Monday, November 26, 2007

Undertanding Lasik Surgery

The most popular form of laser eye surgery - Lasik surgery has become the most common vision correction procedure in the world, with over 30 million eyes having been treated already. Lasik eye surgery has become extremely popular as it reduces and can even eliminate the need for glasses. The procedures themselves are also extremely quick and safe, two words that usually do not mingle in the medical world; however, laser devices used for eye treatments need to be very fast and precise at the same in order to generate the best results.

The process explained – The usual cause of eyesight deterioration that calls for laser eye surgery is a transformation in the shape of the cornea that can make you long-sighted, short-sighted, astigmatic… Your Laser eye surgeon therefore needs to correct the shape of your cornea, and he does this very fast: the first process is to use Wavelight Excimer Laser to remove a microscopic layer of corneal tissue, called a ‘flap’. Then, in less than 20 seconds, your laser surgeon can alter the shape of your cornea to bring it back to normal thus treating your eye condition. The ‘flap’ is then lowered back down to its original position, and the treatment is complete! In this procedure, speed is accuracy as the procedure must be undertaken in a minimal amount of time so the cornea does not dry.

Advantages of Lasik – Lasik surgery has been proven to be very successful as patient’s vision usually restores within a few days, although this varies as cornea is a living tissue, just like skin. Furthermore, if there is residual near-sightedness or long-sightedness after the procedure, the flap can be easily lifted again to treat again; this procedure is called enhancement.

Lasik or Lasek? – Lasik and Lasek Laser surgery are often mixed up. They are similar processes, but that are operated in different ways to suit the exact needs of a patient. For example, many patients who take part in contact sports are advised to undertake Lasek Surgery instead of Lasik as the procedure does not involve lifting a ‘flap’ of corneal tissue.

Lasik Laser Surgery Advice – In order to secure the best possible treatment, it is important to remember that the safest laser eye surgery is usually the fastest. This speed does not involve the skill of the surgeon (which is still very important!) but the quality of the laser device used to treat your eyes. The best machine out there at the moment is the ‘Allegretto Eye-Q’, which treats in 12 seconds compared to other devices that range from 36 seconds to 1 minute 6 seconds.

Matt Albie writes for Focus Eye a leading Harley Street clinic offering
Laser Eye Surgery from expert surgeons with thousands of satisfied patients.
If you suffer eye conditions, Lasik laser eye surgery from the Focus Clinics may solve your problem.

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Eye Braces Instead of Laser Eye Surgery?

Are you nearsighted, farsighted? Before your give up your glasses for contact lenses or laser eye surgery, check out the promises of eye braces. They promise to correct your vision without surgery - while you sleep.

A long time ago, back in the 1960's, two California doctors when getting feedback from their patients who wore contact lenses, kept hearing the same type of story over and over again. Many times their patients would leave their home, drive to work and then halfway through the day notice that they were not wearing their contact lenses. And they were seeing perfectly well. It appeared that the constant wearing of the contact caused a gradual reshaping of their cornea, improving their ability to see. This chance discovery eventually led to experimentations and studies on shaping the eyes using contact lenses.

Corrective eye braces or CRT (Corneal Refractive Therapy) lenses as they are formally known, are hard contact lenses that act much like a retainer or braces do on your teeth. You put them on at night just before you go to bed. During the night, while you sleep, they reshape the cornea of your eye. When you wake up in the morning, your blurred vision is gone. You can see the pictures on your wall, the buttons on your clothes, and the alarm clock on your dresser. You have 20/20 vision.

Unlike laser eye surgery, the changes are not permanent. The changes to the cornea will last only a day on some people. On others, it has lasted up to a week.

So who are the most likely candidates for these eye braces?

Young teenagers for one. Many good eye surgeons will not operate on a teenager or a person under 18 or 21 because the body, including the eyes. may still be growing and changing. At those ages, they doctor may legitimately determine that the risk is not worth it and rule out corrective eye surgery altogether. In this case, eye braces, may be a good alternative.

