Tuesday, January 29, 2008

6 Things to Ask Your Oklahoma City Lasik Eye Surgeon

Choosing an Oklahoma City lasik eye surgeon is one of the most important decision you will ever make. In Oklahoma City, there are a number of doctors who specialize in refractive laser eye surgery, and choosing a surgeon can be a tough decision. If you’re going to trust your sight to a surgeon, you want to feel confident that they’re well-trained and qualified to perform the procedure. Here are the six questions you absolutely must ask an Oklahoma City lasik eye surgeon before you commit to eye surgery:

1. Are you Board Certified? The answer must be yes, and then you should ask for details. There are different types of certification that ophthalmologists can acquire. The American Board of Ophthalmology certifies doctors, but doesn’t offer a specific certification for laser refractive surgery. Your Oklahoma City eye surgeon may be ABO certified without having actual Lasik or PRK certification. The American Board of Eye Surgeons offers peer-approved certification on specific laser procedures, and this is the best certification for an eye doctor to have. There is also a certification offered by the Council for Refractive Surgery Quality Assurance, who evaluate patient satisfaction and evaluate surgeons based on patient outcome.

2. How long have you been performing laser vision correction surgery? There’s no right or wrong answer to this one. But you should look for a surgeon who has several years of experience – make sure, though, if the surgeon has been doing corrective eye surgery for 10 years or more that he’s up to date on all the latest procedures.

3. How many procedures have you performed on people with my particular problem? Again, there’s no one answer, but you want to know that you’re not the first patient in Oklahoma City who’s received this particular surgery form this eye doctor.

4. Who will be handling my pre-surgery examinations and after care? You want to know that your doctor will be personally handling every aspect of your case from start to finish. If there’s a problem after the surgery, you shouldn’t be sent to some other doctor on the other side of Oklahoma City, or only receive follow-up care from a nurse or assistant.

5. Do you have all of the equipment here in the clinic? It’s good to know where your surgery will take place. It might be on-site, in the doctor’s clinic, or he may be affiliated with a nearby hospital or medical center.

6. May I have references? A good doctor will have no problem with providing you with the names of local Oklahoma City patients who have had Lasik surgery. Ask for five references, and call them to find out how satisfied they are with the doctor’s work.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of
ContactLensesReviewed.com where you can find reviews and information on lasik eye surgery, contact lenses and more..

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The Quality Of Beverly Hills Lasik Eye Surgery

Beverly Hills lasik eye surgery is one of the most outstanding quality surgeries offered. Because so many individuals are looking to improve their quality of life with the use of this surgery, there are many new physicians and surgeons offering them. In addition to that, Beverly Hills does have one of the largest surgery specialists in this field simply because the demand there is so large. If you are looking for a high quality lasik eye surgery, many cities in California including Beverly Hills is the place to go.

Because there is a large demand for lasik eye surgery in Beverly Hills, many experienced lasik surgeons have made their practice in this area. Why do so many people here want these benefits? Perhaps it is the same reason that this city and area is also a large plastic surgery hub. Or, it may be that lasik allows individuals to improve their eye sight so that gives people one additional way to look great!

No matter what the result is, throughout the city and even the state, you will find qualified lasik eye surgeons. That is not to say that they are all at the same caliber, though. In fact, that’s not true. What you will find is that the experience and practice size of the eye surgeon showcases his abilities. He should also have some of the most up to date training and equipment as well. You’ll want to talk with your eye surgeon about these facts to determine his ability to serve your needs.

Throughout Beverly Hills, lasik eye surgery is performed for many individuals. Those that want to stop having to wear glasses or contact lenses can find qualified individuals to serve these needs. Taking the time to research your surgeon and to learn more about the actual benefits that one surgeon can provide over the next will help you to make the right decisions.

For more observations about
http://www.lasereyesurgeryplanet.com laser eye surgery from Frank, click the link.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hassled By Glasses? Lasik Eye Surgery May Be The Answer

If you have worn glasses for at least a year, you no doubt have had times where you grew tired of carrying them everywhere with you or where you got headaches from squinting because you went somewhere and forgot to take them. You're probably sick of your frames bending, your nose pieces popping off, and your lenses falling out. You're probably even more sick of having to pay for completely new glasses periodically. In addition to this, you may even feel that your glasses make you unattractive or vulnerable.

