaper, even a computer screen. Many people wear contact lenses which corrects their normal vision, but also use reading glasses to read things up close. This is not abnormal. But one of the myths about LASIK eye surgery is that it will eliminate this issue, which is not true. Although a person in this situation will no longer need the contact lenses for normal vision, chances are excellent that reading glasses will still be required to read things up close.

Before going for LASIK, ask your surgeon to detail what the risks are. As with any form of surgery, there are risks involved. There are both benefits and risks to this surgery, and you should be aware of all of them before you decide to have the treatment. Needless to say, we as a society take these kinds of risks every day and may not even know it. Although LASIK is a relatively safe surgery and most people do not have problems after the surgery, it is important to understand that there are still risks involved and what those risks are.

Do your homework and make sure you understand what is involved with LASIK eye surgery beyond just the cost. After all, this is your EYES we’re dealing with here! It is well worth your time and effort to do your homework for a procedure that is going to be a permanent change to your eyes, and this is not the time to be making a snap decision without sufficient research first.

Jon is a computer engineer who maintains web sites on a variety of topics based on his knowledge and experience. You can read more about LASIK eye surgery and related information at his web site at

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Bladeless LASIK Eye Surgery

While LASIK is a relatively low risk surgery, bladeless LASIK eliminates the one area where most complications arise, the metal blade. Aside from the fear it strikes into the heart of those who fear traditional surgery, it still has a very human error rate in a very difficult low-percentage situation.

While many people who are rejected for LASIK are rejected for thin corneas, bladeless LASIK offers these people a second chance. IntraLase lasers offer a more controlled environment in the bladeless LASIK surgery. Instead of cutting through with a blade, the laser is guided by computer technology.

The IntraLase laser allows for more curvature during the bladeless LASIK surgery, reducing the margin for error. The fact that it is a laser and not a blade also lends to the idea of avoiding infections or contaminations. Bladeless LASIK prevents long-term recovery that accompanies most surgeries.

Prior to LASIK a lot of people had unsafe or imperfect surgeries to correct vision that eliminated them from the opportunity to try LASIK. With bladeless LASIK, these potential customers get a second chance because of the near 100% success rate of the procedure.

Some patients follow traditional LASIK with follow-ups to make other corneal flaps or reduce eye-irritation. Bladeless LASIK with InterLase appear to have reduced the possibility of this happening.

The natural reaction to the thought of bladeless LASIK is that it eliminates the need for a practiced and season doctor to perform the surgery. While it may be true to a point, the fact is that bladeless LASIK requires a good deal of knowledge in physics and engineering.

While surgeons may have only been required to have knowledge of medicine and anatomy in the past, they now must be computer savvy. The advantages of bladeless LASIK seem to boil down to two basic ideas, a higher success rate and less chance of follow-up procedures. presents complete and current information on Corrective Laser Eye Surgery - LASIK. Please be sure to check our latest information and guide on Bladeless Lasik as well as Lasik related topics.

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Laser Vision Correction Illinois and the Gift of Clear Vision

Imagine being able to see the sparkling raindrops on the leaves of a tree after a drizzle; to be able to see the stars on a cloudless sky and to see the dewdrops caught on a spider web…a truly wonderful nature’s work of art. Unfortunately, all these very simple pleasures are not granted to the bespectacled population. These people who can’t do a thing without reaching for the indispensable pair of glasses have to squint, to peer and to look closely to be able to see…not even clearly at that if the glasses are scratched. Laser vision correction Illinois and Oklahoma City eye surgery are only two of the many eye surgery centers that would give you the gift of clear vision.

Choosing to go to a laser vision correction Illinois could be because you are a resident, you live in one of the nearby cities or because a friend who have undergone a laser eye surgery have encouraged you to have your surgery done in Illinois. Whatever reasons you may have opting for a laser vision correction Illinois is a wise decision. You could have gone to an Oklahoma City eye surgery clinic but Illinois is considered to be a laser eye surgery haven.

This is one part of United States that have quite a number of excellent eye surgery facilities with the most technologically advanced equipments. Because there are a number of laser vision correction Illinois surgery clinics, healthy competition resulted to better facilities and high end equipments.

Laser vision correction Illinois’ main attraction however, is the presence of highly qualified and competent eye surgeons. You can chose from among the many doctors. All of them are highly qualified and you can be sure you are in good hands and the eye surgery will be successful.

Because of the presence of many laser vision correction Illinois clinics, you can be sure that the cost of the surgical procedure would be very affordable as compared to surgeries done in other cities. Laser vision Illinois has one drawback though. Due to the huge number of laser eye surgery wannabes, new doctors flock to this area to train. Just be sure your chosen surgeon has a number of successful surgeries under his belt.