The eyes are one of our most important senses and many people are leery of making any type of permanent change to them. Add to that the growing number of malpractice lawsuits involving refractive surgery, and some people, especially those already wary of surgical operations, begin to look for alternative ways of improving their vision. For them, they are a good compromise between permanent contact lenses and laser eye surgery.

Those looking for a bargain will also like eye braces. The cost of CRT lenses is much less than the cost of laser eye surgery. The news is not all good, however. The braces have to be hard, in order to reshape the cornea. This can make them uncomfortable to wear. And although most people will get used to them, some find they can't adjust.

Also, although relatively infrequent, the wearing of contact lenses, does increase the risk of microbial infections of the eye.

And thirdly, there have been no long term studies of the effect of wearing them on a nightly basis for an extended period of time.

So if you want CRT lenses how do you get them? You can't just go into an eye doctor's office and order them. A CRT lens has to be prescribed by a doctor who has been certified in CRT lenses.
Dana Siconolfi is a freelance writer who writes articles relating to customized eye laser surgery as well as other health related topics.
Visit her site at

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Lakik Doctors - Find Out What Lasik Eye Surgery Is All About

The one thing that people who have sight never really consider is how precious that sight is to them. It's just one of those things that we take for granted, simply because we don't have to think to see, we just see. It's like breathing, or your heartbeat. It just happens.

It doesn't take much though to make you aware of such things. Perhaps with your heart it's a minor little palpitation or flutter that you feel. Very quickly you realize just how important your vital organs are, and that you're lucky to have them.
One of the scariest tragedies to most humans (besides speaking in public) is to lose their eyesight. I've heard many people say that they could handle anything but that.

It is a scary thought indeed. One thing's for sure though, even the smallest of change in your eyesight can lead to not only fear, but also become a very uncomfortable and annoying aspect of your life.

Your eyes are your windows to the world, and every now and then, people's eyes tend to get a little fogged up. This has to do with such things as nearsightedness a.k.a. myopia, where you actually can't see objects far away. The other common problem that people have is farsightedness, and you can probably guess then that with this condition, actually called hyperopia, that you can't see objects that are close to you. And the other most common condition that happens with people's eyes is called astigmatism. Astigmatism is where sight becomes a bit blurred and not as detailed. This has to do with the way the light enters the eyes.

The usual remedy for these conditions has been for century's eye glasses. We often see pictures of the great genius Benjamin Franklin wearing glasses, and there's a very good reason for that. He actually invented them. Back then they were called bifocals and for people with farsightedness or nearsightedness they were a great help. Well, at least to those who could afford them!

Thankfully we live in a technologically advanced time, where technology has come very far, and we can now help people with these aforementioned conditions gain their site back, and without having to even wear glasses or the later invented contact lens.

The procedure is called lasik surgery which was invented in about 1991 by a Greek gentleman by the name of Ioannis Pallikaris (say that five times fast). Since then the procedure has been much more perfected and has grown hugely in popularity. In the United States alone, millions of patients receive the treatment each year. Not to mention that the surgery has been performed in over 87 different countries thus far. That's a lot of fixed eyeballs.

The greatest part about this awesome new technology however is that the surgery is pretty non-invasive, is actually performed quite quickly, and gives the patient a rapid recovery. The patient stays awake for the surgery as well, and it's a same day in-and-out procedure.

Before the surgery, an eye drop of local anesthesia is placed into the eye in order to numb the area in which the surgeon will be working.
During the surgery the surgeon will actually be performing a two step procedure which involves first peeling back a portion of the cornea - basically as a flap in the patients eye - and then goes to work with the laser inside to reshape or manipulate certain parts of the cornea (or another fibrous section called the stroma) and this changes the way that light is reflected in the eye. The flap is then refolded down and the eye is left to heal.