All of these experiences are common to those of us who wear eyeglasses; however, the choice between contact lenses which are just as annoying in many ways and glasses is no longer the extent of our choices. We can now opt to get Lasik eye surgery, which many surgeons claim can improve your eye sight permanently.

Before you consider Lasik eye surgery, however, it is important to determine whether or not you are as a possible candidate, since not everyone is. The US Federal Government cautions a number of groups of people to reconsider whether or not Lasik eye surgery is for them:

1. Those who are risk adverse. While Lasik eye surgery has had spectacular short term results, it hasn't been around long enough to determine how it will affect eyesight (positively or negatively) in the long run. Additionally, some people although a very small amount do end up with permanent damage from surgery, rather than fixed eyesight.

2. Those who work for the military. You cannot hold some positions in the military if you have received certain types of eye surgery. You will want to talk to your superior or supervisor to determine whether or not this would affect you personally and also if it could affect potential future positions.

3. Those who have certain diseases, such as diabetes, or are pregnant. Two things seriously affect the outcome of Lasik eye surgery AFTER it is performed: hormonal levels and ability to heal. If you have a serious health issue that may prevent you from healing, Lasik eye surgery is almost always a bad choice. If, on the other hand, you have unstable hormonal levels that affect your sight, you might not be able to accurately determine the type and level of surgery needed, which means you should wait and come back at another time.

Additionally, if you wear contact lenses, you will want to consider ahead of time how long you will need before surgery. Since contact lenses actually change the shape of the cornea, you will have to take a rest period of up to 3 to 4 weeks without them before you can even qualify for Lasik eye surgery.

About the Author
Are you hiding behind your glasses? Let your best feature shine, your eyes. Why wait to learn the truth about LASIK? Now there is a gallery of powerful information yours for the taking. Decide to improve the quality of your life. Click Here:

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LASIK Costs, Can You Afford Not To Get It Done?

The idea of Lasik is an exciting one, however the cost often prohibits many from getting the surgery. Keep reading to find out how much laser eye surgery costs, and how to find the revenue to fund your eye surgery.

Lasik surgery is an eye insight correction method that has been growing in popularity. Lasik surgery can greatly improve eyesight, eliminating the use of eye glasses or contact lenses. Its a relatively fast surgery needing little recovery time and is easily accomplished with outpatient surgery. It is the cost of the surgery which is nearly all daunting, it is expensive and al health care insurance policies will not cover it because it is a voluntary or elective procedure.

Even if you have insight insurance, nearly all plans will not cover the Lasik surgery however it is possible that your employer may have a policy in place to cover some of the surgery or offer a reduced rate. Sometimes a business may have extended insight insurance. This means that some of the cost will be paid for. So always check your insurance coverage and everything they have to offer before scheduling surgery.

The price you see advertised for the Lasik surgery can sometimes be a little bit misleading. You may see an advertisement for a eager price per eye, that sounds affordable however that is usually the bottom price for individuals who need only a small amount of corrective vision; it can go much higher depending on your insight. On average the Lasik procedure is around two thousand dollars. Always remember to choose your surgeon carefully, just because they are offering a bargain does not mean that they are the best choice. You will want an experienced doctor with the latest equipment and technology.

In many other countries around the world Lasik surgery is usually covered by insurance but for some reason the US is not one of them. As with any surgery there is also associated costs as you probably understand from any procedure, so when shopping around for the best Lasik center make sure you are given the full price.

If you cannot get the Lasik procedure done with your insurance you may wish to consider starting a flexible spending account with your company. That way a portion of your pay will go into the funding so that it will not be a large bill for you to pay at one time. Make sure that you inform the surgeon and the surgery center where you are getting your procedure done because it usually involves some kind of unique paperwork. Also test with your accountant the Lasik procedure may be a tax deduction for you.

When considering Lasik surgery prepare yourself for the cost. If you are in the US opportunities are that you will be paying for the surgery yourself and will be solely responsible, so try to come up with ways to defray the cost. You may also want to discuss this with unique Lasik centers in your area, some of them even offer some sort of payment plan that may be a good choice for you. Keep in mind that the cheapest route is not always the best route to take when you consider how valuable your eyesight is.
About the Author
Thinking about getting LASIK eye surgery? Then
http://www.lasiksources.com is the place for you. You will learn about LASIK facts, LASIK costs, LASIK procedures, and much more! If you are tired of struggling with bulky glasses or contacts, then you need to learn about Lasik sources.