Laser vision correction Illinois, Oklahoma City eye surgery and other eye surgery clinics may have made your vision clear enough to see the wrinkles and the laugh lines in your face. This would make you think of another surgery…a face lift. But then that is another subject matter to discuss.

Find valuable information about laser vision correction Illinois or uncover the miracle of ionic air purifiers at

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Friday, June 6, 2008

A Boon to the Weaken Eyes - Lasik Laser Eye Surgery

Lasik laser eye surgery is one of the recent and modern techniques available in the industry to correct blunders like myopia, far sight ness and astigmatism.

A sheer amalgamation of quality and comfort seeks to complete the norms of lasik laser eye surgery. It is a recent development which provides a new dimension to the health care industry. It carries none of those irksome procedures eating up the time and comfort of the patients. The hunt for suitable machinery has always been there to match up with the fast running metropolis. As a result, lasik treatments come to be a majestic conclusion of the sweats shed tearing off the brains in search of better human supports.

According to figures, over a million people in U.S. has been through lasik treatments to get a better vision. A wide range of equipments from laser to radio frequency when mingles with the experts vision gets you a better vision. Lasik laser eye surgery, as the name suggests, is a surgery of eyes through laser that help a person to get rid of vision problems and greets with improved vision.

Lasik process is neither a procedure that takes big bucks out of the pockets nor it does detain much of the patients’ time. It takes only a couple of minutes to be operated. 15 minutes are not much to get a better vision. Yes, it takes a meager amount of time to go through the whole procedure. However, a candidate for a laser eye surgery must be above 18years of age.

Lasik surgery is carried out in various lasik centers like Lasik Dallas, Lasik Los Angeles etc. that are well equipped with the instruments needed during the surgery. Each candidate for lasik surgery has dissimilar requirements depending on the age and the problem he is suffering from. During the surgery, the flap of the eye is folded and then with the help of microkeratme, a highly sophisticated tool, an artificial flap is created. This flutter is then folded back to apply laser to cornea beneath it. After the laser treatment, the flap is unfolded backside to the normal placement.

After a candidate is sure to go for lasik treatment, next step is the collection of lasik centre. The centre must be selected taking well care of facilities and the quality of work offered. The past records must be scrutinized thoroughly so as to get the best opportunity out of it.

Hence, one can say that once you get sure to get a lasik laser eye surgery, investigate about the modus operandi and the best centre nearby. After your contentment with the information, leave the rest in the hands of experts supported by great technologies.

LasikAide is an online information hub for those who have minor defect in vision and want liberty from lenses and glasses. Lasik Laser Eye Surgery can work wonder to your eye sight. Know more about Lasik Plus, leader provider in lasik surgery.

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Find Out The Lowest Lasik Price In Your City

Find out the best price for Lasik, do not get tempted by low Lasik price advertisements, make sure that price is applicable for your Lasik surgery.

Lasik is refractory laser eye surgery that is a common procedure in which mild laser rays are used to correct the problems of vision like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. Lasik that stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, is the most preferred surgical method to correct the vision as it requires less time for the patient to recover and get normal vision. With a Lasik eye surgery you can permanently get rid of those corrective lenses. Though the Lasik price has gone down significantly in the recent times, still it remains a matter of concern for many who are opting for the Lasik procedure.

With the increasing popularity of the Lasik surgery, so many clinics are offering Lasik eye surgery these days. In large US cities it is not hard to find a Lasik eye institute. So if you are searching for a Lasik Denver or Lasik surgery Chicago centre, you are never really short of options. You need to make the right choice and there are a few factors that you need to check before you select one and Lasik price of these facilities is sure a major factor. As Lasik cost is not very low and the procedure does not come under medical insurance cover, you need to find an affordable Lasik institute. For that you can go through the advertisements at the classifieds and search the yellow pages to find one.

While doing your research for lower Lasik price, it is more likely that you will come across tempting advertisement that offer surprisingly low Lasik price. But we recommend that you do not fall in the trap. These advertisements do not clearly state the conditions of the cost and mostly these costs are for a typical procedure that may not match your requirement. As every individual has different extent of vision problem, the cost of the Lasik procedure also varies from person to person. So, it is wise to know your exact need and then personally enquire about the cost of the procedure. Try to be clear with all the aspects of the billing and never oblige for an advance non-refundable deposit to the clinics.

Though Lasik price is undoubtedly a matter of concern, the priority for choosing a clinic should be the reputation of the centre. Make sure you select a Lasik centre with experienced Lasik surgeons to ensure that you have successful Lasik operation.

LasikAide is an online information hub for those who have minor defect in vision and want liberty from lenses and glasses. Lasik Vision Correction is a surgical procedure intended to reduce a person's dependency on glasses or contact lenses. Know more about Lasik Price.

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Lasik San Francisco Can Give Freedom From Contact Lenses

Before you start looking for a Lasik San Francisco centre, make sure you are ready for a Lasik surgery, consult know the pros and cons of the surgery.