Healing time is relatively fast, and a patient can expect to feel a little bit of soreness as well as scratchiness in the eye, but for the most part that's about all. All in all, the surgery takes about 15 minutes per eye. Although lasik eye surgery is a fairly quick procedure, it's certainly a rather complicated, and non simplistic one, and not to be taken too lightheartedly. Especially if you consider the fact of how many lives this surgery has changed for the better.
Bruce Hunter is the CEO of CORE Magazine in
Denver Colorado. Visit our cosmetic surgery clinic section now to get free access to information on lasik doctors.

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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Cost of Laser Eye Surgery

Corrective laser eye surgery costs vary widely depending upon the procedure. There's also a wide variation in the cost of equipment used for testing and surgery. Technologies such as eye tracking tear film analysis and measurement of corneal thickness and the laser itself are available at different prices. The Purchasing or leasing of other equipment is also reflected in the procedure fee. There is a royalty fee of $100 to $250 per eye to the excimer laser manufacturer, depending upon the type of equipment used. Procedure fees also include expenses such as operation equipments, surgical staff fees and postoperative and preoperative care.

LASIK prices differ widely from one provider to another and depend on many factors. The only universal standard is that LASIK and other refractive surgery prices are quoted per eye.

Traditional LASIK surgery costs range from $1,400 to $2,000 per eye. LASIK with IntraLase, a procedure in which the epithelium flap is made with a laser rather than a microkeratome, costs more than traditional LASIK. The increase ranges from $250 to $500 per eye, averaging $344. Thus, the cost of LASIK with Intra Lase ranges is $1,600 to 2,500. The price is higher because of the high costs of the system used in surgery. Using Wavefront technology combined with a traditional LASIK procedure increases the price by at least $100.

To help lower the price or make surgery more affordable, there are a number of options available without compromising technology or surgical experience. These include medical insurance, financing options, payment plans, flexible spending plans and tax deductibles.

LASEK, an advanced form of PRK, costs the same as a LASIK procedure. The same increase in price range is present when including Wavefront technology or Intra Lase.
PRK or Photo Refractive Keratectomy is comparatively cheaper and may be performed for a cost of about $1,000 to $1,800.

Laser Surgery provides detailed information on Laser Surgery, Laser Eye Surgery, Cosmetic Laser Surgery, Laser Surgery For Stretch Marks and more. Laser Surgery is affiliated with Corrective Laser Eye Surgeries.

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Lasik In New York

New York City is the one of the best places to be if you want to have Lasik surgery. There are a variety of laser vision correction surgeries from which to choose from in New York, including LASIK, LTK and PRK. These safe and effective procedures can reduce or eliminate your dependency on glasses and contact lenses.

Through the precise accuracy of laser light, the cornea is gently reshaped to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. These medical procedures are all done on an outpatient basis that uses a cool beam of light to gently reshape the surface of the eye's cornea and this help improve your vision. These procedures are designed to be a one time treatment to help normalize your vision, while also reducing or eliminating your dependence on glasses and contact lenses.

Laser vision correction is approved by the FDA as a safe, proven and effective procedure for myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. The treatments are painless because of the drops put into the eyes. Some patients may experience discomfort for one to three days after treatment, often described as the feeling of sand or soot in the eye. This passes quickly and your doctor can prescribe medication to alleviate any discomfort during your recovery.

When having lasik in New York, a cool beam of laser light is used to gently reshape the cornea. Lasik is generally the procedure of choice because it is performed under a protective layer of corneal tissue. There is less surface area to heal and there is minimal or no discomfort. The whole procedure is over in a matter of minutes, and corrects several difference eye conditions.

To improve your vision, a cool beam of light gently reshapes the surface of the cornea to make it more like a normal eye, allowing light to come into focus on the wall of the retina and thus improving your eyesight.

There are many Lasik New York specialists studying the use of lasers to reshape the cornea for the purpose of decreasing or eliminating dependency on glasses and contact lenses. In its infancy, this surgery involved the application of incisions to reshape the cornea, but today, thanks to their work, the laser has become the most efficient and least invasive means of performing this type of surgery.