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Life After Lasik Eye Surgery

It's a fact that most people will return to work from one to three days after lasik eye surgery. Reality is though, you should be guided by your doctor. Most patients are advised only to resume work until they feel up to it. It's not uncommon for people to resume normal activities a day after surgery.

After Lasik eye surgery, life can become very different and quite often, considerably better. Lasik eye surgery is a type of refractive surgery, which is a procedure that corrects vision. Lasik surgery is, in fact, the most commonly performed surgical procedure for the eye and the name is actually short for "laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis".

Laser treatment is a short procedure. Depending on the level of surgery, the procedure can take anywhere between 20 to 50 seconds. Most people do not feel any pain at all during the procedure as drops of anaesthesia are administered directly to the eye prior to the surgical procedure.The recovery phase is a short one and patients can normally expect to be heading home within a half hour of surgery. Improved sight can be expected within 3 to 5 days after lasik eye surgery.

The question is often asked..."Can I have both my eyes worked on?" Some patients elect to have both eyes worked on. Surgeons will take a short break after working on the first eye before attending to the second. Some patients however, will elect to stretch their lasik eye surgery over two visits.

As with any type of surgery, major or minor, it's advisable to follow the doctor's instructions. The success of any lasik eye surgery treatment, apart from the surgeons skill in administering the procedure, depends on a patients level of rest and consumption of any necessary prescriptions. While patients can generally head home just half an hour after surgery, it is advised to have someone else do the driving.

Are There Any Long Term Effects

A halo effect and some glare at night around lights are commonly reported by patients after lasik eye surgery. It's always advisable not to rub your eyes but apart from this there aren't too many other precautions to take other than to follow your doctor's instructions.

Vision will almost improve instantly in most cases after lasik eye surgery. aSome patients report remarkable improvement in their vision and in some cases, the improvement continues days and even weeks after surgery. Most people end up with 20/20 vision after Lasik eye surgery, but some still need glasses or contact lenses to assist with proper sight requirements.

Are there any complications that may arise after lasik eye surgery? Rarely, although glare and infection could result in some patients which may require a small adjustment procedure and again, it's a very simple one.

About the Author
Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster with an interest in a wide range of topics. Dean has the latest news, views and reviews in the world of eye surgery at

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The Trend Of Custom Lasik

With a lot of medical procedures in today's world, the trends play an important part in deciding which procedure people get done. The trend of custom Lasik eye surgery is another such trend that is quickly dominating the world of eye surgery. With custom Lasik, you can pick the parts of the procedure that you want to have done. There are basics to Lasik eye surgery, but with the custom version of the procedure you are enabled a "say" in the way that the procedure will be done. The options for custom Lasik are available from most physicians that offer the eye procedure.

Now, in terms of this procedure it should be noted that the term "custom" does not necessarily refer to everything that we may be used to. Custom Lasik, in this case, allows you to take a look at your eye in a three dimensional way that allows the doctors to get a larger grasp of what the situation is and the type of procedural elements they will need to impress upon your eye. While the choice of custom Lasik eye surgery is yours in the end, the procedure gets more involved when you are able to use some of the more advanced technology. This only functions to further increase the odds of the success of your procedure in the long run.

Going With Your Instincts

In terms of getting Lasik eye surgery, whether you elect to try out the custom procedure or the traditional procedure, you will first need to be assured to be an actual candidate for the operation. This requires you to meet the fundamental requirements put forth by the Food and Drug Administration that will check your credentials and your medical history for any problems. If you are cleared for the procedure, you will be tested as to what procedural options are best for your situation and for your body. After this decision has been made, your procedure will be schedule with a trained physician.

In custom Lasik, should you elect to have it, your eye will be measured in a three dimensional fashion that will enable doctors to determine whether there needs to be any reshaping or other procedures. From there, you can pick those procedures and give the go-ahead for them or you can choose to do without. Regardless of your choice, the outcome ends up being up to you and the choices you make for your Lasik surgery.

About the Author
Scott Fromherz owns and operates multiple websites. For more information about custom lasik go to
http://www.lasik-basics.com/ or http://lasik-vision-correction.blogspot.com/

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The Risks of LASIK Surgery

Whenever a patient undergoes any type of surgical procedure there is a possibility for complications. It is natural that when a person's body is opened up and tools are in use, that bacteria of some sort can enter the patient or the body could have a reaction related to the medication. LASIK surgery is no different, there are risks to LASIK surgery, but they are few and far between.