Lasik that stands for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis is a type of refractive laser eye surgery that is performed by ophthalmologists for treating vision disorders like myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Lasik is a FDA approved procedure and often preferred over photorefractive keratectomy or PRK, that is also ac corrective measure but requires more time for post operative recovery of the patients. Among all other eye surgeries that are available for vision correction Lasik surgery is the most preferred procedure as it is less painful for the patients. Lasik has a fairly greater success rate, requires less time and the healing process is also quick. For all these reasons, like any other US cities, Lasik eye surgery New York or Lasik San Francisco operations are increasing with each passing day.

Lasik operation is performed in two steps. In the first step corneal suction ring is applied to the eyes to immobilize the eyes. Once the eyes are immobilized the surgeon cuts the upper layer of the corneal tissue to create a flap. This is done by a mechanical microkeratome using a metal blade or a femtosecond laser microkeratome. After the flap is created the surgeon folds it to reveal the stroma that is the middle layer of the cornea. In the second step of the operation the surgeon uses an excimer laser to reshape the corneal stroma. As the laser ablation is performed in deeper corneal tissues in Lasik surgery, the process provides quicker visual recovery and involves less pain. But to make sure that you get all these benefits, you need to find out a competent Lasik San Francisco clinic.

Lasik eye surgery is a common medical procedure and so many people are opting for this procedure to get rid of corrective glasses and contact lenses. In a big city like San Francisco, it is therefore not hard to find a Lasik eye institute clinic. You can always find a handful of Lasik San Francisco clinics with a little search at the internet or local newspapers. You need to select the right clinic according to your convenience.

You need to make your choice of Lasik San Francisco clinic based on so many factors and cost is no doubt one of them. Though Lasik price is coming down everyday still it is significant and not all insurance companies cover the charges. So, consider all factors before you make the final choice.

LasikAide is an online information hub for those who have minor defect in vision and want liberty from lenses and glasses. Lasik Vision Correction is a surgical procedure intended to reduce a person's dependency on glasses or contact lenses. Check out the Lasik San Francisco options.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Making the Decision to Have Laser Eye Surgery

As with any other surgical procedure, it is important to make sure that you have considered all of your options. While Laser eye surgery can help eliminate the need for glasses and contact lenses, you may want to wait and see if new technologies emerge. You will also need to make sure that you have everything you need, including time, to recover from the procedure.

When compared to contact lenses and eyeglasses, Laser eye surgery is very expensive. At a cost of over $2000 per eye, you may not be able to afford it, let alone decide to try and finance it. On the other hand, if you really and truly consider it worthwhile, you may want to try saving some money up while you learn more about the procedure.

Although recovery time is fairly short for Laser eye surgery, you may still want to leave a little bit of extra time open. If you do a lot of reading at work, or rely on your eyes a great deal, the more rest time you allow yourself, the better. In addition, if complications arise, you may want to make sure that you have some blocks of time available in the weeks and months after the surgery.

While Laser eye surgery is fairly safe, you may have some problems afterward. As an example, infections may occur, as well as poor visual acuity. In each case, you may have to return to your eye surgeon one, or more times to resolve the problems. After the surgery, you will need to take antibiotics. You may also need to take pain medications. Before purchasing any medication, check with your doctor to make sure that it will not interfere with your post operative healing process.

Medical technology is experiencing a number of breakthroughs on all fronts. Not so long ago, Laser eye surgery was experimental and the cutting edge of technology. Today, Lasik eye surgery and many other methods have become routine, right along with laser surgery. Because this procedure causes permanent changes to your eyes, you may not be able to take advantage of newer, or better methods later on.

Finally, you will also need to consider the facility and the doctor that will be performing the surgery. Your regular eye doctor may be able to refer you to a facility. Or, if you have friends or associates that have gone for Laser Eye surgery, you can ask them about their experiences. If you are not comfortable with the facility or the doctor, do not hesitate to shop around. Laser eye surgery is like any other health issue. It is about your body and well being, and not what someone else tries to push you into.

Depending on how you feel about your personal appearance, Laser eye surgery may or may not be necessary. If you are able to competently manage contact lenses, or do not mind wearing glasses, you may not even want to consider this procedure. That said, as the price of laser eye surgery becomes more affordable, people are becoming more interested in utilizing it to correct eyesight problems.

Matt D Murren owns and operates Laser Eye Surgery

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Laser Eye Correction Surgery - Viable Treatment Options For Vision

One of the most popular forms of laser eye correction is LASIK, which stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis. This type of eye surgery changes the cornea shape. The cornea is the clear membrane that stretches over your pupil and your iris (the colored part of your eye). After the surgery, the cornea should focus the light the way it should on your retina instead of on a point in front of or behind the retina, which is what causes either nearsightedness or farsightedness. You won't have to wear contacts or glasses again.