If you think you want to have lasik performed on your eyes in New York, you should check into the procedure. It is not for everyone and there are risks involved. You might want to read books, magazine articles, and newspapers to see what is happening in this field. Medical procedures are constantly changing and being improved. Maybe you were not a good candidate back in the mid-1990's when you first thought about having this done. But, with the advancements in technology, you may now be a good candidate.

Your Lasik New York eye surgeons and their staff can provide you with details and answer your many questions. Do not hesitate to talk to them as they are the best sources of information. Now, relax, have your surgery and start seeing better in a few days. brings you the latest on Lasik. Lasik is very popular, and we want to bring you the most up to date information online! Be sure to check out our latest information page on Lasik New York.

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Understanding LASIK Costs

It is a normal occurrence, in the business world, for the price of a new product or service to drop as it becomes more widely available. But LASIK surgery has most definitely been an exception to this rule. The only logical explanation for this anomaly is that LASIK surgery has not remained the same, but has grown to include a wide variety of surgical procedures.

The predominating factors in LASIK cost are the type of procedure and the equipment needed to perform it. The difference in LASIK cost when a scalpel is used as opposed to a microkeratome can be significant; and the difference in LASIK cost when a laser is used instead of a microkeratome can be equally significant. Then we get into the type of laser used, because the LASIK costs will also vary depending on that.

The Newer The Pricier If you have visited an ophthalmologist to talk about a laser procedure, you may have heard about the different lasers available. The newly FDA-approved Allegro Wave laser, becaude it is so new, is at the high end; the excimer laser which is really a group of lasers with varying laser beams; and the IntraLase. With the addition of every new laser into LASIK procedures, the procedures themselves become more expensive, because the ophthalmologists are passing the cost of the technology on to their patients.

But the appearance of new lasers has another, often overlooked consequence; the new lasers mean that pre-existing lasers, even those which are in prime condition, are now worth less. They may still be highly sophisticated medical instruments, but they aren’t the newest highly sophisticated medical instruments. Those still available in the marketplace will cost less, and should mean lower LASIK costs for those patients whose doctors buy them. But that’s in a logical world.

Any laser which is not seen as state-of-the-art may soon fall from customer favor, simply because no matter how many features it has, it lacks at least some of the features of the latest lasers. The newer lasers may cause less post-operative discomfort, and everyone is willing to pay a little more for the opportunity to suffer a little less. And as the previous laser models fall from favor, they will disappear from the marketplace.

Do Some Comparison Shopping Regardless of the dynamics of the marketplace, a savvy consumer still has the opportunity to comparison shop for the lowest LASIK costs. The Internet, and industry periodicals are all great sources for finding the best prices available on various lasers, and knowing what they are will give you an idea of the LASIK costs you can expect for your individual procedure, depending on the laser involved.

No LASIK procedure, of course, will occur until you first have an eye exam from a qualified eye specialist. There is no generic LASIK procedure which works for everyone; each pair of eyes has its own defects to be corrected. A professionally done optical exam will pinpoint exactly which LASIK procedures, with which lasers, are appropriate for a patient.

LASIK costs, while they are certainly important, should never be the only criteria on which you base your decision regarding eye surgery. Far more important is the expertise of the medical personnel who are doing your eye exam and performing the procedures. If the doctor with whom you feel more comfortable charges more for his or her services, and you can afford the extra LASIK costs without straining your budget, treat yourself and go with your gut.

You can also find more info on Lasik Eye Surgery Price and Lasik Eye Surgery Risks. is a comprehensive resource to get information about LASIK eye surgery.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Finding Reputable Lasik Eye Surgery In New York

As more and more people choose to seek alternatives to pricey and inconvenient eyeglasses and contact lenses, the popularity of Lasik eye surgery continues to grow exponentially. The Lasik procedure was first performed in the United States in 1991; today over one million people in the U.S. have undergone the procedure. For patients looking to embark on Lasik, finding a reputable surgery center is paramount to achieving success.

For those living in the New York area, reputable Lasik eye surgery in New York is relatively easy to find. In such a populated area – and one that is a medical hub of the east coast – Lasik has been made available to the masses.