LASIK risk continues to drop as doctors and engineers perfect the equipment used in the process. The risks involved in LASIK also drop as doctors continue to screen for the right candidates to have the surgery. Research now shows that with the right pre-testing and surgical care, the risk of any complications in LASIK surgery is less than 1%.

The most common risk with LASIK surgery is a complication with the flap created by the surgeon to cover the cornea. In traditional eye LASIK surgery the flap is created when tissue is cut by a surgical tool known as a microkeratome. Since this tool, a metal blade is used by a human being there remains a risk related to human error.

When this type of traditional eye LASIK surgery is performed the risk is when the flap is then used as the natural bandage at the end of the surgery it is not the right size. Therefore, the complication is an irregular bandage that irritates the eye and causes what is known as an irregular astigmatism. This LASIK risk is greatly reduced by a newer "bladeless" LASIK procedure.

In bladeless LASIK surgery, the risk of complication is reduced because the blade or microkeratome is no longer used. It is replaced by IntraLase, or another type of laser, that eliminates the human error. And this is called the eye laser LASIK surgery.

When assessing these LASIK risks it is recommended that when you are considering LASIK surgery that you ask your doctor how he/she goes about correcting these problems. Some complications that arise from LASIK surgery can be made even worse by over or under correction. Ask your doctor as part of your original process on how they handle this situation.

There are many other risks associated with LASIK surgery, particularly laser LASIK surgery. The risk of VISION LOSS is the one that cannot be corrected with glasses, lenses or another surgery.
DRY EYE SYNDROME is another risk after LASIK that causes the eye not to produce enough tears and moisture.

UNDERCORRECTION/OVERCORRECTION, a patient may still require additional treatment that may or may not be possible after the procedure. DEBILITATING VISION PROBLEM is a risk that makes a LASIK patient develop bothersome symptoms after the procedure including glare, halos and double vision.

About the Author
You can naturally improve your vision with eye excersices in just 25 minutes a day. By visiting my site,
http://tinyurl.com/399cqj, you'll get free information on "7 Common Things That Rapidly Deteriorate Your Vision".

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Who Wants A Good Lasik Doctor?

Lasik is a surgical operation that is getting more and more popular. Even though lasik is an operation with a high success rate, there should be no doubt in your mind that you should be getting a good lasik doctor at all cost. You must realize that this is a serious procedure as any mistake made by the doctor may cost you your eyes and ultimately your life!

How To Find A Good Lasik Doctor?

Since it is so important to find a good lasik doctor, you must keep your eyes and ears peeled. One of the best way to find a good lasik doctor is to find out from people who has done lasik before. Ask your family and friends. Who else better than your family or friends who had done the procedure and can tell you where they went for the surgery and whether is the center good? This first-hand account by someone you know will definitely be more truthful and accurate compared to research done by yourself.

Of course, if you do not know anyone who had lasik procedure done before, the next best thing is to do your research by using the internet as your resource tool. You can easily locate thousands of lasik centers and doctors from all over the world with a click of a button. Besides, you can easily find reviews of centers and doctor by people who had their lasik done before in lasik related forums. However, you must be careful about any information that you can find online especially those in the forums. Always check with authority sites to make sure the information given is true and accurate.

In general, a good lasik doctor must have performed at least 500 lasik surgeries before and has a high success rate. Of course, the more lasik surgeries he has done before, the better. Besides, you have to double check to make sure the doctor and the center he belongs to, is fully qualified and legit. If possible, call up the center to find out more about the number of operations they have performed and the success rate. This way you can find out for yourself how the customer service is like. Then arrange an appointment to consult with the doctor.

Here are some basic questions that you can ask :
1.How long have they been doing lasik surgeries?
2.How many lasik surgeries has the doctor done?
3.What type machines the center are using for the surgeries?
4.What happen if the surgery is not successful?

Make sure that the lasik doctor explain the entire lasik procedure to you and also perform all the necessary tests to ensure that you are a suitable candidate. If the center just tells you that you can go for the surgery without any tests, run away quick! The result can be disastrous for someone who is not suitable to go for lasik.

If the lasik doctor can fulfill the above criteria, he or she is probably a good lasik doctor. However, the ultimate decision will boil down to how comfortable you are with this doctor.