If you want to consider eye surgery, your ophthalmologist will discuss several types of laser surgery with you. One type is PRK in which the top layer of the cornea, called the epithelium, is scraped away. Then an excimer laser reshapes the tissue located on the surface beneath, called the stromal. After the surgery, the top layer has to grow back prolonging the recovery period. A second type is LASEK (Laser Assisted Sub-Epithelial Keratomileusis). This is an advanced form of PRK. It uses an alcohol solution to soften the epithelium so that it can be removed in one piece. After the stroma is reshaped to correct the vision, the epithelium is put back over the eye, which speeds up the healing process. A third type is Epi-LASEK. This modified version of LASEK, uses a "separator" to keep a living layer of epithelium in good shape while waiting to be replaced after the reshaping of the stroma. Its provides the advantage of reducing pain and recovery time even more than LASEK.

Another form of laser eye correction is LASIK, which uses a microkeratome metal blade to make a physical cut to the cornea creating a flap. The excimer laser then reshapes the eye. After the reshaping, the flap is put back into position. This is does not create pain in most patients. The best advantage is that vision is corrected immediately.

Even newer laser procedures include wavefront technology. These procedures are the most expensive of the surgeries available. All laser eye correction surgeries are outpatient procedures, but they generally are not covered by insurance plans.

Your eye doctor will probably recommend that you explore other forms of vision correction before you resort to a laser eye correction procedure. Of course traditional optometry methods such as glasses or contact lenses, which will cost much less than surgery, are one option. Unlike diseases of the eye, cornea shape is not a progressive problem so it shouldn't get worse. Sometimes they actually improve as we age. Cataracts are never removed with laser eye surgery of any type. The clouded lens has to be physically removed and replaced with a lens implant. Although the operation is outpatient and takes only a few minutes to complete, it is not done through laser procedures. Discuss all of your options before deciding on any one vision correction procedure.

Read more information about Laser Eye Surgery for vision correction as well as other treatments at =>

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Lasik Eye Surgery - Finding The Right Surgeon

Improving your eyesight has become very popular in recent years, and following that, Orange County Lasik eye surgery is quickly turning into many residents’ choice of medical procedure they are going for in priorities. Eyesight problems like astigmatism and myopia have been increasingly common among individuals with the increase in usage of televisions and computers. With the advent of Lasik, these medical problems can quickly become a thing of the past.

However, one factor that has limited the take on rate of Lasik eye surgery in Orange County has been the cost of such a procedure. Having Lasik performed on your eyes does not come cheap in general for most people, as it could set a person back an amount from $500 to $2000 per eye. To improve your chances of having Lasik surgery without spending a fortune, choosing a good eye surgeon is critical to achieving that aim. There are certain things anyone should look out for in selecting a Lasik surgeon while trying to reduce the cost of the operation. It does not mean having to go for a less qualified doctor if you wish to save some money.

When you need cheap Lasik surgery but with a success rate that justifies the risk, selecting the right surgeon with the right requirements is the key. As with all medical procedures that you wish to undertake, always make sure that you have done your due diligence in researching on the subject and the various surgeons and eye centers available in your region. There are many laser eye surgery centers in Orange County, and they offer different qualities of service at different rates. Find the eye centers and Lasik surgeons that provide the specific Lasik procedure you require and make a comparison among them.

Ensure you know the risks that await you with Lasik surgery, and look for Lasik surgeons that have good track records and success rates. A good point to look out for when choosing the right surgeon to perform your procedure is to consider the kind of precautions and checks that he or she will ask that you go through before considering if Lasik surgery is right for you. While the medical solution can bring relief for many who suffer from various eye conditions, it is not suitable for everyone. If you carry certain conditions such as being pregnant, you should not have laser eye surgery. Surgeons who are considerate about their patients’ well being and medical history should be prioritized in your selection.

Everyone would prefer not to have to wear glasses or contact lenses, as it not only bring more convenience in one’s life, but also a fresher and better quality of life. Getting a qualified Lasik surgeon with a proven track record is therefore an important step in you enjoying a successful Lasik eye surgery and reaping the benefits. The process of selecting one might be tedious, but anything that concerns your health should be done with some caution and care. In doing so, the chances of you having better eyesight would be much higher at the end of the whole process.

John Carew is a medical journalist who covers Orange County Lasik eye surgery and is well versed in Lasik eye surgery Orange County.

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Monday, June 2, 2008

New implantable contact lenses an option for LASIK ineligible

New implantable contact lenses an option for LASIK ineligible

Utica Observer Dispatch

Dr. Quentin Allen, right, of the Illinois Eye Center, checks the eyes of recent multifocal implant recipient Tom Trainor, 72, during an office visit. ...


[Source : Google News]

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