Lasik eye surgery works to repair the way in which our eyes refract light. In a normally functioning eye, the lens of the eye works to refract – or bend – light to the retina. The retina – a group of cells in the lining in the back of the eye then takes that light and converts it to messages that can be understood by the optic nerve of the brain. The optic nerve receives these messages as visual images. When one link in the chain is affected the end result changes – much like the childhood game of Whisper Down The Lane.

In the case of refractive disorders such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, light is not refracted properly to the retina. In turn the message that the retina sends to the optic nerve in the brain is received as a blurry image. Lasik surgery corrects the way in which we refract light through the use of laser technology.

During a Lasik procedure the eye is numbed, held open with a speculum, and immobilized with a corneal suction ring. After immobilization, the surgeon cuts a small incision in the top layer of the cornea making a flap. The flap is then folded back and the surgeon is able to access the underlayer of the cornea known as the stroma.

A low-powered laser is used to resurface the stroma so that light is refracted correctly going forward. After the laser procedure, the flap is replaced over the eye and allowed to heal naturally. Such a surgical procedure – while completed quickly – requires enormous precision and skill by experienced surgeons. Those undergoing Lasik eye surgery in New York often have little problem finding reputable and experienced surgical centers.

Ultimately, finding Lasik eye surgery in New York requires some research from the prospective patient. Those living in the New York area can often get a referral from their regular eye doctor or primary physician. But often the best way to find reputable Lasik eye centers is through a recommendation by someone who has had the procedure performed.

Talk to people who you know to have had the procedure and ask questions regarding their particular experience – including comfort level, respect received by the staff, the way in which surgeons addressed their questions and concerns, billing procedures, and aftercare.

Make sure to conduct your own research when it comes to finding Lasik eye surgery in New York; visit surgical centers in which you are interested and interview the surgeons to make sure that you are compatible with them on a personal and professional level. Ultimately – no matter where you have your procedure performed – you should feel as if you have been educated thoroughly regarding the procedure and have had all your questions answered. brings you the latest on Lasik. Lasik is very popular, and we want to bring you the most up to date information online! Be sure to check out our latest information page on Lasik New York.

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LASIK Vision Institute - Promises and Problems

With a national network of eye surgeons who specialize in LASIK surgical procedures, the LASIK Vision Institute has corrected the vision of hundreds of thousands of people, allowing them to be free of eyeglasses or contact lenses.

The LASIK Vision Institute promises its potential patients that they will receive state-of the-art surgical procedures performed with LASIK equipment as soon as it receives FDA approval. It also claims to have introduced many innovations into the LASIK surgery field.

The Benefits of Numbers

Because the LASIK Vision Institute surgeons perform, on the average, a hundred thousand refraction-correcting surgeries each year, and more than five hundred thousand in the Institute’s history, there is no denying their collective experience. The large number of the LASIK Vision Institute’s surgeons is one of the company’s selling points; having so many surgeons with experience to draw up, the company claims, has an exponential effect on the amount of knowledge shared by all of them.

Because LASIK Vision Institute is focused on keeping the price of its surgeries as low as possible, it usually owns the buildings in which it surgeon’s offices are located; eliminating the need to pass the cost of rental fees on to the consumer. And the LASIK Vision Institute has the financial wherewithal to pay up to $500,000 for its own lasers instead of, like many individual eye surgeons must, having to rent them.

The LASDIK Vision Institute, however, does have some limits on the types of eye problems its doctors will treat. They will not deal with cases of cataracts nor glaucoma; those conditions are not treatable with LASIK surgery. They focus on correcting near and farsightedness and astigmatism.

The LASIK Vision Center provides both pre-surgical exams and post-operative care, both are required to ensure that the patient’s optical defects are properly diagnosed and the correct surgical procedure prescribed, and to address any complications which occur following the surgery. Certain complications are normal after LASIK surgery, but they still require prompt professional attention. The LASIK Vision Institute offers its patients around the clock live help, whether they are experiencing discomfort or simply need information.