About the Author
Lesley is the owner of
http://www.guidelasik.com which shares articles, resources as well as her personal lasik surgery experience. Learn about what lasik surgery is about, what are the possible complications, after surgery care and more.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Experiencing Dry Eyes After Lasik

As with anything in life, there are complications and risks. Dry eyes after Lasik is one of the risks associated with the procedure of Lasik eye surgery. If you experience dry eyes after Lasik, you know how it can be to have that type of symptom get in the way of your daily life. With the right medication, perhaps some eye drops and pills, you can overcome the dry eyes after Lasik and get on the way to recovery in no time. Without the recovery elements in place, however, you might be in for more complications as the results that come from dry eyes could get in the way of the natural healing process of your eyes.

Your eyes take time to recover and recuperate from the Lasik procedure. With dry eyes, you may experience a delay in that recovery time and may need to have some further assistance in getting to the point at which your eyes can recover from the procedure. As you learn more about the procedure and about dry eyes after the procedure, you can start talking to your doctor before the procedure about what to do if you experience dry eyes after Lasik and what to do after you cure your dry eyes. There is a policy and a procedure to follow that most doctors outline before any procedure of this type. Make sure you go over the procedure with your doctor.

Working Through It

A lot of doctors will not operate on someone that they feel is a high risk for dry eyes. If you have experienced dry eyes before you head in for a Lasik procedure, the doctor will likely disqualify you from any Lasik treatments or any other refractive procedures for your eyes. With this knowledge in mind, the doctor can make the best possible decision for your eyes and for your health. This is what is best for you and while you may feel that you would rather have the eye operation, the doctor is in charge of risk assessment and your health primarily.

It is common to experience dry eyes after Lasik. The important issue about the experience is to what degree and for what duration, so consider this when you talk to your doctor. The degree of dry eyes in most cases is not significant enough to impede your activity or cause any other complications. Most dry eye symptoms will resolve themselves automatically with a small period of time, so patience is your best ally. If that is not the case, you may want to consult your physician for assistance.

About the Author
Scott Fromherz owns and operates multiple websites. For more information about dry eyes after Lasik go to http://www.lasik-basics.com/ or

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How You Can Find a Lasik Center Near You

If you are interested in having the Lasik procedure done, and you have already weighed all of the advantages and disadvantages, consulted with your physician, and determined that you are absolutely sure that you want to go through with it, then the next thing that you will want to do is find a Lasik center where you can have the procedure done.

Finding a Lasik Center: What you Need to Think About

There are many factors that you should take into consideration when you are trying to find a Lasik center that you can go to and have the procedure done at. For instance, you want to find a Lasik center that has a staff that is highly qualified and experienced, so that you will know that you will be in the best hands possible.

As well, you want the Lasik center to be as remotely close to you in regards to distance as possible, for convenience, but also so that if you have any problems afterwards you do not have to travel a far distance to get back to the surgeon that completed the procedure and talk to him; getting to the center is going to be the last thing you will want to worry about if you have problems afterwards.

If no one that you know has had the procedure done - because an excellent way of finding out about a good center is via word of mouth - then the next best resource that you can use is the Internet, and this is primarily due to the fact that the speed and efficiency of the Internet will allow you to quickly and easily find exactly what you are looking for, thus narrowing and quickening your search dramatically.

All you really need to do is use a search engine on the Internet and then this will come up with all of the available Lasik centers, and then you can sift through and find the best ones that are closest to you.

There are so many worthy centers that are available to choose from, and so at first the process may seem a little frustrating, but just remember to have patience, and that all of your time and effort spent will be well worth it in the end. After all, you want to make sure that you are in the best hands possible.

The best thing you can do is just get started. Do your research, check the background of the centers near you. You can even visit a few centers, ask questions, and grab their pamphlets. You can never learn too much about the center that you will eventually choose.

About the Author
Scott Fromherz owns and operates multiple websites. For more information about lasik center go to
http://www.lasik-basics.com/ or http://lasik-vision-correction.blogspot.com/

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Paying for Lasik

LASIK corrective eye surgery is an immensely popular option for those seeking freedom from glasses and contacts. While a great many people have successfully undergone the procedure, a great many are held back by one major factor. And that factor is quite simply cost. This can cost an average $2500 per eye or more. The actual price can vary greatly dependent on the type of lasik required, the type of laser used, and the medical condition of your eyes. As lasik is not a “one size fits all” type of procedure, your initial surgical consultation should be able to provide you with a fairly clear estimate of the costs involved with your particular surgery.

Unfortunately for many, most (if not all) major health insurance companies consider Lasik to be an elective procedure and do not provide any reimbursement or coverage. The majority of insurers seem to be of the opinion that if vision correction can be achieved through the use of glasses or contacts, then lasik represents an unnecessary cost. If you have vision insurance your first step should be to contact your insurer and find out exactly what your plan may or may not cover regarding lasik surgery.

For many, paying for lasik is done through cash or credit cards. Almost all surgical practices will accept major credit cards and debit cards. As with any major credit card purchase, it is important that you understand the repayment terms and in particular the interest rate. The higher interest rates charged to many card holders can add considerably to the actual cost of your procedure.

Quite a few laser surgical practices now offer financing for lasik through third party financial institutions. You will need to complete a standard credit application and will be subject to a credit check. Before signing on the dotted line make certain you understand the repayment terms. Compare the interest rate and terms to those you might be able to get from a personal loan at your bank or credit union.

Perhaps the most important thing you can do in terms of financing a lasik procedure is to NOT make the cost a priority. Unlike buying a plasma TV, your health is not an area where you want to go bargain shopping for the best price in town. While it is possible to do some degree of comparison shopping, it is never in your best interest to make a decision based on cost alone. Your lasik procedure is an investment in your health which will be with you every day of your life. As the saying goes, you quite often get what you pay for.

For more information about laser surgery for vision correction, visit us at:
To find a lasik surgeon in your area, go to: http://www.lasersurgeryeyes.net/eye-surgeons/index.html

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Lasik Eye Surgery Can Restore The Color in Your Bleak World

Our vision is the most important aspect of our life, as we view the world and our surroundings according to our sight. If this vision is impaired our view of the world around us will undergo a complete change for the worse. If any problem occurs, we try to rectify it immediately by wearing spectacles or through the use of contact lenses. However, both these methods may cause discomfort to the wearer and great care is needed in maintaining such vision enhancing devices. A lasik eye surgery is the modern day method to get rid of an eyesight related problem forever. The high success rate of this operation has helped to create a popular space for this branch of medicine and it finds many takers who are visually impaired.

The advantage of a lasik eye surgery lies in the least amount of trouble to the patient in terms of maintaining the effects of the surgery on a long term basis. The duration of the surgery is also quite short and the recovery is speedy for the patient. The expertise of the surgeon is the primary criterion that needs to be well established before anyone agrees to go in for such a treatment. Our eyes are one of the most sensitive organs in our bodies and any surgery is bound to be a difficult procedure. Therefore, make sure that you are well acquainted with all the effects and side effects of the procedure before you agree for the operation. Clarify all your doubts from the surgeon who will be conducting the operation and only after you and your family are completely convinced about the process, should you opt for such a surgery.

Lasik surgery involves the complete reshaping of the cornea for vision rectification with the use of laser and requires extreme skill on the part of the surgeon. Any kind of eyesight defect like long sightedness or short sightedness and others can be easily rectified with this form of surgery and that too, within a short duration. The patient can easily get back to his regular lifestyle almost by the next day of the surgery and this short recovery period further adds to the advantage and convenience of the process.

Once you have got a lasik eye surgery done, you can say goodbye to your vision enhancing devices forever. Now no more do you need to cut your nails and wash your hands with soap each time you wear your contact lenses. The heavy and clumsy spectacles, which you were anyways reluctant to wear, can now be done away with completely. Lasik eye surgery provides you with a completely new and clear vision to help you view the world in it true colors. The eyes are the most important part of a person's personality and this surgery helps you in making complete use of your natural eyes without aided vision. Therefore, if you are keen on improving your eyesight, you could discuss it with your doctor and in case you are a suitable candidate for lasik eye surgery, you can simply go ahead and change your life for the better.

Sarah Wilson is a tourism management expert with years of experience in overseas medical tourism management. If you want to know more about medical tourism, lasik eye surgery centre, gastric bypass surgery and more, you can visit

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Lasik Cost

The LASIK eye surgery, apart from its contribution to solve visionary problems has been wide spread due to its affordability. However, most of the people have been unaware of the hidden costs that form a major portion of the LASIK surgery that is seemingly cheap. Therefore, before going for a LASIK surgery, individuals need to understand the cost of the surgery, which might vary depending on the extent of complications combined with other relevant factors.