Behind The Advertising

There are close to forty LASIK Vision Institute practices in the US and the company is still expanding. There is a caveat, however: if you are considering eye surgery at a LASIK Vision Institute, do not let its sheer number of doctors and patients intimidate you. Make sure that the surgeon in charge of your case has a clear understanding of your individual needs and is not treating you an anonymous face in the crowd. You deserve better.

And a further caveat: LASIK Vision Institute has, over the past few years, been the subject of multiple investigative reports on its advertising practices, and has settled at least one lawsuit which accused it of false advertising. One of its questionable practices has been to charge prospective patients a non-refundable $100 deposit before doing the exam necessary to determine if they qualify for the advertised $299 LASIK procedure.

You can find much more on the specifics of LASIK Vision Institute’s legal difficulties by performing an Internet search.
You can also find more info on Lasik and LASIK Eye Surgery. is a comprehensive resource to get information about LASIK eye surgery.

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Lasik Dallas - For a Perfect Vision

With the fundamental sciences regaining the importance in an increasingly tech savvy world, Lasik Eye Surgery has geared up to provide the latest and clearest vision of all. This procedure is actually effortless and does not take much of your time. Only 5minutes for one eye, yes, 10 minutes for both, it takes, to give you a clear vision. It is, so far, the most sophisticated medication for far sightedness, near sightedness, myopia and astigmatism. A person needs not to go through long procedures to be indulgenced. It takes only an hour to complete the paper work along with the treatment and the person can move back to his normal life.

It is advised to take some precautions after the lasik treatment, in order to save eyes, the delicate portion of your body from infectivity. Also, the patient can recommence driving by 24hours of the lasik treatment. A simple eye drop regiment to fasten the healing process and avoiding swimming, rubbing of eyes and make-up for few weeks can show better results. It can be felt that the vision is much clear and better than before within a short period of time. Usually, it can be felt just after few hours ranging from 48 to 72 hours.

The procedure of lasik eye surgery is highly technological and uses advances of contemporary world. To prevent one from blinking, an eyelid opener is used, followed by the usage of the microkeratme, a high definition instrument, to create an artificial flap. This flap, in turn, is folded back to apply laser to the cornea beneath it. After the laser usage, the flap is unfolded back to normal placement. The laser is applied for less than one minute and whole course of action takes nearly 5 minutes to complete.

In some cases, a patient may have to bear a vicious commotion or burning for few hours after the treatment. Despite these precautions and risks, lasik technology is gaining new grounds in the fast growing world. The counts of lasik centers are increasing day by day. A candidate for lasik treatment gets various choices for lasik centers in Dallas and more. Some centers are providing YIP treatments, some are presenting discounts, some are arranging for care of patients and some promise to be the best at their service. But, the common thing among them is the best lasik healing with an improved vision.

Hence, after the cure a person is ready to see his focus with a better vision.
LasikAide is an online information hub for those who have minor defect in vision and want liberty from lenses and glasses. Lasik Eye Surgery is so common that more and more people are opting for it. Know more about Lasik Dallas.

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New York City LASIK Surgery

The city of New York attracts many people from around the world. The fast-paced city is known for its culture, renowned attractions, and world-class shopping centers. The city is also known for its advancements in the field of laser eye surgery. There are people who have hassles of putting contact lenses or glasses on a daily basis. They can benefit from LASIK surgery. The surgery can free people from the burden of contacts and glasses. It is basically a method of permanently changing the shape of cornea, the clear covering of the front of the eye. LASIK eye surgery is meant for people who are nearsighted or farsighted and have astigmatism.

New York City is known for it best eye specialists or surgeons who perform LASIK eye surgery. People who wear glasses or contact lenses may consult with them to verify whether they require a laser eye surgery. They may also refer to a list of available surgeons of New York to select surgeons on the basis of their popularity and experience.