The doctors or the consultants are in a better position to judge the fees of the surgery, depending on individual cases and thus, need to discuss them clearly with the clients regarding the various steps and procedures involved. The cost of LASIK surgery may vary for each eye according to the complication in the operating process, the experience and qualifications of the performing surgeon, the types of equipment used, and whether a follow-up enhancement program is included. The most common ways of making a LASIK surgery payment are cash, checks, credit cards, flex plans, monthly-extended payment plans, and insurance benefits.

Payments through credit cards are accepted by way of Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, allowing the patients to arrange and schedule the payment at the same time, offering points every time they are used. Flexi plans are offered by companies to their employees, allowing them to withhold a defined amount through payroll deductions, which can be paid at the time of a LASIK surgery. However, in such cases, individuals first require to find out if they are eligible for a LASIK surgery. Monthly extended payment plans offer a lot of flexibility and can be extremely beneficial for patients wherein, they can opt for "zero interest paybacks" and "no money down" facilities to pay for their eye surgery. In addition, patients can take the help of selected insurance companies offering defined benefits to cover LASIK surgery, with certain conditions.

It is recommended not to fall prey to the marketing procedures of LASIK surgery and incur costs un-necessarily. Patients are also suggested not to give any "non-refundable" deposits.

Lasik provides detailed information on Lasik, Lasik Eye Surgery, Lasik Surgery, Lasik Complications and more. Lasik is affiliated with
Lasik Eye Surgery Information.

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Lasik Vision Surgery: New Technology Prevents Side Effects

If you're like me, you've probably heard about some of the side effects associated with getting lasik vision correction surgery. For instance, after getting lasik surgery some people complain about symptoms of glare, halos and decreased night vision.

In fact, I remember attending a business briefing where the speaker started by mentioning he just had lasik surgery the day before. He told the audience, "The good news is I think you're all going to heaven because everyone has halos around their heads!"

If you've considered getting lasik surgery but were concerned about some of the less-than-desirable side effects, you'll be glad to hear that new technology is reducing those dreaded halos and glare. Known as "custom" or wavefront-guided lasik, this relatively recent improvement in eye surgery technology produces better vision quality when compared to traditional lasik vision surgery.

"Most significant," says US Navy Captain Steve Schallhorn, MD, the Director of Cornea and Refractive Surgery at the Navy Medical Center, San Diego, "is the improved quality of vision with the wavefront-guided procedure, fewer problems with halos and glare, better night vision, and higher patient satisfaction."
Traditional lasik reshapes the patient's cornea with a laser to correct visual problems like nearsightedness or farsightedness. With conventional lasik, the laser is guided based on formulas similar to the ones used to determine your eyeglass prescription. Conventional lasik is effective at treating "lower-order" aberrations like nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism (also called "refractive errors").

Wavefront-guided lasik, on the other hand, measures how light is distorted as it passes into the eye and then is reflected back. This creates a 3-D optical map of the eye, highlighting the imperfections and disorders that lead to visual errors. Wavefront technology then creates a custom treatment plan for each eye and guides the laser during the surgery.

Wavefront-guided lasik can effectively treat the same lower-order aberrations that conventional lasik can treat as well as treating "higher-order" aberrations such as decreased contrast sensitivity, night vision, glare, shadows and halos. In fact, there are a growing number of patients turning to wavefront-guided lasik to correct side effects from previous laser eye surgeries.

"With this technology breakthrough, we can now measure these disorders, show the patient what's going on in their eye, link that information to the laser, and actually correct higher-order aberrations," says Roger Steinert, M.D., associate clinical professor of ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School. "Wavefront technology enables the surgeon to improve overall vision quality better than in the past."
Of course, this advanced technology comes with a higher price tag than traditional lasik surgery. And just like conventional lasik, wavefront-guided lasik is a surgical procedure and has risks associated with it. Be sure to consult with a qualified lasik surgeon to discuss potential complications and ensure you're a good candidate for this type of surgery.

But if the choice is between crystal clear vision with no side effects and going through life seeing all the people going to heaven, I think I'll go with the first option, please!

Marc Menninger is an online researcher seriously considering lasik vision correction surgery. For more information on lasik vision surgery, take a look at his research on his Lasik Information blog:

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Lasik: Dallas Expectations

When considering lasik, Dallas area residents have a lot to think about. There are countless opportunities for you to find the results you are after with many qualified lasik eye surgeons in this area. Yet, the process of having lasik is quite unique and often relies on the aspects that you set forth. For most patients, the need for this surgery is one that seems simple and an easy decision. You should know, though, that there are countless opportunities but still some risks involved. One thing to consider is what has to happen before your can have lasik done.