The Internet offers an excellent source for finding a LASIK surgeon in any specified area of New York. There are sites that provide detailed information on the procedure and the risks and benefits of laser eye surgery. However, there are some limitations. Some ads provide a detailed explanation of the broad features of their packages and offerings, while some offer discounted prices without giving necessary details. Hence, an ad should not be the only criteria for choosing a good LASIK surgeon. People can contact the advertisers for further details that help them find well known or experienced surgeons. It is suggested that you have a consultation with the doctor before scheduling surgery.

LASIK eye surgery is reasonably less complicated than other kinds of surgery. However, if carried out in an irresponsible fashion, it may cause an irreparable damage to the patient. In New York City, it is necessary to choose the best services or surgeons through reliable sources.

New York Lasik provides detailed information on Lasik Albany New York, Lasik Rochester New York, Lasik Surgery Upstate New York, Lasik Utica New York and more. New York Lasik is affiliated with Vision Correction.

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Understanding Laser Eye Surgery

For many centuries, people have corrected their eyesight using glasses, and later on, contact lenses. For a long time, it was believed that this was the most excellent technology. Albeit it was a trouble for most people, it was something they did, and still doing everyday.

Nevertheless, with the advent in new technologies and new treatments, we are able to fix out eyesight problem with corrective laser eye surgery. This is a way to correct your eyesight, without the need of external objects such as glasses or contacts.

There has been much discussion today about what exactly is eye laser surgery. It has turn into something that many people assert to know about, and many people try to have done for themselves. However, it is a surgical process, so there are some things that you should be familiar with about eye laser surgery before you make a decision if its right for you.

The foundation behind laser eye surgery is just as it sounds. Lasers are used to correct the parts of your eyes that do not work, and in this way, your eyesight becomes clearer and much improved. The level of operation you are going to go through depends on how poor your eyesight is and what type of problems you have to cause your eyesight to worsen. You are going to see different results in how much better your eyesight will get when you are finished with the corrective laser eye surgery treatments.

What Does Laser Eye Surgery Involve

Whether you get a Lasik laser eye surgery in California or anywhere else in the country, the procedures are about the same. You will need to perform an eye examination with a qualified surgeon who will perform the procedure. You will also have to proof that your eyesight has not changed for at least a year and you need a recent medical examination sheet that states your present state of health.

The whole process of the Lasik laser eye surgery may take couple of hours but the surgery itself takes only a few minutes. In most cases, you will not have to be hospitalized. However, it is advisable to have a family member or friend to be along with you because you will be sedated and may not be able to drive or even see well right after the surgery.

Is Eye Laser Surgery For Everyone?

Like any surgical process, eye laser surgery is not for everybody. Although it can assist most people with eyesight problems, there are just some people who cannot be helped by eye laser surgery. To ensure that you are one of those who can be helped by eye laser surgery, you should check with your eye doctor to find out precisely what is wrong with your eyes and to confirm it is something that can be fixed.

Also, you should recognize that eye laser surgery is usually not undertaken until someone's eyes have stopped altering. Frequently, as we grown-up, our eyes will arrive at a point where they won't get any worse. At the moment, many people decided to have laser surgery. Take note that it is not going to work well if you have the surgery before your eyesight have stopped altering. If you insist on doing the surgery, you will find that you have to go back to glasses and contacts.

Are There Any Risks?

Like any surgery, there are definitely risks to LASIK laser eye surgery. First of all, it is still a somewhat new method, which means many things could still go wrong. However, almost in every case, only one eye is operated at each surgery. This is the make sure that if the operation turns out to be a failure, you are still not totally blind. This may sound scary but, in the vast majority of cases, there are no complications. Statistics show that approximately 92% of patients are happy with the Lasik laser eye surgery. People are simply able to see better, clearer and they do not have to rely on contact or glasses for the rest of their lives.

Even with the existence of risks, eye laser surgery is still something that has helped millions of people and it could help you too. If you are the right candidate for such procedure, it is something that worth considering.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. To learn more aboutCalifornia laser eye surgery and New york laser eye surgery, please visit
LASIK laser eye surgery.

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