One thing to realize is that you can’t wear contact lenses for an extended period of time before having your evaluation and surgery done. This extended time could be just days or it could be weeks. Do you have glasses that can be worn or do you have the ability to see well enough to go without?

In addition to this, the exam itself will be thorough. You will need to schedule a separate appointment in which your lasik eye surgeon will examine your eyes in depth. They will then work on developing your diagnosis doing a number of tests to determine what needs to be done for you. The exam will take about an hour but because of the testing that is required, you should plan on having someone take you and pick you up because you won’t be able to drive afterwards. You may not be able to work that day either.

Learning what to expect is essential when it comes to lasik. Dallas area residents can often find many rewards by simply investing the time in talking with their doctors about what their pre-operative care will be. Having all of your expectations in line for lasik is essential to having a successful experience.
For more observations about
laser eye surgery from Frank, click the link.

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Lasik Utica New York

More and more people are opting for lasik to correct visual defects that cause blurred vision, such as near-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatism. By reshaping the cornea of the eye, lasik helps make vision clearer and removes the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Lasik is an outpatient surgical procedure, meaning there is minimal recovery time. A few drops of local anesthetic are used to anesthetize the surface of the eye before surgery. The eye is held open with a device called a speculum, which holds the eye open during surgery and prevents blinking. There may be transient pain, blurring of vision, dryness and a foreign body sensation in the eye after surgery.

Benefits of lasik include improved eyesight, convenience and cosmetic appearance. Vision is usually better than with eyeglasses or contact lenses. One doesn’t have to deal with cumbersome eyeglasses or contact lenses any more. However, a small percentage of people who undergo lasik report a worsening of vision, reduced night vision, light sensitivity or halos. The majority of these side effects disappear in the weeks following lasik. If they persist, the surgeon who performed the surgery should be informed for appropriate follow-up.

Eye surgery, and advanced lasik treatment in particular, needs a high level of skill and training. Patients should research all options available in their area and seek recommendations from people who have undergone the same type of procedure they are considering. While lasik surgeons located in Utica are not currently listed on the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s ‘Find an Eye M.D.’ website, local area physicians may be able to refer patients to good surgeons in the area. Other options are to look for surgeons in nearby cities. The State University of New York’s (SUNY) Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse offers lasik surgery, and may be one place to start.

New York Lasik provides detailed information on Lasik Albany New York, Lasik Rochester New York, Lasik Surgery Upstate New York, Lasik Utica New York and more. New York Lasik is affiliated with Vision Correction.

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Cost of New York LASIK

The FDA has officially approved LASIK surgery as the appropriate treatment for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. In the United States, about four million people have been benefited by this procedure. New York city has been rated as one of the most popular location for getting a corrective laser eye surgery that frees people from the burden and hassle of contacts and glasses. The cost of LASIK surgery is enormous because of the delicate nature of the procedure and the techniques involved.

New York City is well known for its eye specialists and surgeons. People who wear glasses or lens may consult them to verify whether they require a laser eye surgery. Some centers and doctors advertise on the subways but the prices quoted are often misleading. The prices of LASIK surgery vary from one provider to another and depend on many factors. A definite cost of LASIK procedure is determined during a free comprehensive eye exam with an eye specialist. Patients may also visit counselors to know the available options and gain information on various payment plans. They offer a range of competitive prices that have easy paying financing alternatives. Some centers provide payment options, which allow the patient to pay 50% of the total cost at the time of the surgery and the remaining 50% in installments during the postoperative visits.

Many people looking for good eye surgeons may not be able to afford the actual cost of surgery. There are various online sites that offer counseling with LASIK surgeons who schedule free LASIK evaluation of patients. The surgeons conduct laser vision correction techniques at a cost as low as $83.00 per month. It includes all pre- and post-operative care and any LASIK associated follow-up care required for two years. Usually the price of LASIK includes all preoperative testing, the LASIK procedure, and follow-up postoperative treatment plus a complete post-operative kit.

New York Lasik provides detailed information on Lasik Albany New York, Lasik Rochester New York, Lasik Surgery Upstate New York, Lasik Utica New York and more. New York Lasik is affiliated with Vision Correction.

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